Million Dollar Quiz Game Thread

Million Dollar Quiz Game Thread

Welcome to the Million Dollar Quiz Game Thread!


  • 16 players signed up
  • Another 17 were spammed with the frist question anyway
  • 18 people replied
  • Some of them didn't bet their entire million - illiteracy FTL
  • If you bet 1/3 - 1/3 - 1/3 every round, just because you have no clue, your EV is $152.42 after 8 rounds. So y'all should try to beat that.
01 April 2024 at 04:39 PM

69 Replies


Question 1: Which of the following currencies has the least value?

  • 1 Australian Dollar
  • 1 Canadian Dollar
  • 1 New Zealand Dollar

The correct answer was:


1 New Zealand Dollar

Here is the classification after teh frist round:

[table=head]player|Ca$h|Round Result
Booker Wolfbox|$1000000|0
Luckbox Inc|$1000000|0
xander biscuits|$1000000|0
Neil S|$250000|-750000
Doctor Zeus|$0|-1000000

Half of the players went all in! That resulted in 3 players busting out immediately. Thank you for playing 😀

Teh round 2 question will go out shortly.


You never posted that you sent the question

I didn’t know game began so didn’t check pms

Am I really out because I didn’t check and you didn’t say the game started?


How am I supposed to inform you that the game has started other than by PM?

By posting in the signup thread that we were all in

It was a holiday (Easter) and a weekend and the signup thread didn’t say game started and game thread wasn’t started

I had no idea I needed to check my dms on a weekend holiday bc I didn’t know game started

by Nicholasp27 k

By posting in the signup thread that we were all in

It was a holiday (Easter) and a weekend and the signup thread didn’t say game started and game thread wasn’t started

I had no idea I needed to check my dms on a weekend holiday bc I didn’t know game started

But in fairness to Gabe, would you not have seen a note that you had a message in your inbox if you were on 2+2 checking any thread?

sick, just put on my sherlock cap and figured canada/aus both around the freedom dollar but had no reference for the kiwis so probably their stuff was all messed up and it worked 😀

Lmao gg

by Nicholasp27 k

By posting in the signup thread that we were all in

It was a holiday (Easter) and a weekend and the signup thread didn’t say game started and game thread wasn’t started

I had no idea I needed to check my dms on a weekend holiday bc I didn’t know game started

Not Easter. It was Trans Visibility Day.

Brief stint trying to learn Forex finally paying off

by Luckbox Inc k

Brief stint trying to learn Forex finally paying off

did the KGB or CIA put a stop to it?

by rickroll k

did the KGB or CIA put a stop to it?


by ArcticKnight k

But in fairness to Gabe, would you not have seen a note that you had a message in your inbox if you were on 2+2 checking any thread?

not in tapatalk

usually games do some combination of:

1. say game has started (either in signup thread or by starting game thread)
2. give extra time round 1
3. mention that "there are x hours left to submit round 1"

this game:

1. no mention game started; most recent mention YESTERDAY was confirmation that I had /inned that he was still spamming people to get them to /in

2. started on a weekend AND a holiday

3. started game thread AFTER first round deadline (I saw this notification and thought it was start of game and came immediately and saw result which is why I posted)

4. never mentioned q1 had gone out in the signup thread or in the (non-existent) game thread

so unless I happened to check dms on Easter Sunday, I was automatically ou of this game

I mean he was spamming people trying to get them to play the game and I literally was / in within 30 seconds of him posting sign up thread as the first joiner and I didn't even get to play because I didn't check pms on a weekend holiday when he had just confirmed I was in and was still pming others to try to get them to join (thus I had no clue game started when he was still trying to get more players)

it's whatever; just a short game, but it's not how you get players to play your game; I was the first signup and was shut out of the game for not checking dms on a holiday weekend when that same day he confirmed I was in and he was still trying to get others

Just start Nich off with 500k

Or 333k; treat non-entry as dividing equally among all choices

is that how a 27th level thinker would have played though?

Well, damn. I didn't see the message last night. Easter dinner took up my free time.

by rickroll k

by Nicholasp27 k

not in tapatalk

Huh? I pretty much only use tapatalk. I saw it here. Not faulting you or whatever, but tapatalk shows if you have DMs.

Oh I guess it does but I have 88 unread from decades ago so I don’t see when I get new ones; I just check dms when I’m playing a game that requires it; i ignore that number like I ignore the red number next to my mail app on my phone

what about when your gf in canada messages you?

WTF Booker
Not replying, more than 24h have passed, no choice but to continue without him. Hope all is well IRL.

Question 2
Diamond is the hardest mineral known to man, scoring 10 on the scale of Mohs. Which of the following minerals follows with hardness = 9?

  • Emerald
  • Ruby
  • Zirconia

The correct answer was Ruby. It is a variety of the mineral corundum (aluminium oxide Al2O3), just like Sapphire.

[table=head]player|Ca$h|Round Result
xander biscuits|$500000|-500000
Neil S|$250000|0
Luckbox Inc|$0|-1000000

9 players went all in. Not less than 5 busted out. I don't think YOLO strategy is very good in this format, this early.
aaronk also busted, despite not doing a YOLO. He just put his money on both wrong answers.

Only 8 players left. That makes modding very easy, a single PM will do 😀

Round 3 Question will go out shortly

I guess we're SOL Eric

good luck to those left
