ex-President Trump

ex-President Trump

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 8 Views 8
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

10170 Replies


by Gorgonian k

Do you even know what a gorgonian is? It's nothing like a Gorgon. Gorgonians are real, Gorgons are not.

Is it a deaf, dumb and blind marsupial?

by steamraise k

Judge denies Trump immunity claim, a major step in ensuring the trial commences on April 15, with no more delays.


It thought the hush money trial was the only one close to start, this was expected unlike immunity claims for events related to trump years as POTUS, this was about events preceding that

by Brian James k

Is it a deaf, dumb and blind marsupial?

A quick google tells me that one has snakes for hair (e.g. Medusa) and one is a coral. What do either have to do with marsupials? You know marsupials are kangaroos and other animals who carry their young in a pouch, right?

by Brian James k

Is it a deaf, dumb and blind marsupial?

Literally not even close.

The fact that BJ is incapable of using the internet to search for basic information/facts is possibly the least surprising thing I've learnt this decade.

by Gorgonian k

Literally not even close.

Oh, I don't know. It kind of fits with the persona.

by Brian James k

Oh, I don't know. It kind of fits with the persona.

We are talking about the actual definition of a word. Are you really this easily confused?

jokes on you guys, he clearly typed gogron

by d2_e4 k

The fact that BJ is incapable of using the internet to search for basic information/facts is possibly the least surprising thing I've learnt this decade.

Oh no, not the fact checkers!!!! What did the fact checkers say about hunter byden's laptop? And a million other things that all turned out to be real?
- playbig2000 April, 2024

They are immune to facts.

by Luciom k

it goes to the parlamentarian who tells him he can't; Pence then overules the parlamentarian.

Democrats oppose the decision and block the proceedings procedurally. Lawsuits get filed the same day, scotus gets touched very quickly, scotus rules against Pence

How could anyone block something from not happening?

by Gorgonian k

We are talking about the actual definition of a word. Are you really this easily confused?

No. I'm not confused. I'm really not that interested in what your username means believe it or not. I'm more interested in whether you found out what the word "peacefully" means.

by Brian James k

I didn't think your post deserved an answer because it was so laughable. But here you go. I'm feeling generous today.

I think he expected them to peacefully march down to the capitol and protest like he told them to do.

When did he tell them to do it "peacefully"? I didn't see or hear that anywhere.

(edit, maybe he did use that word based on other posts here, but still...)

Regardless, OK, I guess you just think Trump is an idiot then. He would have to be an idiot to think it would stay peaceful when he just told them they need to fight and knew they were armed.

by Luciom k

Do you have a ratio of "non capitol buildings" assaulted that would make up with the capitol building? i think everyone will agree 1:1 the capitol building is worse.

How about 10:1? 50:1? how many violent riots in random urban areas do you need to have something that is worse than the riot on jan 6?

Maybe 10000 or so?

by chillrob k

When did he tell them to do it "peacefully"? I didn't see or hear that anywhere.

Regardless, OK, I guess you just think Trump is an idiot then. He would have to be an idiot to think it would stay peaceful when he just told them they need to fight and knew they were armed.

That doesn't surprise me. You often come across as completely clueless on a lot of subjects.

by washoe k

BIDEN wouldnt even have won the elections if the public had known about HUNTERS laptop, right or wrong?

Impossible to know for sure, but probably wrong. I don't know why that would have changed many people's votes.

by Brian James k

That doesn't surprise me. You often come across as completely clueless on a lot of subjects.

Because I didn't listen to his entire speech?

Apparently his supporters didn't either, since they didn't protest peacefully.

by Brian James k

That doesn't surprise me. You often come across as completely clueless on a lot of subjects.

Hey guys, you should go hang Mike Pence, but yo, make sure you do it peacefully, we wouldn't want to wake up the neighbours.

Hey, BJ, why did the joe6pack account get banned?

by Montrealcorp k

Trump himself ….
I know it hurts ….

"He did have the right to change the outcome, and they now want to take that right away," he falsely claimed. "Unfortunately, he didn't exercise that power, he could have overturned the Election!"

Haha. So the claim is now just straight up that VPs can overturn elections (changed from Trump actually won in 2020?!) and for some reason this power of the Vice Presidency was not written down in any citable form that anybody can find from the ratification of the constitution in 1789 all the way to up to late November 2020? Which happens to be the exact moment an ultra corrupt amoral, Anti-American President lost an election and needed this convenient power for the VP to illegally stay in office? That's so dumb you can kinda get why even toadies like McConnell wee willing to say Trump was responsible for the riot.

Imagine making a statement in a room of 100 people and the only people that agree with you and offer support are Blowie, Losen, Playbig and Bahbah.

by jjjou812 k

Imagine making a statement in a room of 100 people and the only people that agree with you and offer support are Blowie, Losen, Playbig and Bahbah.

Imagine being classified such that room temperature IQ blahblah Michael is the smartest, best educated, most reasonable guy in your group.

by d2_e4 k

blahblah Michael is the smartest, best educated, most reasonable guy.

You just made me blush. You are too sweet.

some of those people lambasted just now are quite intelligent IMO

just because their ideology doesn't jive with you doesn't mean they are stupid

ie there's tons of incredibly smart people who will insist that jesus walked on water and was the son of god - nothing about it makes any logical sense to me and if I wanted to, I go about and declare every religious person on earth to be an objective dumbass but we know the reality is different from the simulation

like in statistics, many things can only be discovered not through theory but through execution.

there is no magic formula which tells us optimal poker strategy, instead what solvers do is pound out actual simulations of results and looks at the aggregate- only then do we know we're better off checking than betting here etc etc

you can believe in insane stuff while still being intelligent - it doesn't make sense to me either, but if you run the sim instead of discuss the theory you'll find countless examples proving that to be true

don't misattribute differences in ideology to intelligence, that's cowardly and weak

having said that, a lot of those people I think are intelligent from seeing their work in other, non ideological threads

for example, playbig is one of the best live poker advice posters on the site and it's not even close - so it can be quite jarring if you only know him from strat threads to find out that guy who helps you improve your winrate by 1bb/hour last year also believes JFK jr is in hiding and the lizard people are going to be rounded up next year and likewise, I'm sure many of you here would be shocked to see how good his stuff is when conversation is about poker and q anon content

Can't reconcile it

by rickroll k

some of those people lambasted just now are quite intelligent IMO

No, they aren't.

by rickroll k

ie there's tons of incredibly smart people who will insist that jesus walked on water and was the son of god

No, there aren't.

by rickroll k

you can believe in insane stuff while still being intelligent

No, you can't.

Maybe with the exception of John Nash.

by rickroll k

it doesn't make sense to me either

That's because you are using the words "smart" and "intelligent" to mean things that they don't mean.

by chillrob k

When did he tell them to do it "peacefully"? I didn't see or hear that anywhere.

(edit, maybe he did use that word based on other posts here, but still...)

Regardless, OK, I guess you just think Trump is an idiot then. He would have to be an idiot to think it would stay peaceful when he just told them they need to fight and knew they were armed.

Exactly , the last glimpse of the speech they heard was fight like hell and trump didn’t intervene for like 3 hours while they were doing damages.

But hey trump used the word peace in the start of his speech once , I guess his in the clear and everything else he did isn’t important for individual like BJ lol .
