Esoteric Evolution

Esoteric Evolution

As background :

The hierarchical spiritual beings ;

Father, Son or Word, Holy spirit

Seraphim (Spirits of Love) { Create and work within
Cherubim(Spirits of Harmony) { the physical/material world
Thrones( Spirits of Will) {

Kyriotetes(Spirits of Wisdom) { Work in etheric world, thence
Dynameis(Spirits of Motion) { into man, also in life, sound,
Exousiai (Spirits of Form) { light, weather

Archai( Spirits of Time/Personality) { Work in souls..
Archangeloi( Spirits of Fire) {
Angeloi(Spirits of Twilight/Life {

Human Spirits
Spirits Yet to Come

The nomenclature can be found in the works of Dionysius the Areopagite
and Anthroposophy. There are cross cultural differentiations as Exousiai
are Elohim in the Hebrew and Potestates in the Latin.

To be clear, all the above beings work within and through Man and in this they present a picture of the true human being, a futuristic human being , as manifestation.

Man, to his part, has come to the point in which he extracts himself through recurrent lives into "Freedom" from a spiritual recurrence and is able to stand within the spiritual world in full consciousness .

This means that "death" will be overcome and as Man passes through death he stands within the spiritual world as a Human Being in full consciousness. The inner guide who sits within all men is the Christ Being, the Son or Word, the work begins within the earthly on Golgotha.

Please note that the Christ Being is not about coercion but that a man , obtains this higher consciousness uses his own judgment in his travels through individual lives. Consequently Love manifests through the new human being in Freedom without coercion. The Earth becomes (is) the planet of Love.

Evolution next with the above as background. I'll be back :p

14 August 2021 at 01:35 PM

10 Replies

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"Sleep" is a natural lead into the activity of "initiation" as historical measure. In the ancient mystery centers the initiand entered into the cosmic spirituality by leaving his etheric/physical body as in sleep. The directions of accomplishment were in 12 directions in which the initiand would experience one route such as Aquarius or Pisces as the 12 cosmic signs, in a manner of speaking, were/are the sources of spiritual activity, always keeping clarity of the hierarchical beings referenced at the beginning of this thread. Knowledge was/is gleaned from different viewpoints of the spiritual .

To be clear this was not what is culled as astrology in our times and its supposed prophetic manipulations but a living into the zodiacal pattern as a man as "beggars of the spirit". To this end the 12 leaders of the mystery center aided the would be initiate by suppressing the bedazzlement within the spirit which could cause extreme malady. Man, in this telling moment could not withstand the perspective as stand alone , needing help.

Of interest is the tale of the "black dragon" from Chinese lore. The "Black Dragon" was in a sense the most knowledgeable and greatest of the 12 dragons but could not bring forth spiritual knowledge to his companions and subsequently to his peoples through his individual effort. What di happen was the titular head of the mystery clan the "White Dragon" would "touch" the Black Dragon while he was in a clairvoyant state and bring forth the fruits of the Black Dragon's effort to the mystery clan.

The Black Dragon was aided in this foray by the 12 dragons and brought to fruition by the White Dragon.

The methodology in western mysteries was again bring the initiate into the state of entering into the cosmic spirituality or the world of the macrocosm , that which was outside the etheric and physical bodies . This was initiation into the Macrocosm. Upon successfully completing his mission the initiate would, for example, be known as a Pisces initiate or Aquarius initiate.....

plan to continue...also have to give some idea of the work/effort the acolyte went through, spread over years, before initiation.

It must be comprehended that the travails of the initiand were an experiential knowledge which are obtained upon the earth , a training which obtains "eyes of the spirit" or "spiritual senses" which could not be garnered properly within the spiritual world. The earth was /is a necessity.

When the initiate enters into the spiritual world or cosmic spirituality, the macrocosm, this bedazzlement was alleviated by suppression of the "Ego" or "I" of man. The "Ego" or "baby" of man in an evolutionary perspective could not, in ancient times enter the higher worlds on its own, as a true "I".

In the ancient times when Man was within the cosmic spirituality as natural state of being it again was without a total selfless "Ego", more of a harbinger of its future state . As mentioned previously the "Ego" of Man was added as the fourth body during the earthly evolution.

There is the second approach of the spiritual in which the initiand entered into the inner being of Man, or within, known as the microcosm. In this case the "Ego" rears its primeval head of self centeredness and became victim of all and every passion/desire or maladroit essence to which the "Ego" would desire. Because of the "Ego's" proclivity to the worst selfishness the initiand would fall into an uncontrollable maelstrom of destructive forces of the nth degree.

The training in the mystery centers, in this case, called for a man of highest moral character, morality would could save this initiand. Again the "Ego" was suppressed within the other route to the spirit and aided the initiand to complete his missions, knowledge of the microcosm.

Initiation is rightly considered as a precursor of the future of the human being for the initiate was a rightful picture of man's future ability or characterological disposition . In ancient times Man was a spirit being within a spiritual cosmos but without self knowledge. The mysteries were centers of a trained clairvoyance which was natural to Man in the past.

Having lost his primeval state of clairvoyance this is gained again in the mysteries but still without the proper "Ego' , or the selfless futuristic "Ego". A man went into a clairvoyant state in more of a trance without the "Ego".

This was changed by the advent of the greatest event of Earthly evolution, that of Golgotha. At that time the "Ego" was released and each and every man can now work to a future state of being within the spirit with full "Ego" capabilities. The old trance state and mystery centers would be no more for each will, within Christ's guidance, be able to obtain a new Man the higher Man who will be able to live within the spirit as self knowledgeable being, the selfless "Ego" or "I" into fruition.

In speaking to Christ's guidance there is no talk of coercion "thou shalt" for the guidance can only be manifested within Love as Love cannot be mandated or coerced but can only be within a "free" human being, removed from the old spiritual state where man was a limb on a tree without "ego" consciousness.

The leaders of the mystery centers knew and awaited the coming of the Christ Being ever hopeful of the metamorphosis of the human being of the future.

Just for clarity man progresses through recurrent lives gaining in some measure from his nation or race or family, gender etc...which on the whole changes from life to life. At "the end of time" he will be the new higher being to which death has no call on him, as he enters an immortality of being.

Today's Easter Day is apropos to offering some comprehension of the Christ Being. In all that is around u, in some manner, the idea of "Jesus" is bandied about without refence to any spirituality or Being. The churches and the networks appear to be in a bonding of a materialistic man named Jesus who may have lived 2100 years ago. Jesus is referenced in name and number ad infinitum , a materialistic scion of earthly origin.

To be clear Jesus of Nazareth was/is the greatest of Men who through recurrent lives developed himself such that he could sacrifice his bodies in order for the Christ Being to enter into the earthly sphere.

In past lives he had sacrificed his etheric and astral bodies such as they were passed to others of the greatest nature. In another time the etheric body of this man was passed to Moses the harbinger of the Hebrew culture this body being of the nature of "time".

The Egyptian Hermes likewise received the Astral body of this initiate in the past.

Two great leaders of peoples brought forth a cosmic fecundation consequential to the sacrifice(s) of he who was called Jesus of Nazareth in later times.

The sacrifice of the "Ego" or "I" of Jesus of Nazareth was accomplished at the Baptism by John when the Christ Being a Being who had never traversed the Earthly, entered into the bodies of Jesus of Nazareth now known as Christ Jesus.

Christ Jesus lived for three (3) years upon the earth and went through death on Golgotha, a death for which only man could go through. Only man dies, not the higher hierarchical beings of any for form , only Man. In the spiritual world there is only metamorphosis, not death.

The Christ Being, of the greatest of spiritual natures, went through death and returned to the earth becoming the Spirit of the Earth, the Spirit Guide of All Men, the Cross stands forth.

What now arises within the Earthly is high or cosmic spirituality as all of the Cosmic Spirits bring the earthly into fruition, the future Man.

The Macrocosm and Microcosm merge into Divine spirituality, the Being of the Christ.

Happy Easter!

Wow. Really?

The nature of Christ's entry into the Earth and His relationship to individual men is telling. In sleep the astral body and Ego of a man abandon's the etheric /physical body, a state of unconsciousness with respect to the earth. The etheric and physical bodies are more plant like in this state as a plant also has an etheric and physical body, sans earthly consciousness.

The astral body and Ego enter into the higher cosmic spirituality which is creative to our sensory activities. The movement of the wind, a rush of mighty waves, the very structure of our bodies are all created and nurtured by this cosmic spiritual entelechy referred to at the beginning of this thread.

We, with our senses, literally touch this cosmic spiritual nature as external sensibilities. The image creating of our eyes, the sound with relation to our ears and larynx an earthly taste if salt are the creative and enduring forces of that higher world, the cosmic spirituality.

At sleep the soul spiritual nature of a man enters into this higher world but without consciousness. Spoken trivially, the mystery center initiand works to garner "senses" of this spiritual world, in order to enter consciously into that realm. As mentioned previously the Ego was suppressed for Man had not yet gained the power to enter that realm without the bedazzlement , or loss of spiritual structure.

A man sleeps, refurbished by higher astral natures, and returns to the earthly bodies and through the astral body becomes conscious of the earth. In truth he begins to ente4 into the microcosm or lower spirituality but the earthly senses immediately seize hold of a man and he becomes aware of external nature. The inner microcosm is effaced by man's astral and ego natures becoming conscious of the earth.

In order to continue on into the Christ Being a perspective of "world and cosmic healer" will be brought forth upon return.

Carlo, what initially drew you to esotericism, or more specifically, esoteric knowledge?

I'll admit you seem to have quite a way with how you've broken down these passages here and it seems like you've developed a bit of a collection.

by Stumeister k

Carlo, what initially drew you to esotericism, or more specifically, esoteric knowledge?

I'll admit you seem to have quite a way with how you've broken down these passages here and it seems like you've developed a bit of a collection.

The collection is Anthroposophy : .

To me esoteric knowledge has a clarity in truth, for which any man can comprehend; "knowledge is food for the soul" is a power of which we all can imbibe in living grace.

The question of healing by Christ Jesus is in modern parlance called a "miracle" but in ancient times it would better be appreciated as a "sign". The human being in an evolutionary sense has become more hardened in physicality whereas even 2000 years ago Man , for want of a better word, was physically more pliable .

Consequently Man could be "healed" via a supra spiritual activity brought to bear by , for example the mystery center leader or others. A "temple healing" was known where the patient was brought into the temple, placed into a trance state thus allowing the spiritual activities brought to bare by the hierophant to work upon him. The physicality of Man was subject to the spirit and healing ensued. This type of activity was known to ancient man who would not consider it a "miracle" for in their clairvoyant consciousness of ancient man it was more a matter of fact.

The healings of Christ Jesus would have been common parlance by man at that time; yes, of a cosmic nature were the healings but not without the cognitive comprehension of the common man. As noted above, matters changed with the consequential hardening of physical man where man became more refractory to "temple healings" and they were called "miracles" or those which stand without the cognitive strands of our times which are within knowledgeable scientific meanderings. The materialism of the 15th century seized man in thought and activity. The spirit was there but lost for a time.

Man had changed in pursuit of a self knowledgeable ego in which karma is and has been present. The karmic healings of the temple or outside the temple were brought to bear by men known as doctors . Doctors became more dependent upon the materialistic ethos and became scientific medicine. But this changed when the Christ Being came to the earth, having gone through death as a man and became the spirit of the earth.

Christ became the "karmic healer" for all mankind as He worked within Man through successive lives. The Christ Being entered "nature" and within Man, in balance, to alleviate any karmic or physical dyscrasias. The picture , often heard, in religious speakings (not only Christian) became:



Christ, Nature



When Father, Son, Holy Spirit is intoned consider the Father God at the material structure of the earth , the Christ or "Word" as balance into the higher realms or Spirit. Christ moves up and down though these realms in order to bring healings to not only Man but the world and also the cosmic spirituality; Christ as the redeemer of the cosmos, and all within, unto the future.

The Ego, as the highest and fourth body of man (physical body, etheric boy, astral body) is in development and a picture of its movements can be gleaned by the power of memory.

From youth the power of memory develops but is markedly diminutive relative to the powers of ancient Man. Ancient man , in his clairvoyant state had the memory of his father, grandfather, great great grandfather, etc. within and as a result was able to scan long periods of time , this due to the fact that his ego was a group ego.

In the animal kingdom the common soul of , for instance, the lion species was/is of divine spiritual nature but not tethered to the earth. In our intellectual times this has morphed into the question of "universals" as of course one is able to perceive an individual lion but there was nowhere to be found this universal or group lion.

We are flumoxed if we were not to continue with the thinking of a bee hive which has the "soul" of the hive . Its not hard to comprehend as if we attempt to connect one bee to another in our democrat linear individual way the whole conception of the hive will fall apart .

A bit of triviality but if we are bothered by the ability of this "group soul" to act upon the individual lion there is a power in Man which has been taken from higher realms and become part of our individual activity and note how one taps one's fingers on the table . the fingers are strictured within a certain physical range but none the less we do type, play piano, and rum de dum on the table, this power having entered into our material physical body in evolution.

The concept of the "group soul" stands out when the ancient Hebrew states "I and Abraham are One". The "Ego" or "I" of Abraham was the Ego of the Hebrew people flowing through the generations to those of common blood, of that of blood inheritance. Likewise the Germanic tribes, Egyptian Pharaohs lived within the common "I" of their peoples .

The individual "I" of each man , in Man's development, was in a manner of speaking suppressed within the common state.

The Bible, including the Torah, Joshua, Job, and Chronicles, mentions several people with long lifespans, including:
Methuselah: The oldest person mentioned in the Bible, living 969 years
Adam: Lived 930 years
Jared: Lived 962 years
Noah: Lived 950 years
Seth: Lived 912 years
Enosh: Lived 905 years
Kenan: Lived 910 years
Mahalalel: Lived 895 years
Lamech: Lived 777 years

What is seen from the above is the Egos of individual Beings called Seth or Adam whose Ego reigns, in a manner of speaking for long numbers of years. An individual man does not live those periods of time but think of it more of a divine spiritual being adding expression to the human race in development.

This group ego was from higher realms but does not allow for individuality to our human souls. Man extracts himself from this commonality and the ancient Dionysian mystery cult is example. The Dionysian cult brought forth alcohol as the use of alcohol extracts the man from higher realms precipitating a earth bound being separated from the divine.This was the function of alcohol in evolution, in its own time as noted through the Dionysian mystery center.

We've moved on and as noted in the previous paragraphs the entry of the
Christ Being onto the earth extracts man from his group ego as man develops his own particular ego, in touch with the divine, the Christ. The old stands back to the new, the Ego of a man with ability to live within the divine or higher realms through Christ guidence but not through coercion butLove.

Tp be clear, the times for alcohol as positive world actor have ended.😀
