POG PUB 2024: A New Year, A New Thread, A New You

POG PUB 2024: A New Year, A New Thread, A New You

It was an honor to spend 2o23 with yall. And I look forward to spending 2o24 here too.

Happy New Year!

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01 January 2024 at 05:14 AM

1351 Replies


Had to say goodbye to my bud (see my avatar) today and let him cross the bridge. He went out like a ****ing champ and I love him so much. I’m so sad right now, and I love you guys. Probably a detailed 18-year tr coming one of these days when I’m not a complete goddamn wreck.

In the meantime, check out this handsome ****in beast:

RIP kitty.

Damn, sucks

Losing pets is tough

Good-bye little Drummin. Sorry for your loss, IBD.

RIP IBeMeowin, sorry IBD :(

RIP IBeKitty

18 years is a great run.

Sorry IBD...

That was a lucky cat.

sorry ibd

sending love ibd

what's for dinner tonight?

I had truffle flavored marcona almonds, water, and cheesecake.


Homemade potato salad and frozen sausage pizza.

by pwnsall k


it was the number 3 on the menu

by Mark_K k

Homemade potato salad and frozen sausage pizza.


I love pickles with potato salad, like i'll take a bite of pickle with every bite of potato salad, so it's about 50% pickle, and 50% salad

by filthyvermin k

what's for dinner tonight?

I had truffle flavored marcona almonds, water, and cheesecake.

Costco Lemon Meringue Cheesecake?

no, it was from some bougie bakery my gf ordered from

I was too busy to eat so I had Taco Bell.

Driving to work I've passed a group of gypsies who have set their wagons down on a grass verge next to a 60mph road. There's very little room on the grass verge and no barrier.

They've got horses and wagons, birds of prey in cages and locals have said they've been going around door to door trying to sell dogs.

In the morning when I go to work they're seemingly asleep still and in the afternoon they're sat out on garden furniture usually with a fire cooking some food. The horses are tethered in different parts of the grass verge usually eating grass.

A couple of mornings ago one of their horses was lying dead on the grass verge. It transpires that a car hit it. They've got prams with very young children too. Not a sensible place to live if you ask me.

The horse body was removed by the authorities the same day it got hit and the next morning they had a sign up saying that there were lucky horse shoes for sale.

Do you live in Agrabah?

sounds to me like it's the cars that are the problem, not gypsies

Who said it was a problem?!?!

I don't think you're supposed to call them gypsies anymore.

by kioshk k

I don't think you're supposed to call them gypsies anymore.

I'll ask Stevie Nicks when she comes around next month.

by Booker Wolfbox k

I'll ask Stevie Nicks when she comes around next month.

I'll see your Stevie Nicks and raise you Cher, who is Armenian irl I think but could probably pass.

It's what they call themselves in my country

Is there a more appropriate word to use or are they just people with no collective name?

Roma is the PC term.
