omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166
Schlitz is your daddy and Dabz is your...step...daddy?

story time.
so there i was walking to the work lunch spot and man this hottie just walks in with like the best outfit on. nice velvet dress with fishnets small boots and a mini corset thing...
i just had to laugh though cos it was NOT a sport for her. she looked nerdy as too.
whats the deal with nerdy girls and why do I love them so much. (**** weebs though)
5500 australian dollars (btw sorry about what happened to the value of your nation's dollars relative to real american dollars. i only just found out)

story time.
so there i was walking to the work lunch spot and man this hottie just walks in with like the best outfit on. nice velvet dress with fishnets small boots and a mini corset thing...
i just had to laugh though cos it was NOT a sport for her. she looked nerdy as too.
whats the deal with nerdy girls and why do I love them so much. (**** weebs though)
and let me guess, you took pics and emailed them to your coworkers and hence why you got a citation?
Luke is a tactful individual, putting the vibe out in appropriate ways
is that a live stream of the chess tourney?

lmao met the coolest beagle on a dash today
love you luke despite your avatar