Omaha Journey to High Stakes
I had previously created a pb&c thread, but since I achieved most of my short and mid term goals I figured a new one
On a separate note, studying 40-100bb play, going to be shorting 200s+ on global just for the free EV. Some peers advocate for covering fish being better, I think short probably best unless the fish is on tilt. Probably adds a decent amt in winrate plus the theoretical baseline edge of being short, while decreasing standard deviation. Enjoying working on stack depths I am not comfortable with, have also been studying a decent amount of 200bb.
You think this is inaccurate? I’ve done a bit research and it seems to be a pretty common thing, the whole powerlessness thing following people who were bullied as children into adulthood.
No don’t think what you said is inaccurate, just sometimes I think the way you articulate things sounds like you might enjoy getting ****ed up now and then and that’s really bad for poker.
May not apply to you at all.
No don’t think what you said is inaccurate, just sometimes I think the way you articulate things sounds like you might enjoy getting ****ed up now and then and that’s really bad for poker.
May not apply to you at all.
Appreciate the insight - I’m fairly sure it doesn’t apply to me but I’ll keep it in mind.
On another note, got 35% rakeback on party again. So time for another brief stint at 200z short stack!
Appreciate the insight - I’m fairly sure it doesn’t apply to me but I’ll keep it in mind.
On another note, got 35% rakeback on party again. So time for another brief stint at 200z short stack!
VERY brief stint, lost 11bi in under an hour, lmao. Included losing with top set in a 4bet pot on A82 against KKQ5rr. Staying far away from that site LOL.
I guess short stack was a ******ed decision down 7k today seriously I run the worst out of anybody on this site rn. Games were the most absurd with 6 unique VIP whales all showing up to play at the same time. Normally any 1 of them showing up means an amazing night. Just incapable of winning all-ins as per usual... Time to sit down at PLO100 not really any other choice and slowly grind it all back.... Seriously ****ing hurts man.
What a day. Lost around 35 buyins, as high as 2.5/5 in VIP games.
Won 10bi at PLO 100s rush and cash trying to rollover my crypto deposit that came from an iPoker withdrawal. Liquidated Playnow because won't be back at 2/4 for a bit at least.
Honestly if I wasn't tilted and could make a clear decision again, I would choose to shot take the 2.5/5 again. Even though not rolled for it. The games were just so good could have easily been a +10k day. I have the discipline to move down when absolutely required.
We're gonna be playing 100s and 200s for a bit, need about 13k more for 2.5/5 again, ~6k more for shotting the VIP games.
Withdrew GGpoker, was paying.... 16bb/100 in rake in zoom LOL. Just wanted to use the site to get my crypto into my bank account. For now just going to play all the Global games and let my money recover. Very important now that I'm in the "danger zone" that I don't try new sites that I might have a lower winrate on for whatever reason.

Hopefully next 100k hands will be a sunrun. About 33k hands on global per month, doesn’t seem that high or low.
Do you play live much? Seems like you would make a lot at live if you’re beating that high online
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Do you play live much? Seems like you would make a lot at live if you’re beating that high online
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Honestly I consider it on and off. Basically my issues with live are the people, environment, and the pace of the game. Also the smallest local PLO game plays like a 5/T, which is a little big for me ATM.
Down the line live can defs be the play, much easier to beat 25/50 live than online lol.
Did some math on my global volume and it comes out to 55h/month, which even when combined with my other sites volume ends up being completely unacceptable. Need to put in more hours / hands if I’m going to handle this professionally.
Edit* also realized a big part of poker for me is the challenge/stimulation, - live lowstakes poker is some of the most mind numbing and unfulfilling ****.
Been following the thread for a bit, entertaining and rooting for you!
Just wanted to share my perspective regarding live poker, for reference this would be strictly for NLH not PLO. Down the line for your poker career, I would strongly recommend getting more volume in on the live front. The hourly profitability potential on some bigger games 25/50 - 50/100+ are pretty wild if you are a top-end professional, definitely some non-poker networking skills are helpful to get into those games consistently though. If you are a winning player at even 200 NL online likely a favorite in most of those bigger live game line-ups.
Seems like you have some stronger technical skills, but to put it bluntly seems like there is room for improvement on the mental game side of things. Seen some pros w/ A+ technical game flame out that were lacking in that area, definitely worth spending some time working on the mental game side of things. If you haven’t checked out the “Mental Game of Poker” by Jared Tendler I would strongly recommend.
Regarding Global Poker, used to have a fair bit of HS volume on there prior to the RTA scandal. If you aren’t confident in the game integrity on a site, I wouldn’t waste my time playing there. Lot of options out there to play NLH/PLO, seems like you may have some mental drain regarding cheats just stop playing on sites you have concern on.
Good luck on your journey, will continue to follow along 😀
Been following the thread for a bit, entertaining and rooting for you!
Just wanted to share my perspective regarding live poker, for reference this would be strictly for NLH not PLO. Down the line for your poker career, I would strongly recommend getting more volume in on the live front. The hourly profitability potential on some bigger games 25/50 - 50/100+ are pretty wild if you are a top-end professional, definitely some non-poker networking skills are helpful to get into those games consisten
Thanks, glad that you enjoy the blog!
Definitely down the line live seems basically mandatory for the games I can get into.
Was talking to an acquaintance of mine, he suggests having some short and long term goals. I think some portion of my issues come from wanting long term goals in the short term, for example being 2k reg on global / segregated. Instead of accepting the process I’m trying to force things with bad BRM, which leads to tilt.
Don’t think it’s an easy fix to be honest, I’m extremely impatient and want to be rich now! But I logically know this isn’t how things work.
So will post some long term / short term (short term for this month I guess) goals later tonight. All short term goals going to be in my control, nothing about winrate.
Won abt 1.7 today which is sweet, won a 400bb pot at 200s and 700bb pot at 100s which feels so relieving to not get fkd in these spots again.
I don't really have a great plan for long term goals, all I really know is I want to play HS online in the future. And HS live at some point. Will definitely follow some path of moving up the stakes to 2k on Global before any of that though.
Short term goals (this month)
-Meditate every day that I am not strapped for time in the mornings (vast majority of days) - GF mentioned to me that I am pretty sensitive and also have a really hard time processing my emotions, and sometimes get overwhelmed, so I think meditation will be really helpful to figure out what is making me upset etc.
-Back into the gym when I'm on campus - still have a serious shoulder / back injury, but have figured out how to not flare it up too badly, so no more excuse. Will be seeing doctor later this month to get some scanning done.
-50k Hands played this month
-50h of studying (my studying time is largely untracked and sporadic throughout the day, and sometimes unfocused discussion abt a HH or smt, so no tracking on this one)
If I can do these 4 things, I'll consider this month a success.
I think its overwhelmingly likely you have tilt issues, those being the source of your downswings, not you being cheated left and right. An easy way to find out is to play purely tracked and challenge really hold yourself accountable. Post hands, go through your sessions. If these -30bi sessions happen even somewhat frequently, and they're within your control, it would set you back in potentially permanent ways not to address this. Being mentally strong really is the great filter in this game.
Good luck in april!
I think its overwhelmingly likely you have tilt issues, those being the source of your downswings, not you being cheated left and right. An easy way to find out is to play purely tracked and challenge really hold yourself accountable. Post hands, go through your sessions. If these -30bi sessions happen even somewhat frequently, and they're within your control, it would set you back in potentially permanent ways not to address this. Being mentally strong really is the great filter in this game.
Yeah agreed - deposited onto PlayNow again because it’s a poor justification to not play soft games with no hard evidence. Playing ACR as tracked rn. Games seem better after bots got axed. Agree tilt is my biggest killer. Mental game is a work in progress, feel like meditating is helping already. Noticed that I was feeling hungry in the middle of a session, which normally doesn’t happen I normally notice after I stop playing.
Was already buried today and then these hands happen two seconds apart from each other

Vs crazy whale GII on flop SPR was pretty low because it was some stupid 4 way squeezed pot....

GII on turn
And right before this I lose 200bb on ACR in the span of 50 hands just playing normally.
How can I run this bad honestly it's ****ing ridiculous.
I already know I will need staking again eventually. Which is ****ing insane. I don't want to do this over and over and over again but I just can't ****ing run remotely close to EV to make real money... Studying 2 hours a day grinding my ass off putting in volume but none of this **** matters because at the end of the day.... I run worse than everybody I play against.
Pretty good chance at this point I just withdraw the rest of the roll and go play live and try to survive, or just continue grinding and hoping we don't bottom 5% run for the rest of my ****ing life.
Was planning on playing the ACR 320 tomorrow but there's no way that is remotely responsible at this point. Lost like 2k today.
Have about 1k left of 200s, then will have to move down to 100s max.
Oh and got demolished on PlayNow down about 7k on there in the last two months... Was paying attention to 3 accounts I suspected of collusion. They NEVER raise each others limps, they NEVER continue post flop HU - one account just pots flop and the other folds. They play the same styles, one of the guys did a trick to not show his cards at showdown by leaving 0.01 behind...
I brought this up to support and they said they'd take a look at it. But this seems really ****ing suspicious to me.
I'm so ****ing stressed out now have lost 75% of NW in about 3 weeks... Playing reasonable BRM just getting absolutely ****ed every time things matter. Thought I was finally figuring poker out and it just doesn't ****ing work ever.
Just withdrew ACR, games seem much better now that the bots got banned. But unfortunately can't really expose myself to the risk on a site where I don't know my winrate. Know I have a high winrate on Global/Playnow. Will avoid the suspicious accounts on Playnow and just cross my fingers. So frustrating.
It sounds like the cards know that it means too much to you..
The cards seem to like it when you don't give a ****.
They also like it when you play really well.
I dunno.. Maybe the cards don't know anything.
spend a week loving yourself and your life and your peoples.
forget poker entirely for at least 24 hours.
freeze yourself and thaw out again.
exhaust yourself like you are training a wild animal.
get a massage for your shoulder.
etc. etc.
But let poker go for just a moment.
If if loves you, it will come back :P
spend a week loving yourself and your life and your peoples.
forget poker entirely for at least 24 hours.
freeze yourself and thaw out again.
exhaust yourself like you are training a wild animal.
get a massage for your shoulder.
etc. etc.
But let poker go for just a moment.
If if loves you, it will come back :P
Yeah idk just needed to get my frustration out somewhere without being irresponsible. Don’t feel like I need a break just need to keep putting in good volume. Don’t think I’ll need staking was an overreaction.
New observation - peers with bad BRM influence me to having bad BRM. Watching them fly up the stakes seemingly crushing everything makes me feel like I can loosen my BRM and will have the same results. But I tend to ignore when they inevitably crash down 4 stake levels and have to rebuild everything.
Have narrowed down the two accounts I'm most suspicious of on Playnow. Was watching them play on a table today, and they ended session within 30 seconds of each other, for seemingly no reason (no other players join or left the table). 1 account was playing 1 table, and another account was playing 2 tables. when the first account left, the second account left their second table immediately after. And left the table that both were at on their BB. Submitted it to support, can only hope they take it seriously. No HHs on playnow so pretty difficult to do an actual investigation.
Have narrowed down the two accounts I'm most suspicious of on Playnow. Was watching them play on a table today, and they ended session within 30 seconds of each other, for seemingly no reason (no other players join or left the table). 1 account was playing 1 table, and another account was playing 2 tables. when the first account left, the second account left their second table immediately after. And left the table that both were at on their BB. Submitted it to support, can only hope they take it
Surely there is a better way to spend time.
How do you build up an 800bb pot on T92 with T976ss? Sorry but that is just variance galore.