Lost database after computer crashed

Lost database after computer crashed

Recently my computer crashed while I was playing on pokerstars (I had hand2note open too) and when I restarted it my all of my hand history text files were gone from my PokerStars.USPA\HandHistory folder except for the session I was in the middle of when my computer crashed.
Is it possible to recover the lost data through hand2note or pokerstars? If not can someone tell me how to back up my hand history files to avoid this problem in the future?

30 March 2024 at 08:51 PM

4 Replies


Could you try to delete these folders ("reports" and "stats") from the folder where your corrupted database is stored, by default here C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Hand2Note\Databases\Corrupted database:

Then launch Hand2Note -> try to switch to the corrupted database -> click on Build Statistics:

If it doesn't help, you'll have to delete the entire database, unfortunately.

But you can restore all played hands by importing the following folders C:\Hand2Note4Hh\ and C:\MyHandsArchive_H2N4\ to your new database

This worked and I was able to recover all my old hands. Thanks!!

Replying to this thread rather than start a new one, as i just had the same thing happen.

My computer crashed while i was in the middle of playing and i was able to restore the database, but in my case I would like to delete 2 specific tournaments from my database, as they are corrupted.

I have narrowed down the tournaments ID, how could i delete them ?

by Nemodus k

Replying to this thread rather than start a new one, as i just had the same thing happen.

My computer crashed while i was in the middle of playing and i was able to restore the database, but in my case I would like to delete 2 specific tournaments from my database, as they are corrupted.

I have narrowed down the tournaments ID, how could i delete them ?

Hello, unfortunately, there is no way to delete specific hands or tournaments from the database.

This feature is not implemented, since the violation of data integrity significantly reduces the performance of the database.

You can only create a new database in Configuration -> Database and import the necessary hands into it:
