Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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in general, if they wanted to move back to their ancestral homes then I think they should be allowed to
We know that isn't happening, generally or specifically. Most of those places wont even let Jews in the country, much less allow them to reclaim their ancestral lands (keep in mind most of these Jews were kicked out AFTER the Nakbar, so you cant even use the "it happened a long time ago" excuse).
Would Israel be justified in bombing/invading Iraq. Syria and Yemen to force those countries to allow Jews to repatriate to their ancestral communities?
Kill 'em all, Bibi.
You're so civilized - Hamas and enablers - you get brutalized.
You do realize that this has come up multiple times, since Putin is a personality cult. I have no animosity for the people he forces to die for him. It's been brought up multiple times before.
As to your specific question: I would probably think nothing of them since they would be in jail under Putin's repressive laws and their story would never reach my ears. Very few actually hit the MSM, although some make it through like this one:
Ksenia Karelina, a Russian-American accused of high treason in Russia over a $50 donation
However, if I were to hear of them, then I would obviously think they are extremely heroic to offer help to Ukraine despite being under that repressive regime, and trying to balance that tightrope.
I have also talked about my friend's wife who is a big follower of Putin and hates Ukraine. I understand where she is coming from and also have no animosity towards her, she is doing the bad part of your example while not giving any medical care to Ukrainians.
A likely story...
well I trust Mondoweiss more than most other outlets and it comports with the real time twitter reports. theres a reason you dont believe it. proly prejudice.
git some
a few days ago people were saying this guy was fake. seems real to me! and he, like every other dr that goes to Gaza says they snipe kids.
Lotta cellphones
The recipient of more international aid than almost any place on earth, they could've used the billions in international aid to create a peaceful society on the Mediterranean. But obviously, that was not a life-project that interested them. After all, they are jihadis.
We're being asked to turn the other cheek. Not gonna happen.
Solicit that of the Arabs
We're being asked to turn the other cheek. Not gonna happen.
Solicit that of the Arabs
I oppose a total ceasefire, but are you denying that Israel has overdone it?
And even if you don't think collective punishment is wrong, it's stupid for the U.S. to enable it and become a greater target for the next 9/11.
Goat handle, new guy. Welcome
There's no placating Islamists. They're radicalized. Arrive at that understanding. The optics, all the titillation surrounding this conflict is noise. Israel couldn't manufacture good PR if it hired every marketing firm on earth. Even before Oct 7th.
The condemnation of Israel began on the 8th, interrupting their celebrations on Oct 7th
driving Palestinians to hospitals means **** all for "peace". was she advocating to end Zionism and working to dismantle it? was she working for a one state solution where all are equal with freedom of movement?
no justice no peace.
I'm sure the answers to those questions are yes. Vivian Silver was the person I was talking about. She was a close friend of the mother of a close friend of mine. I didn't know her (VS) but I know my friend's mother who had lived in that same kibbutz.
I recommend that Sam Harris video. There are all sorts of resources on this subject.
Gonna put forth my own conspiracy theory:
Today for the most part you've been replying to me within a few minutes. You spent 16 minutes after the last one. I bet you spent that time searching for anything incriminating in the organizations she was in, couldn't find anything, so just came back and made a blanket statement about how awful she must be.
(This is mostly joking. I bet some effort was put into it though.)
It's prejudice. You see the word "Zionist", and even though it's from late 60s and e
To many people still, especially Israelis, Israelis on the left 'Zionist' does not imply Palestinians cannot be citizens in Israel including the right of return in a one state pluralistic society.
It generally doesn't mean that in the US now, but it used to like back when Noam Chomsky called himself a Zionist.
It used to just mean, to some people anyway, that there would be a place for Jews in Israel and there have been discussions with Israelis in the politics forums I'm on where they had a hard time understanding that some anti-Zionists didn't necessarily mean that every Jew had to leave Israel.
Goat handle, new guy. Welcome
There's no placating Islamists. They're radicalized. Arrive at that understanding. The optics, all the titillation surrounding this conflict is noise. Israel couldn't manufacture good PR if it hired every marketing firm on earth. Even before Oct 7th.
The condemnation of Israel began on the 8th, interrupting their celebrations on Oct 7th
I'm no sympathizer to Islam, but it's knowing how these people existentially means that we should factor blowback into our decision-making. That can be done without coddling them. Just as exterminating Hamas can be done without killing tens of thousands, displacing 2 million, and leveling the territory.
I'm no sympathizer to Islam, but it's knowing how these people existentially means that we should factor blowback into our decision-making. That can be done without coddling them. Just as exterminating Hamas can be done without killing tens of thousands, displacing 2 million, and leveling the territory.
How do you propose to achieve that?
To many people still, especially Israelis, Israelis on the left 'Zionist' does not imply Palestinians cannot be citizens in Israel including the right of return in a one state pluralistic society.
It generally doesn't mean that in the US now, but it used to like back when Noam Chomsky called himself a Zionist.
It used to just mean, to some people anyway, that there would be a place for Jews in Israel and there have been discussions with Israelis in the politics forums I'm on where they had a hard
Thanks for the info. I knew the word had taken on a new meaning since its origin, but wasn't sure exactly how.
Really sorry to hear this has affected you personally.
What is your take on what exactly a kibbutz is?
The recipient of more international aid than almost any place on earth, they could've used the billions in international aid to create a peaceful society on the Mediterranean. But obviously, that was not a life-project that interested them. After all, they are jihadis.
Gazans did build a beautiful Gaza through aid, even if they got isrealed in their land and bordered within walls. Imagine how big can be their heart
Resistance military supply comes from the allies
a kibbutz is a farm full of jews