[1/3] Double Pair on BB. Confused?

[1/3] Double Pair on BB. Confused?

Hero new to the table. Unknown villains. Eff $300.

Hero is dealt J 9. 4 limpers, Hero checks.

F ($16): 9 J K

Hero checks, MP villain overbets $30, other three players fold, Hero tanks and makes the call.

T ($76): A

Hero checks, MP villain checks

R ($76): A

Hero bets $60 in order to throw off a possible King, Villain calls.


Thoughts? Hated the overbet. Wasn't sure if I should've raised or not. Was afraid of a QT straight.

10 April 2024 at 04:40 PM

17 Replies

a king is never folding on that river after checking behind the turn unless you bet 2x pot.

I'd probably lean to donk/donk/donking smallish and evaluate runout / if raised.

Against some I would consider a nitty flop fold; readless I'm probably call/evaluating.

I'm also checking (to fold the turn).

I'd check (to fold) the river, and getting a K to fold given this line / runout is unlikely.


Flop and turn are fine, IMO.
(can lead flop at some frequency, since it is a limped pot and plenty to get value from)
Don’t like river line. As Nitty mentioned, you’re never getting a K to call. So, on this run out, checking river and evaluating.

I might fold flop. Typically when players make a big overbet they have no intention of slowing down on any turn and I’m not ready to stack off with bottom 2.

by Weapon X-raise k

Flop and turn are fine, IMO.
(can lead flop at some frequency, since it is a limped pot and plenty to get value from)
Don’t like river line. As Nitty mentioned, you’re never getting a K to call. So, on this run out, checking river and evaluating.

*a king to fold*

I would lead this flop since its multiway limped pot. Id probably go for 15. Check calling is fine though. I would just check and fold river.

Why not cr the flop?

by The Horror k

Why not cr the flop?

Because villain is leading into 4 people and so 1P hands and draws are much less likely.

I would probably bet flop myself though, but as played I don't think I can ever find a fold on this flop, but respect to those who can.

As for river bluff, just don't bluff unknowns at 1/3.

by hitchens97 k

Because villain is leading into 4 people and so 1P hands and draws are much less likely.

I would probably bet flop myself though, but as played I don't think I can ever find a fold on this flop, but respect to those who can.

Sure, hu, there is more likelihood of people betting their draws, but 4h isn't stopping tpwk from firing away.

I get what you're saying and it makes sense, but I'm not sure how much we think our villains are making sense of multiway pots.

by The Horror k

Sure, hu, there is more likelihood of people betting their draws, but 4h isn't stopping tpwk from firing away.

I get what you're saying and it makes sense, but I'm not sure how much we think our villains are making sense of multiway pots.

Sure, occasionally they're going to do this with some nonsense like K5, but honestly given villain has already shown their passive, I expect a typical 1/2 villain to check/call that a lot. I'd weight them more heavily towards sets (yes, they may well limp 99, JJ, and even KK - hey ask GG!), straights, and better 2p, and perhaps some combo draws like KT.


by hitchens97 k

Sure, occasionally they're going to do this with some nonsense like K5, but honestly given villain has already shown their passive, I expect a typical 1/2 villain to check/call that a lot. I'd weight them more heavily towards sets (yes, they may well limp 99, JJ, and even KK - hey ask GG!), straights, and better 2p, and perhaps some combo draws like KT.

Unlikely they limped KK or JJ, most villains at 1/2 would raise those hands because they're terrified of overcards. 99 is definitely a possible limp, though I don't think he ever checks back that turn after overbetting the flop. Why overbet the flop just to pot control a turn that doesn't change the effective nuts? Villain may think the A kills his action vs your range. I'd definitely check this river and fold. Also I think the flop is a lead, we can probably fold if raised.

by gbb187 k

Unlikely they limped KK or JJ, most villains at 1/2 would raise those hands because they're terrified of overcards. 99 is definitely a possible limp, though I don't think he ever checks back that turn after overbetting the flop. Why overbet the flop just to pot control a turn that doesn't change the effective nuts? Villain may think the A kills his action vs your range. I'd definitely check this river and fold. Also I think the flop is a lead, we can probably fold if raised.

I see people limp KK and JJ constantly. There are tons of players that just limp everything no matter what.

by YanasaurBBQ k

I see people limp KK and JJ constantly. There are tons of players that just limp everything no matter what.

I guess it may vary by player pool or I'm just not as observant as I should be. I'd wager less than 10% of villains limp KK/JJ preflop. It happens, but it shouldn't be the first thing on our minds. Also when he checks turn I think we can heavily discount boats even more.

PRE - seems fine.

FLOP - I'd probably donk lead with 2P here, in a limped pot. As played, V's 2x pot over-bet is ridonkulous. Trivial fold.

I don't know how we can call flop if we don't have a plan to bluff on a later street if we don't improve, and I can't see what cards we think we can bluff on this KJ9 rainbow flop.

QT is already there, so an 8 or A on the turn are meaningless. It's rainbow, so no flushes can come in on the turn. We're basically just calling to boat up, or...bluff literally any card?

TURN - I mean...I don't love it, but if we call flop, we might try to rep AJ or A9 by donking out here.

RIVER - If we're going to bluff, I'd think we should over-bet pot, to really polarize to a boat or nothing. Unless V was super out of line on the flop, I don't know what he's folding here, the way this was played.

Otherwise, just check-fold. Our 2P probably wasn't any good on the flop, and now we can't even beat an over-played KQ or KT.

Thanks all for the input



V calls, shows K 8 and wins.

by KRiBaH k

Thanks all for the input



V calls, shows K: 8: and wins.


Next time, when you smash the flop in a multi-way limped pot, just lead out with a bet, or check raise.

Donk-leading when we're multi-way is an under-appreciated tactic.

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