The Genocide thread
What does genocide mean to you, and without looking, what’s the worst genocide you know about and why
What does genocide mean to you, and without looking, what’s the worst genocide you know about and why
--In this case Islamists literally wiped out an entire population (because they were Jews in case you were wondering). Killed all the men, turned the women into concubines, and the children into slaves. Pretty much by definition you cant top wiping out an entire population down to the last person.
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--Again, we have the same theme as Muslims genociding Jews because they are Jews, in this case in very recent history. And again, given the % population decrease we can see it was extremely bad; although not as bad as what happened in Medina historically as in this case most of the Jews weren't murdered/enslaved/raped, just permanently evicted and most of their property seized.
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To me, genocide is prescribing hormone blockers to teenagers
-As far as genocides happening as we speak, almost 2 million Afghanis are being evicted from Pakistan. And unlike Gaza, where refugees are being slowly allowed back, this is a 1 way trip.
lol Dun, just so simple
no its funny that you bring this up and the wiki even calls you out for it
Question is if PW posting counts as genocide or not
I am sure if you reported him to Israel they would drone strike him just to be sure
Listen to vic, no one wants to commit genocide more than him.
Yet Trump survives the glitchkrieg!
go on, move to it if you have to.
Does the thread agree that this guy was a genocider?
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He probably was.
Lol learn history
vic is a big pol pot fan, something about how the Khmer Rouge improved the lives of Cambodians on average or something, or maybe that the Khmer Rouge would have been successful if not for US sanctions