Living in Cambodia and turning Pro

Living in Cambodia and turning Pro

This is my story and if anyone wants advice on joining me then let me know.
I’m originally from the UK, London and have been playing poker for around 6 years to varying success but as it was to secondary work never really committed. Then the economic down turn happened I sold business (a night club) and I thought I’d take a couple of years out in a cheap foreign country.

I live on the Cambodian coast in a place called Sihanoukville, about four hours drive from the capital Phnom Peng. It’s a beautiful little spot with 5 beaches and with the Thai border 4 hours drive to the west and Vietnam about 5 hours to the east. It has a vibrant night life, with a number of clubs, beach bars and western and local restaurants (and 3 casinos). The sex trade is a lot less prevalent than Thailand and the place has a mixture of backpackers passing through, holiday makers from Phnom Peng and a large friendly expat community.

So why Cambodia.
• It’s cheap (half the price of Thailand), I stay in a 2 bedroom western style apartment, all mod cons, 24 hour security sea views $340 a month. A one bedroom bedsit in the same building is $120 a month. A meal out varies from $3.50 – about $7 for top end, beer is 50c-$1 a glass.
• Language isn’t a problem most Cambodians in the major cities speak English.
• Visas, unlike Thailand you can extend your visa indefinitely without leaving the country $250 a year.
• Internet, now is fine, i have ½ a mega bite which is $60 a month and a 3g card for back up should either the internet go down while playing or a power occurs. Power cuts do happen infrequently but all that’s needed is a back up battery or a laptop.
• It’s safe, like any major city anywhere in the world there is crime, just don’t wonder down dark streets at 4am you wouldn’t in New York!
• The people are lovely, not yet obliterated by western values or capitalism.
• The expat community is varied and very friendly to new comers.
• The currency is the Riel but the dollar is more widely used
• No tax
• Live poker is available in casinos and a few low homegames
• The weather is hot from October to June, June to September is the wet season which while still hot it rains to varying degrees.

I think Pro maybe a little strong, I play 3 hours a day mainly in the morning (+7 GMT) and last month 90 hours made me $900, mainly I play SnG. $900 is hefty amount here, waitress earn around $100 a month and western bar managers around $400 a month. In the UK i would have to earn $3000 a month and have a fraction of the life style. I normally finish with poker by 10am and this leaves me the rest of the day to visit the beach, take a boat ride to Island, ride my bike, watch movies, study poker, or just visit friends for a beer.
I have yet to find anyone else out here who is supporting their lifestyle from internet and poker and would either like to find someone who is or encourage someone to come and join and me. I’d be happy to help anyone thinking of making the move and it would be great to have someone to speak poker with, especially if they were at a more advanced level than me
It could be ideal for someone who can make $1-2000 a month but not enough for Pro and a decent western lifestyle, or someone who has to grind silly hours to make a western style wage.
So ask me anything about me, my poker or living in Cambodia


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03 April 2011 at 05:10 AM

212 Replies


thank you for posting, my one time playing in Cambodia around 2013 i noticed similar things - enough that after a single session on my first day, I called an audible and turned a poker trip into a beach and jungle vacation instead

big thing was noticing lots of huge hands with coolers where someone has quads vs a boat, straight flush vs nut flush/boat, etc etc

on the surface it looked like an incredibly loose and splashy game but magically whenever I was involved in a hand they were no longer 3! hands like J5o

Some of the "house players" who get kicked to give you a seat are actually the gamerunners. They don't inform the players they're the gamerunners, and they will happily play a wide range because they're profiting from the action/rake. Then after the gamerunners win money from new players/tourists, they'll happily hit-and-run and repeat across all 3 tables.

The cheating and collusion that goes on at 7Deuce is on par with the Philippines. A lot of exchanging of card information among players during hands in multiple languages, with no dealer interruption. Since there is no punishment for collusion and cheating at 7Deuce, it is a normal part of the game there. I propose everyone to exploit 7Deuce's low game integrity. Let's all go to 7Deuce and setup collusion rings with code words/signals and message hand info to each other during hands. We can make a lot of money together!

by Good Money k

Thought about making this post or not, but figured since I regularly request information I should probably share. I went to SH recently. Played at Queenco. Game was dead. Played at 7Deuce. Games seemed great. There is a constant rotation of players; you can turn up and see 3 full tables but a house player will be kicked off to give you a seat. If someone busts, the seat will be immediately filled with a house player. Ostensibly, this is to keep the games running and allow players to get an immed

How is the action in Phnom Penh these days?

Any news of Mike Kim? He used to give good updates before running with everyones money

by FWWM k

Granted I was not there for quite a while, but I don't remember Naga ever being 24/7. In the old times, the Naga poker room was next to the slot machines, much smaller, and certainly not 24/7. di-di-di-di-didi-didi-di. I still remember the constant slot machine noise. If you got there it was a coinflip whether you could even get into a game or maybe there was just one game running, and nobody leaving so you had to wait like forever. And other annoying stuff, don't get me started on the card chec

you mean when the pokeroom was just 2 random tables upstairs next to the slots? Do they still have the same super low chairs?

by Tt5y6 k

How is the action in Phnom Penh these days?

I moved from PK to the Mingmen game. Generally we are running 1/3, 2/5 and 5/10 holdem 2-3 tables. Games are pretty good consistently with a bunch of chinese bosses who drop in consistently.

Naga has had a lot of tables, I see them running 7-8 tables most nights. I haven't played there for a while so unsure about quality but selection is great.

Damn, PP is booming. Never thought I'd see Naga with 8 tables.

by 5 south k

Damn, PP is booming. Never thought I'd see Naga with 8 tables.

A month or so ago, they even got up to 10 tables and they have WPT coming back July 12th.

Tom Dwan & Jungleman are coming to Cambodia as well for a 50k short deck event at Jin Bei Palace. Here's the tournament website.

Ming Men has been a bit slower this week with 1-2 tables most days of 1/3, 2/5 or 5/10. Always looking for more game starters if anyone is looking!

What's the general crowd like in these games? Is it mostly tourists? Chinese?

by freemail88 k

What's the general crowd like in these games? Is it mostly tourists? Chinese?

It's a mix and also depends on where you're playing.

Our place at Ming Men is mostly Chinese, with some khmer and a mix of foreigners.

Naga has a pretty wide mix of foreigners a lot who've been in PP or at least around the scene here a while. You'll find a mix of Chinese, Viets, Japanese, and Caucasians. They had 9 tables going yesterday so they are going pretty strong.

Hey man, im interested in being a game runner. Started a new account as I cant remember my login details but seems I cant message you yet, maybe some activity is required. Anyhow message me plx 😀

by VikingBeard_ k

Hey man, im interested in being a game runner. Started a new account as I cant remember my login details but seems I cant message you yet, maybe some activity is required. Anyhow message me plx 😀

Don't have the option to message you, you can try messaging the fb page Poker in Cambodia for more details.

I ended up going down for the JB Cup and it was a sight to see. Durr, Jungleman were there and at one point they brought out millions in real cash....

Hi all,
How are the recent games in Nagaworld?

I've gone through the info available publicly (2p2 etc) and have heard some dated word-of-mouth stuff, but opinions on the quality of games (aka action/profitability) seem pretty mixed.

The main daily games appear to be NLH 1/3 $500 max and 2/5 $1500 max with 5+ tables running, and I personally consider their rake not low but still doable (am used to very high rake). So structure-wise a decent win rate seems possible, unless of course most of the player pool buys in <100bbs or are very nitty to the point where game selection is meaningless. In that regard, some have said the recent games have been a regfest, but some say they are soft as most 1/3 and 2/5 games tend to be.
PLO would be the better option for similar small stakes (1/3 for Nagaworld as I have heard), but it appears they don't run consistently.

If anyone could chime in with up-to-date info, it would be greatly appreciated.

by peachturnover k

Hi all,
How are the recent games in Nagaworld?

I've gone through the info available publicly (2p2 etc) and have heard some dated word-of-mouth stuff, but opinions on the quality of games (aka action/profitability) seem pretty mixed.

The main daily games appear to be NLH 1/3 $500 max and 2/5 $1500 max with 5+ tables running, and I personally consider their rake not low but still doable (am used to very high rake). So structure-wise a decent win rate seems possible, unless of course most of the playe

They are generally running 3-4 tables 1/3, and 2-3 tables 2/5, I only really play at ming men recently so this is a bit generalized. The 1/3 tended to have more short stackers and the 2/5 had a reasonable amount of people buying in deeper.

Outside of Naga, the Ming Men 2/5 runs at 7pm and is 300-2000 buyin.

There was another Chinese game that was insane the last few weeks, but it looks to have died down too.

by peachturnover k

Hi all,
How are the recent games in Nagaworld?

I've gone through the info available publicly (2p2 etc) and have heard some dated word-of-mouth stuff, but opinions on the quality of games (aka action/profitability) seem pretty mixed.

The main daily games appear to be NLH 1/3 $500 max and 2/5 $1500 max with 5+ tables running, and I personally consider their rake not low but still doable (am used to very high rake). So structure-wise a decent win rate seems possible, unless of course most of the playe

Poker King (aka River King) is running 5/5 PLO everyday, starts early maybe 1 pm. Few times I peeked it looked like great action. Made me want to learn how to play.
Sometimes 5/10 or even bigger.

Naga 2/5 is good. Many deep stacks. Yes, lots of regs, mostly Chinese, some westerners. But it's fine, plenty are bad or mediocre regs, except a few Japanese and a couple white pros. So it is beatable, just ask for a table change on the rare occasion that you end up sitting with 5-6 Japan/Euro pros.

Naga 1/3 looks even easier without any pros.

Thank you LinaPoker and oxyia, the replies were super helpful!

hey saw your guys posts. been thinking about going for 1-2 months grind, finishing in naga during the wpt.

never been to cambodia, residenting in thailand. was thinking about maybe doing shinaoukville->Phenom Phen. I play 1/3 mostly. Reading here, games in PP seems to be good, talking with others, they say they are ****. So a bit clueless.

Anyhow. Saw some negative posts about 72 in SV, so not sure if there is other good options? preferably looking for lowest rake possible with good games obv.

tried contacting the different clubs, but communication is mehh.

and if any grinders out there that want to meet up, feel free to contact me on discord. nickflair#0832

happy to hear your badbeats ��

What's the rake at Naga?

Smoking at the table?

Naga rake is 5%, cap 20 for 2/5.

No smoking, both Naga and PokerKing.

Yeah, it used to be 5% cap 20 at all levels, but I haven't been in ages, I thought I heard they have increased it for higher stakes, but maybe I'm confusing it with another place. Yeah no smoking on the tables but don't expect a non-smoking environment

by oslonick k

never been to cambodia, residenting in thailand. was thinking about maybe doing shinaoukville->Phenom Phen. I play 1/3 mostly. Reading here, games in PP seems to be good, talking with others, they say they are ****. So a bit clueless.

Who said the 1/3 games in PP are good? The 1/3 PLO at PK maybe, that was not a bad game, if it still runs. The 1/3 NL was never particularly good, I haven't been since last year but I doubt things have changed, it's been like that for years. PK is nice people, good atmosphere, for the most part, free food, can make friends, but the NL game, quite honestly, nah. Unless when the 5/5, 5/10 PLO peeps randomly decide to play NL, then that's usually a good game, but it plays pretty big. But the 1/3, sometimes it was ok, sometimes very bad. But even when it's good it's mostly because there are a lot of bad regs on the table, not because there are a lot of completely clueless donks.

The 1/3 at Naga is a little bit different but much of the same story. Sometimes you can get some Chinese tourists and stuff and the game can be good, but usually you go there and you recognize most of the faces on the tables. Most of them are not monsters but at the same time they are not terrible either and with the elevated rake makes the game somewhat meh. They're beatable sure, but let's just say I would not go there for the games.

When a tourney is in town, like the WPT, forget about all of that. That will be bring in a lot of whales like tourneys usually do, probably.


I hope this is the right place. I want to ask is online poker in Cambodia banned? I read somewhere that gambling was banned in Cambodia causing Chinese to leave the country. So I'm wondering if this includes poker and specifically online poker? Do Pokerstars, ggpoker operate there? Thinking about spending a year in Cambodia to explore and hopefully play some online poker.

NL Holdem in Cambodia is pretty lousy, Naga is just a battle of nitregs where no one is beating the rake, you basically have to hope to find a decent Chinese game in Sihanoukville, and those games are becoming fewer and far between nowadays. And if there is a whale already at the table, good luck getting a seat. .

by sylvester&tweety k


I hope this is the right place. I want to ask is online poker in Cambodia banned? I read somewhere that gambling was banned in Cambodia causing Chinese to leave the country. So I'm wondering if this includes poker and specifically online poker? Do Pokerstars, ggpoker operate there? Thinking about spending a year in Cambodia to explore and hopefully play some online poker.

Online gambling was banned in 2019, that is correct. Live gambling is allowed for foreigners in registered casinos, banned for Cambodians (selectively enforced, like much of the law in Asian countries and esp in Cambo). AFAIK there are still many sites allowing players, it might be wiser to register from another country, but I've not heard them banning anyone bcos they played from Cambo. Cambo popo prolly neither has the means nor any motivation to hunt for any foreign online players. That is as long as you have the capability to shut up and not rub it into peeps too forcefully esp not powerful locals. But I can't tell you exactly, I've retired from online poker sometime ago. Obv I'm not encouraging anybody to do anything illegal.

You can play on like every site w cambo ip. Dw
