Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT)

Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT)

Would like to hear from Mohegan Sun players and employees.

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13 March 2009 at 05:18 AM

164 Replies


Sick 20% rake in the "Special" Memorial day tournament

by JVinegar k

Sick 20% rake in the "Special" Memorial day tournament

lol following encores lead and I'm sure they'll still get hundreds of entries even with the fwoods tourney at the same time

I would rather play FW for better structure and 11am start time.

Why is Mohegan starting it at 10am if it has 20 minute blinds? They expect to have not enough tables for cash in the afternoon?

by Billy723 k

I would rather play FW for better structure and 11am start time.

Why is Mohegan starting it at 10am if it has 20 minute blinds? They expect to have not enough tables for cash in the afternoon?

Yeah they want the cash tables to fill the room by 5pm I guess.

Anyone play the usual Friday tournaments lately? Just wondering what the numbers are for the 11am and 6pm generally

How is the Sunday black chip bounty tournament? How many players usually?

by SpeciesFlora k

How is the Sunday black chip bounty tournament? How many players usually?

FWIW there were 119 entries this Sunday

The field sizes were pretty good for a little while. They seem to be dropping each week

Am I blind or does it not tell us how long the levels are for the Summer Kickoff event?

30 minute levels, flyer in the room shows it.

Any chance the pink chip horse game happens again ? That used to be fun . Now it’s O E and all older nits

by Dgoat k

Any chance the pink chip horse game happens again ? That used to be fun . Now itÂ’s O E and all older nits

Horse game scheduled first sunday of every month.
As one of the nits who plays OE and Horse your welcome to game.
You would have to get players yourself to start horse any other day,both conn casinos would spread it for you. good luck.
Nit and proud of it

by Monty146 k

Horse game scheduled first sunday of every month.
As one of the nits who plays OE and Horse your welcome to game.
You would have to get players yourself to start horse any other day,both conn casinos would spread it for you. good luck.
Nit and proud of it

Move that to 1st Monday of the month and I’ll play every single month

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

by Monty146 k

Horse game scheduled first sunday of every month.
As one of the nits who plays OE and Horse your welcome to game.
You would have to get players yourself to start horse any other day,both conn casinos would spread it for you. good luck.
Nit and proud of it

Since it sounds like you’re in touch with this group, is next HORSE game schedule for July 7th?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Going to Mohegan Sun on 7/10 and I noticed on Bravo that they are having a new tournament at 6pm -'Survivor Wednesday'. Will the room be able to run the tournament and have a decent amount of cash games still available?

by Perrone66 k

Going to Mohegan Sun on 7/10 and I noticed on Bravo that they are having a new tournament at 6pm -'Survivor Wednesday'. Will the room be able to run the tournament and have a decent amount of cash games still available?

yah i don't think it'll be an issue at all. that mtt won't draw big numbers and will mostly be the daily crowd. the tournies that are big multi day ones might slow down some cash game action.

Is it possible for Mohegan to provide your lifetime poker tournament results? They log all your entries and cashes via your players card, so it should be something they can do, right?

by JVinegar k

Is it possible for Mohegan to provide your lifetime poker tournament results? They log all your entries and cashes via your players card, so it should be something they can do, right?

I’m sure it’s possible. Good luck getting anyone to help you though. They treat tourney players like garbage there so i doubt anyone in the poker room would help you with that.

Hi, if anyone knows? If there Triple status point on every Thursday including Poker room now (this summer?)?

If I get the ignite status in July, how long does it last? Only up to 9/30 or last for a whole year (or even permanent ? forgive me if I'm being too naive). I search the Mohegan website, and can't find anything explaining the period of the status. So thanks in advance for your words.

by Forest_Kevin k

Hi, if anyone knows? If there Triple status point on every Thursday including Poker room now (this summer?)?

If I get the ignite status in July, how long does it last? Only up to 9/30 or last for a whole year (or even permanent ? forgive me if I'm being too naive). I search the Mohegan website, and can't find anything explaining the period of the status. So thanks in advance for your words.

Yes, it's Triple Status points every Thursday in the poker room (and everywhere else of course) every Thursday this Summer.

If you get Ignite status, it will last all the way through to the end of the next six month period, which would be March 30. The way to maintain your status would be to earn the same number of Status points (400 for Ignite) from October 1 to March 30. Basically, your total resets to 0 every six months and you have to get it all the way back up in order to maintain. I got Ignite last summer with the promotions they were running and managed to keep it all year despite only playing poker there once a week.

If you aren't familiar with the system, make sure that you are checking for Achievement Awards. Every day you have the opportunity to earn an Achievement Award (worth $25 for me, not sure if it is more for others) if you earn enough status points. It only takes me 3.5 hours of play on Thursdays with the triple status points to earn mine.

Thank you Sir. Perfectly answered all my Qs and Doubts. and quick reply.

Forest_Kevin, another thing to not forget about is the free golf you get by leveling up. One free round per month for the lower levels. More as you go higher. That was huge for me when I found that out.

Thank, but I have no idea how to even play golf...

Do they still give food vouchers for poker play?

Going to Mohegan on Wednesday. Can anyone answer the following poker questions.

1. Will the 8/16 OE game be going?
2. Did they raise the 1/2 BI to 400?
3. Foxwoods is having their 3x Poker rewards points on the same day - will it impact Mohegan?

1. Most likely Yes. 2. Yes $60-400 for 1-2NL 3. No.
