I wanted to post something Survivor related but realized there's no general thread about Survivor. Each thread is about a particular season or votes for hottest, best, etc.
Given that who knows when/if the show will come back, here's a general thread to post all things Survivor.
I won't ruin the OP with my content post, so it will come next.
Enjoy and come on in guys!
She can't play the idol after she uses shot in the dark I'm pretty sure
They are going to ask if anybody is using an idol
After that they would reveal the votes and the shot in the dark
They aren't going to say the result of the shot and then ask if she wants to use an idol
That's not how it works.
They ask if anyone has an idol or advantage they want to play.
This is when people do their shot in the dark.
Then reveal safe / not safe.
If safe any votes cast against them won't count.
After they've played their idol or advantage other people can.
So I'm saying if you play sitd and draw not safe, then play your idol...or don't.
Didn't someone before play a fake idol, gauge reactions and then choose to play (or not) a real idol?
Vaguely recall that from seasons ago.
Random thing I noticed while listening to Liz's Applebee's meltdown.... if you close your eyes she sounds exactly like Sally from the Peanuts special when she's yelling at Linus for making her miss Halloween

gotta hand it to Q, he's a great character and he stands by his principles! Cold-blooded, I love it
That's not how it works.
They ask if anyone has an idol or advantage they want to play.
This is when people do their shot in the dark.
Then reveal safe / not safe.
If safe any votes cast against them won't count.
After they've played their idol or advantage other people can.
So I'm saying if you play sitd and draw not safe, then play your idol...or don't.
Didn't someone before play a fake idol, gauge reactions and then choose to play (or not) a real idol?
Vaguely recall that from seasons ago.
Redditt seems to agree with you
Best episode by a mile, in a terrible season.
+1 to why is Liz even allowed on the show with dietary issues like that. So glad Q didn't cave to a grown adult meltdown.
Please, please, please let Q outlast Venus and particularly Liz. Would be so juicy. If you're Maria and Charlie you have to keep him around as long as possible.
Who wins if the final three is Liz/Venus/Q?
How did Charlie know Liz could be persuaded to vote Q? I thought that was never going to happen based on her reactions and that was before this information that Maria and Kenzie offered to swap Liz, and Q put his foot down. I kept thinking they were way more likely to get Kenzie on their side than to get Liz.
And...the idea you were stupid enough to come on Survivor when you are allergic to your shadow, and then think you are entitled to a hamburger you didn't earn in any way because you are hungry and have a wednesday ritual...just wow.
Who wins a Liz, Q, Venus final? Not who you think should win. Who would these people choose? They all seem like they should be drawing dead, but if they made the end together, they'd have to pick one of them.
I think Charlie and Maria are playing great and have been doing so the entire game. And there has been entertaining characters and some real wtf moments. I've enjoyed the season since Bhanu got put out of his misery. If they have people who do some screening on whether these people have the mental fitness to play this game, they probably dropped the ball.
That's a serious hold your nose vote for the jury. I could see Venus taking it just because people would rather hand her a million dollars than Q or Liz.
But anyone smart wants to be sitting next to Q for sure, and either Liz or Venus at FTC. I thought the FTC was a lock for both Charlie and Kenzie but suddenly I'm not so sure.
Basically if Kenzie makes FTC, she wins. Charlie would get no votes as a finalist next to her, and neither would any of the others if she's there.
I thought Hunter and Tiff were 2 of the cooler and more likeable cast members this season. Can't believe they went home back-to-back with the idol in their pockets. I will give the cast credit though for selling Tiff on the idea that this was going to be a no-brainer Q vote. They all had good poker faces at tribal.
Feel like Maria is playing the best game along with Charlie. So the remainder really need to get them out. If they do, FTC could be a total crapshoot.
Back to back horrendous blunders. Play. your. damn. idol. It's literally three voting round lefts after tonight, in any of those you can;
a) win immunity
b) find another idol
c) just not be the vote anyway
play your damn idol. She even had a confessional saying 'The only name i've heard all day from anyone is Q' if that is not the biggest red flag in the universe that people are coming for you I dont know what is.
Oh and I think in a hilarious hypothetial Liz Venus Q final 3 that Liz wins, probably unimaously
Also Q remains the best casting choice in the new era. What an incredible reality tv character. He should slam dunk be the first new era name on the cast of 50 list.
He needs to reel off a few challenge wins. If he was intentionally losing earlier it would be epic.
Ben was super charismatic and it seems like the game has beaten it out of him. Dude’s been lifeless for like 3 weeks. And he gets no edit credit for this vote. 0% to win.
ITT Liz should pass on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because she would be starving on Survivor
Jeff said "you haven't eaten much" which makes me think they are giving her SOMETHING she is able to eat. They're not gonna let her starve.
Tbh I doubt she was much hungrier than anyone else there. She just had a meltdown because it was her favorite burger, and probably more because Q ruined what she delusionally thought was her epic move.
Gtfo she can choose to do whatever she wants but then she cant cry about it when people dont seek to accommodate her dumb ass. She knowingly volunteered for what could be a 26 day hunger strike? That’s her problem.
is this the worst cast in survivor history?