"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

It's been about 9.5 years and 350K posts of epicness, but "It Lives, It Lives" can live no more. The OG LLSNL Chat Thre

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29 November 2019 at 06:28 PM

4679 Replies


i'm also extra incetivized to grind out as much profit as i can now during these peak times because i know when i do the ride my earning will be very minimal - but legit considering bringing a laptop on the ride and making it a work trip 😀

with the zero training put it it's pretty clear by now i have no chance of being competitive - but i still think it'll be a great experience and get me back into killer shape - which will be immensely helpful

by rickroll k

with the zero training put it it's pretty clear by now i have no chance of being competitive - but i still think it'll be a great experience and get me back into killer shape - which will be immensely helpful

good news. SPC estimates that greater than 1/2 (closer to 3/4) of those currently registered are going at it in a non competitive approach.

by marknfw k

I'm thinking I'll get a new Tacoma this year, just waiting for the hybrid version to come out.

It was pretty great. Loved Glazer. There were a lot less Kraft jokes than I expected, but Giselle caught a ton of strays.

Brady telling the bald guy to lay off Kraft was embarrassing. (all I've seen is a few twitter clips). But honestly, the guy is a 80yr old mega billionaire. If he can't take the heat he should **** off

the line to Dana White about Brazilians was perfection

by rickroll k

not yet, i was an idiot and didn't consider how busy i'd be with nba/nhl playoffs

been a great month for me financially but have basically been staring at a computer screen 24/7

you found space for one of the longest posts of all time in the online dating thread. guessing you're just sat at the screen waiting for stuff to happen?

I survived a bounty satellite yesterday with zero additional bounties other than my own. Weird format, satellite into a $500 buy-in event, but half goes to the bounty in this tournament ($200 tot, $100 bounty, ~$70 into price pool, $30 fees). 67 runners, 10 seats available, bout tree-fiddy for 11th place cash. We agreed at 12 to make up the ~$15/winner for #11 to get a full seat, too (paying the bubble essentially). By first break, I had double starting stack, no extra bounties. 3rd break I was seriously short with ~20 left, still no bounties. Around this time, I get AA on the button, GII against the big stack's JJ. Flop gives him 4 to a flush and an open-ended straight draw. I dodge all the bullets to double up+. Soon after, I GII with KK against someone else's 88. He flops open-ended straight-flush draw and again I dodge more bullets than I can count and double up. I'm able to cruise into surviving to win a seat, zero extra bounties. One other guy at my table (we had both been there since the start of the tournament) won a seat with only his own bounty. I figure there were 58 bounties split unevenly amongst the final 10 of us. Statistically significant that two people only had one each?

by feel wrath k

you found space for one of the longest posts of all time in the online dating thread. guessing you're just sat at the screen waiting for stuff to happen?

most of the time I'm indeed just watching screens waiting for things to happen

by rickroll k

most of the time I'm indeed just watching screens waiting for things to happen

in which case you need to create a Greatest Hits post from that tool in that thread. He is a special one, isn't he?

by feel wrath k

in which case you need to create a Greatest Hits post from that tool in that thread. He is a special one, isn't he?


by Garick k


= P ointless Words?

Ding, ding, ding!

Let's be fair: PW's not a tool in that thread exclusively.


Discovered a nice life mental hack as a frugal person: I ended up buying tickets to game 7 of the first two Canucks series.

Feels like a freeroll.

If they win the series before game 7 (which they did in the first round), awesome, on to the next round!

If they lose the series before game 7, whatever, **** the 'Nucks.

And if it goes to game 7, ok, I'm on the hook for lottsa $$$... but it's game freakin' 7 and I'll be there, that's cool!


Played poker last night for the first time in a few months after heading into the casino to have dinner with a friend.

Sat at 5/10 with him and played several hours at both the tables at that stake. Just grim, silent, nitty reg filled tables of headphones in and phone watching. And it’s been the same the other few times I’ve been this year

Eventually got bored of it and played some 2/3 which was talkative and splashy and a lot more enjoyable. And so I think I’m a 2/3 player now

one of us, one of us

I made the decision to stop playing higher stakes a while back because I just don't have the time to play the hours to get in poker shape at those stakes. Good for you FW. And hoping better days are coming.

so how much did you lose?

by johnny_on_the_spot k

so how much did you lose?

2/3/6 I open utg +1 to 20 with AQo 3 callers to bb who shoves his last 250. I re-shove 700 total and mp calls his last 300.

A on the flop and we scoop vs 89ss and 44

by venice10 k

I made the decision to stop playing higher stakes a while back because I just don't have the time to play the hours to get in poker shape at those stakes. Good for you FW. And hoping better days are coming.

thanks and yes, I'm in the same boat. While I played a lot of hands in an online game last year, I've only played about 50 hours of live poker since October and am very rusty. Not sure I have any poker fitness for hand watching, patience or aggression and at tables full of TAGnits at 5/10 I wouldn't be beating the rake IMO

Got a speeding ticket an hour ago.

Honestly I'm not even mad, for as fast as I drive I've avoided speeding tickets for the last 10 years which is a miracle in itself.

Surprisingly, the cop did not accept my excuse that I was accelerating to dry my car faster following a carwash (100% true btw).

Good thing I made $22K at $5/5 last month so I can afford to blow some money fighting this ticket.

calling RobFarha

by SABR42 k

Surprisingly, the cop did not accept my excuse that I was accelerating to dry my car faster following a carwash (100% true btw).

I chuckled

5/10 is a miserable existence

Obviously bankroll matters for what I am about to say, but in order of enjoyment the blind ranks are

1/2 or 1/3

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I've think I've gotten 7 speeding tickets in my lifetime to date, which seems way on the high side for how slow / cautious / laidback I drive overall (admittedly mellowing with age).


0 tickets for life

got a few toll stop and parking tickets that i never paid and let the good ole statute of limitations due its best with
