Reaching 2300 on lichess rapid in 2024
Professional HS poker player, also very active in chess..
Been playing since i was 6, mostly online on and lichess, self taught , dont even know the coordinates except e4 , d4 etc
Have been playing unrated for the past 6 months, as i've been expanding my opening repertoire , and analyzing games after, so i fill that im ready to start rated again..
ill be playing 10+0 , 4/5 games a day , not everyday, and will post the games , perhaps some more experienced players can jump in
as white, i always liked e4, but now im using Kf3 as my main opening, mostly transitioning into the english
as black , i always used the kings pawn or the sicilian vs e4, now im using the karo-can , and vs d4 i 90% of the time play Kf6, and main lines , and not changing that , as i always did good there
i will also be solving puzzles and reviewing every game
Starting at 1912 , Screenname : timkasp
not sure if this is the right forum to do this , or if its something that its not usually done , mods can delete it
18 Replies
First 40 hours , cruised pretty fast to 2k
This is my 2k game
And this is a really annoying one , where i completely outplayed him the whole game , but ended up with one minute on the clock , and pretty much mated myself
last game of the day , 4 inaccuracies and 2 mistakes , most in the first 10 moves , stockfish did not like my early sac
current rating : 2015
Not bad
cheers mate
last 2 days , played 7 games , was really not playing well , not managing time correctly , lost cause i was low on time, then starting playing faster , which lead to mistakes
played some e4, got into the classic sicilian which i really hate playing against , but he just blundered a pawn out of the opening , and i didnt manage to convert , as i missed Be3+
dropped under 2k, and then used my last resource as i wasnt playing well ,and played the ponziani , as i've studied this opening quite in depth and i tend to use it when im not playing that well
managed a quick win , to get back to 2k, and then quit ..
overall just playing bad , not focused enough and not managing time well
current rating : 2002
Putting this on stand by , goal far too ambitious , would take way too much time
will come up with an easier goal first ..
Hey MartimC, remember me?
I have found you , you have been a bad bad boy.
You have lost many players money on app games and you blame it on the app owners, but I have found out the truth. It was you who did the scamming. You may have played poker ok one day, but you have been broke a long time now.
We will talk again soon Martim
thread got real?
Hey MartimC, remember me?
I have found you , you have been a bad bad boy.
You have lost many players money on app games and you blame it on the app owners, but I have found out the truth. It was you who did the scamming. You may have played poker ok one day, but you have been broke a long time now.
We will talk again soon Martim
I have made an unjust mistake here. I have accused the wrong man. I want air to clear that this Martim is not the Martim I am looking for. This Martim has
I got ripped off by a Martim that I met at Borgota Casino and played on some app games under him, and I thought this was the guy. I did not do enough research and realize this is not him. I was overwhelmed by my distress over the past week. Sorry for the mistaken identity here.
I've taken immediate action by reporting the posts, hoping that the moderators will remove them.
But how many pieces did you steal from street poker during your recent games?
im back at stealing points
is there any correlation between the way you play poker and chess ? very similar game i guess if you have a more risk taking mentality , it'll define your play style in both games
sacked 7 pieces , gimme the 2 years
Wow people are so bad at recognizing enginelike play. That was clearly just horsesheet. 😉
Yes I think there is similarity in the way I approach both games. I tend to be more tilty in chess for some reason though.
well this was a 20+6 game , i dont have time to play for that long , but once in a while why not , i'll eat these 2200s for breakfast
couldn't be a bot, +0.4 and i make an 'inaccuracy' that brings it to 0s , took stockfish 15m to give his best move 0s , and the true backwards horsy was in fact the only move to keep the advantage
apart from that , yeah i blunder mate in 2 , but i'd seen the win already so... you know how it goes
Going Kramnik on someone is supposed to be against the rules on Lichess. That guy should get a time out for accusing you without proof.
i really don't see the issue with this game...
i haven't studied openings for a while nor played over the board, when i studied the scandi , i do analyse the games i play tho, Qd8 really doesnt need a lot of studying to know that you'll get a +0.7 to +1 out of the opening , Qa5 i always play b4 Qxb4, Rb8, followed by Bb7, and the queen moves 4 times in exchange for a pawn, and has no development, and its quite easy to play for white, and its also something like +0.5 to +1 , this Qd6 is a way more 'recent' move , that i haven't studied a lot , and its best by test, but in the scandi you can always just play solid , and end up with a much easier position to play despite having 0s on the computer
i obviously saw 11.Nb4 and its a free pawn for black , but goes against every chess principle .. Black is gonna need his knight to defend his king, he's pushing on the wrong side of the board , and i can give up my rook and get his knight to a1, and i saw i could plant my knight on e5 creating all sorts of tactics , i could take the pawn on a6, another critical defensive piece , and i could also plant the white bishop on c6, which is worth like 6 or 7 points .. his queen is stuck , his king side needs at least 3 tempos to develop , so just knowing that Nb4 cant be a good move and that there must be something ... obv i didnt calculate everything nor would anyone be able to , but a lot of tactics are gonna come up ofc .. im down 5 points in material , but his most active piece , the white bishop is disconnected from the king and taking a diagonal that i really don't need to use to press with an attack, his queen cant move, his king side bishop and rook already felt asleep , knowing that they are never gonna move
and i take 10m out of a 20m+6s game from move 11 to move 15 , so yeah i was really considering Na3, cause i can bring him back to attack and he has no pieces to defend his king
ofc there are 2 mistakes on my part where stockfish laughs at my moves
first of all he wants me to play B back to c4 instead of b3, im not even gonna try and understand why, probably to trap the knight , seems unnecessary
but later it does prove that black can defend with this ridiculous Kc8 move - variation - Kc8 20.Bb5 20.c6 21.Nxc6 21.Nb6+Kc7 22.Nxd5+ 22.Bxc6 23.Qc7 and black is winning
but yeah game goes on , 19. Bb6 19. Nd7 20. NxN 20. RxN, and i plant the bishop , just eliminating all the knights which are the only pieces that can protect his king and i bring back that knight that went backwards to replace the one i traded for his knight
21. Ne5 , 21.Rd6 forced
22. Qb5 forcde and 22.b6 which leads to mate in 2
yeah i saw Qa6, Na5 and missed Qa8 mate, only looked at Qb7 mate , but i had 1m on the clock and like i said i knew that if i took both knights there was no way he could defend the position ,as his Q cant move , both his bishops and rook are doing absolutely nothing and d5 is coming even at an expense of a knight as im opening the dark squared bishop that will end the game , taking the knight goes from 0s to +5.5 , think i would be able to convert this position vs most GMs , pbb not vs stockfish but yeah.. black is getting mated after i take the knight anyway
so yeah its just knowing that a move cannot be good , could've gone wrong ? ofc as apparently theres 1 or 2 ridiculous defenses that stockfish can find , but overall the position is much easier to play for white , and all my pieces are active and pointing at his defenseless king , saying this game was dog **** , i understand it... its not normal even for masters to play so aggressive just cause a move is bad , its still early in the opening and very easy to miss a move when you go into extreme tactical lines, i play for fun tho , and yeah with more time on the clock can find some good moves.. obv you play 11.Nb4 vs a top GM and you get the same outcome but way more accurate , they will punish these moves very easily
i end up with 83% accuracy , 2 mistakes and 1 blunder ( the mate in 2..) and he has 72%, position much easier to play for white, and black has to be really accurate to defend to justify that pawn + rook grabbing
just to clarify that missing Qa8 is normal in these positions , as theres also , Qa6 - Rxc6 , Nxc6 ++( which is also easy to miss) if that isnt mate and with 1 minute on the clock , i've wasted 30 to 40 sec and now have to play with 20sec after taking the knight .. cause Nxc6+ - Kb9! , NxQ, BxN and i have a queen for two pieces vs a bishop pair a dead Q on a6, and all of the sudden his worse minor is better than any of my pieces
been getting back to blitz , and keeping this thread for myself mostly..
playing 3+2 only , played some unrated games , i should be underrated there, so lets see how far i can go
first rated game , starting at 1700