"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

It's been about 9.5 years and 350K posts of epicness, but "It Lives, It Lives" can live no more. The OG LLSNL Chat Thre

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29 November 2019 at 06:28 PM

4679 Replies


Don't forget you can easily zip over to the Stage Door for one of their hotdogs on break. 😉

by feel wrath k

Good luck Johnny. First time at wsop is great - the sheer size of the main room and the noise of the chips is quite the experience

The food and snacks options are awful and expensive unfortunately - worse at Paris and Horseshoe than Rio. I think they were charging $8 for a Quest bar. I would eat a good meal before the day and either pack enough protein bars and fruit or take something pre prepared. Otherwise the best options are Wahlgreen/CVS on the Strip which still aren’t great

Thanks for the suggestions.

I was thinking of doing a little shopping at home and just throwing a bunch of snack food in my carry on and as silly as it sounds maybe a jar of peanut butter, some bread and sandwich bags.

by johnny_on_the_spot k

Thanks for the suggestions.

I was thinking of doing a little shopping at home and just throwing a bunch of snack food in my carry on and as silly as it sounds maybe a jar of peanut butter, some bread and sandwich bags.

You’ll work it out - also, you’re only there for a few days so it’s not such a big deal.

Last year I was buying $9 salads from CVS and then buying deli turkey and nuts to add to them and that worked really well

by feel wrath k

How much are you playing these days?

I played the college football national championship and the super bowl. Gotta try the 'superbowl squares' promo. the university of washington's excuse for an offense wasted a 0,0.

by BigSkip k

lol I got the tag light one out one time.

I had been out playing poker on a Friday night. Game broke early so I headed home and stopped at the grocery store at around 11:30. Take a left at a light on the main highway and noticed that the cop sitting at the red light immediately did a U-turn through the light after I went by and got behind me. I am like wtf - not speeding and a I had a green light. We go through 2 lights and I get lit up. I pull into a parking lot and wait. I sit there a few min

Sr Walking painted his 69 Plymouth and ran it until 91. His favorite story is the time he got stalked and pulled over by a hick town cop, for driving too slow. When asked, the cop gave the standard lie, 'your vehicle matches the description of one wanted on the radio.' Sr replied Another white 69 Plymouth with a red roof aye?

by johnny_on_the_spot k

Thanks for the suggestions.

I was thinking of doing a little shopping at home and just throwing a bunch of snack food in my carry on and as silly as it sounds maybe a jar of peanut butter, some bread and sandwich bags.

Pro tip: find a protein bar you really like, and pack a crap ton of them with you. Like really.

a. EP - UTG through UTG+2 - 22+, AK, KQ (9.5%) of hands
b. MP - UTG+3-HJ - 22+,ATs+,KTs+,QTs+,JTs,ATo+,KTo+,QTo+,JTo (18%)
c. Late position - 55+,33-22,A2s+,K8s+,Q8s+,J8s+,T8s+,98s,A2o+,K9o+,Q9o+,J9o +,T9o (33%) of hands

which of these hands are we 3 betting from MP and LP?

I read that can 3 bet all these by the coursse but it just seems spewy at 1-2/1-3 no?

by the pleasure k

a. EP - UTG through UTG+2 - 22+, AK, KQ (9.5%) of hands
b. MP - UTG+3-HJ - 22+,ATs+,KTs+,QTs+,JTs,ATo+,KTo+,QTo+,JTo (18%)
c. Late position - 55+,33-22,A2s+,K8s+,Q8s+,J8s+,T8s+,98s,A2o+,K9o+,Q9o+,J9o +,T9o (33%) of hands

which of these hands are we 3 betting from MP and LP?

I read that can 3 bet all these by the coursse but it just seems spewy at 1-2/1-3 no?

Wrong thread bud

Skied Copper yesterday as my last day of the season. #89.

6 down, 14 to go to giving GG a new avatar. Had to fade a 15 outer to do it (middle set vs top two and nut flush draw), but a win is a win.

Haven’t lost a session since my friend (CotB from my trip reports) passed away in early February. He may just will me to 20 in a row even if it takes another 6 months.

He would have turned 49 on Wednesday.

Speaking of streaks (can't remember if I've mentioned it--if so, sorry), AA has held 16 straight times for me. I think it was around a year ago I noticed the streak at 4 or 5, and have been tracking.

I don't think I'm overbetting or anything--getting action, they're just avoiding the sets and other unpleasant runouts.

by golddog k

Speaking of streaks (can't remember if I've mentioned it--if so, sorry), AA has held 16 straight times for me. I think it was around a year ago I noticed the streak at 4 or 5, and have been tracking.

I don't think I'm overbetting or anything--getting action, they're just avoiding the sets and other unpleasant runouts.

sounds like the next 5 times are going to go horribly

by golddog k

Speaking of streaks (can't remember if I've mentioned it--if so, sorry), AA has held 16 straight times for me. I think it was around a year ago I noticed the streak at 4 or 5, and have been tracking.

I don't think I'm overbetting or anything--getting action, they're just avoiding the sets and other unpleasant runouts.

Found my mirror image twin. Well, to be fair, I try not to track it ... but it's been hard not to notice they never win.

by golddog k

Speaking of streaks (can't remember if I've mentioned it--if so, sorry), AA has held 16 straight times for me. I think it was around a year ago I noticed the streak at 4 or 5, and have been tracking.

I don't think I'm overbetting or anything--getting action, they're just avoiding the sets and other unpleasant runouts.

I want you to know that I am holding some negative feelings for you now.

by johnny_on_the_spot k

sounds like the next 5 times are going to go horribly

Oh no, the rest of the hands have been evening things out. QQ < 77 AIPF ("because sevens are hot tonight") when the board four-flush a wrong way for me. For example. (Some of this due to my bad play, to be fair).

by illiterat k

Found my mirror image twin. Well, to be fair, I try not to track it ... but it's been hard not to notice they never win.

I'll take the no on "never"

by OvertlySexual k

I want you to know that I am holding some negative feelings for you now.

I'm ok with that. Let it out, you'll feel better. I can take it.

by golddog k

I'm ok with that. Let it out, you'll feel better. I can take it.

Last week I did the following calculation. I have played 2000 hours since the start of 2019. That's around 60,000 hands.

Since you get aces 0.45% of the time, I should have gotten them 270 times during that time span. I checked my online database and I discovered that I get it in all in either 5-10% of the time. I think 5%.

Mind you, live is less aggro than online, so you probably get it it less live than online.

So over the past 5 years, I ought to have gotten all in with AA at most 13-14 times.

And yet when I try to remember the times I gotten it in, I can remember something like 7 times. 6 times I lost, 1 time I won.

I try to be modest here because there might be some selection bias going on, i.e. i remember the bad beats more than the times I won. But even so, best case scenario, I am winning 60% of the time I get it in.

And of course there's this gem of a hand I posted about back then:

Hero is UTG+1 8 handed I think, raises 25.

CO calls, Villain 3bets to 150 from the B.

Hero tanks for a bit, maybe less than I thought, because I didn't have to think much, 4bets to 425, CO folds.

Villain takes somewhere between 5 and 10 seconds to ship it.

Hero snap calls obviously thinking that with Villain snap shoving he probably has the other AA and this is a big waste of time.

Flop comes KJx. Doesn't look good. Sure enough Villain turns KK.

As Villain tables hand he opens his hands and reveals a humongous stack.
Count reveals Villain's stack to be $2190.

Hero is left with $5 as a parting gift from the Gods of Trolling and Schadenfreude.

Then hero has to listen to chipper villain explain to the guy next to him that "maybe he had QQ or JJ or AK. I know how he plays, so".

Pretty proud that I took it as a champ barely showing any emotion other than whining here obv.

Villain is different from player pool; relatively tight, but overrates big pairs and top pairs. I have relatively aggro image, so he can be forgiven for thinking I have a wider range than i actually have in this spot.

All in all, I can say that I am very bitter, because I am running like dogshit and it's just not the Aces.

If I were you I would simply run better.

by OvertlySexual k

Last week I did the following calculation. I have played 2000 hours since the start of 2019. That's around 60,000 hands.

Since you get aces 0.45% of the time, I should have gotten them 270 times during that time span. I checked my online database and I discovered that I get it in all in either 5-10% of the time. I think 5%.

Mind you, live is less aggro than online, so you probably get it it less live than online.

So over the past 5 years, I ought to have gotten all in with AA at most 13-14 tim

My worst run with Aces lifetime happened about a month ago. And no selection bias because I have the database to look at.

I lost AA vs QQ aipf 4/4. Then lost AA vs AK aipf 4/4.

All within the span of about two days.

by feel wrath k

Wrong thread bud

where would be the right thread then?

by the pleasure k

where would be the right thread then?

One of the many poker strategy threads…or even creating your own one

by the pleasure k

a. EP - UTG through UTG+2 - 22+, AK, KQ (9.5%) of hands
b. MP - UTG+3-HJ - 22+,ATs+,KTs+,QTs+,JTs,ATo+,KTo+,QTo+,JTo (18%)
c. Late position - 55+,33-22,A2s+,K8s+,Q8s+,J8s+,T8s+,98s,A2o+,K9o+,Q9o+,J9o +,T9o (33%) of hands

which of these hands are we 3 betting from MP and LP?

I read that can 3 bet all these by the coursse but it just seems spewy at 1-2/1-3 no?

all pairs from EP at 10 handed? I never saw a chart that ambitious.

by the pleasure k

where would be the right thread then?

Check out the "I hate 44 in LP" thread, ldo.


I hate 44 too, fake AA lookin ass bitch

by JackInDaCrak k

I hate 44 too, fake AA lookin ass bitch

The key is to play 44 exactly how you would play AA.


by JackInDaCrak k

I hate 44 too, fake AA lookin ass bitch

A4 is a worse fake out, imo

by gobbledygeek k

The key is to play 44 exactly how you would play AA.


So, poorly?
