1/3 weird spot
1/3 500 effective
V: very active. He covers only been playing like an hour with him but he has like a 2k stack. 3 betting a ton probably 5x In an hour. Only saw one hand where he 3! 99 on the button against an EP raise
OTTH short stack 150 opens to 15 two callers he makes it 75 on the button
I’m in the SB with JJ kind of in limbo here but I try and it make it 175 but misclick to 150
He tank calls after everyone folds
(345 Flop Q103 rainbow
Betting range here in a 4! Pot but kind of confused on sizing and what to do.
I make it 100 he calls
Turn 6 I jam for 250
Kind of just an awkward hand all around
19 Replies
If he's 3B'ing as often as you say, it's almost certain he's often 3B'ing light. So your 4B with JJ in the SB seems correct.
The mis-click is unfortunate, because there's almost zero chance he's folding. Given his stack depth, I think I might have preferred an even larger size than $175.
If you're only starting with $500, I think you want to put max pressure on him when you'll have to play OOP post-flop, and I think we want to lower the SPR as much as possible, decreasing his implied odds, and making it impossible for him to profitably set-mine.
So, I might actually go $300, and just jam on any flop, assuming he doesn't jam or fold pre. As played, when you min-click it, and he just flat calls, that is unusual, but I'd think it really weakens his range.
You can go really small with your c-bet in a 4-bet pot, because we're going to be c-betting almost 100% frequency. You could have bet $75, and it wouldn't have been strange.
The turn jam looks right. That's what you'd do with AA/KK/QQ/TT and AQ. You're committed to stacking off with top pair or better at this SPR. Even though you only have JJ, you have all the bigger pocket pairs and TT in your range, so it's going to be hard for him to call with just a draw.
At this SPR, he should call off with any QX, and you'll probably lose, but your JJ double-blocks his combos of QJ. There's a chance he'll fold some QX because he gives you credit for a better hand, and also a chance he calls with some TX or even 99, because he levels himself into thinking you have AK.
If you’re doing this with AA, KK, QQ, JJ and AK, you’re basically impossible to exploit. I like it.
I'd prefer either a small 4bet sizing a little under $200 or an AI for $500. If he's 3betting 99 on the BN he's likely calling a 4bet shove with this hand too, so it's a clear value spot with JJ. The fact that V has used a large (5x) 3bet size on the BN has created this situation, in which splitting your 4bets between 2.5x and 6.5x becomes an issue. I think if you were including bluffs then you'd probably just have to go with the 6.5x, although against this type of V you probably can only 4bet value (and simply widen your range). As played I'd jam the flop, given the SPR.
I would jam pre and gobble up dead money while sometimes getting called by worse.
As played your line is fine.
All good here minus pre. About $85-$95 flop bet. Then jam turns.
Played fine except for the misclick 😉
$175-200 pre would be good
small flop bet is fine, checking flop would be good too.
id check the turn. those who want to jam - are you bluffing or vbetting?
I'm betting the best hand making him pay to see another card.
this sounds awfully close to fish logic. the #1 source of profit in my game is people overplaying their hands because of this same type of thinking.
how do you know you have the best hand? if im villain my flop raise range is 0. you'd have no information about my hand when i call your flop bet other than its not a complete whiff. if a bet folds out all worse hands and is called by only better hands thats a bad play.
maybe you jam because you're committed anyway, which is something different. i would argue the point of contention is whether your money goes in better if you bet the turn, or you check/call it.
It doesn't matter what V's flop raise range is. You have half-pot size bet (actually a little less) left on the turn. You check, he checks, and a K, A, 9, T, hit -- what do you do on river? Even a J might suck. You just suck it up and check/call? Or you shove then and pray it didn't hit him?
It doesn't matter what V's flop raise range is. You have half-pot size bet (actually a little less) left on the turn. You check, he checks, and a K, A, 9, T, hit -- what do you do on river? Even a J might suck. You just suck it up and check/call? Or you shove then and pray it didn't hit him?
i reiterate:
maybe you jam because you're committed anyway, which is something different. i would argue the point of contention is whether your money goes in better if you bet the turn, or you check/call it.
i reiterate:
maybe you jam because you're committed anyway, which is something different. i would argue the point of contention is whether your money goes in better if you bet the turn, or you check/call it.
I reiterate: what if the turn checks through? Why on earth do you think this guy would bet the turn w/ worse than JJ?
I reiterate: what if the turn checks through? Why on earth do you think this guy would bet the turn w/ worse than JJ?
because he puts us on AK? because aggressive players like to bluff when checked to? because he thinks his 99 is good and wants to protect vs our obvious AK?
again i dont know what this guy's postflop tendencies are so probably this thread doesnt have a best answer to it.
So, you check turn and V checks back. Are you check/calling all rivers?
I think you just jam pre. As played i like going tiny like even $75 otf, entice him to float, and then letting him bluff into you ott. As played is fine, im never folding
ETA - being cheeky with the above.
I think jamming is a combination of being pot-committed, most likely having the best hand, but occasionally folding out a better hand.
Like I said in my earlier post, V probably isn't folding QX here very often, but there's a remote chance he might, given hero's line. I think V might get sticky with TX or maybe 99/88, something like that. A jam can get value or deny equity from a hand like AK, or maybe one of the few remaining combos of KJ or J9.
So V tanks awhile and I’m happy with it but he eventually sigh calls with AK and binks an A. I think with AK against JJ specifically it’s a break even call but that’s like one of the worst hands I’ll have here
So V tanks awhile and I’m happy with it but he eventually sigh calls with AK and binks an A. I think with AK against JJ specifically it’s a break even call but that’s like one of the worst hands I’ll have here
Meh, doesn't seem like the worst-played hand from either of you, given the stack depths.
I go back and forth about jamming flop vs betting smaller on flop and jamming turn in spots like this, where we get pot committed and know we're never folding. Not sure which has more fold equity.
What kind of player is Short Stack? From what position are they opening?
Villain basically commits himself vs. Short Stack with his 3bet. So if Short Stack is tight, I don't expect villain to 3bet light here, and wouldn't hate folding JJ preflop. If not, I suppose jamming for $500 is fine.