“Death to America”

“Death to America”

I’m open to hearing the moral case for allowing people residing in America to chant this and mean it. It’s not just about policing the specific words but rather the spirit and the desire to spread this spirit to others.

09 May 2024 at 10:56 PM

283 Replies


by filthyvermin k

people in USA are not happy. paying bills is not easy. healthcare, education, free time... people are struggling.

these are the natural outcomes of capitalism. capitalism is built around the wealthy exploiting the workers.

American empire is wealthy elite partying on yachts while we work 40-80 hours a week, struggling to make ends meet.

and it's even worse in other countries where workers are struggling even more than here in the heart of the empire.

if things were more fair, just, equal, we wou

Hiw does death to the american empire help 99% of thr people living there?

Microbet...csn you offer your opinion on how this would actually work in practice?

by filthyvermin k

And the police was called only when the action was illegal, so?

by Luciom k

And the police was called only when the action was illegal, so?

if you don't see the very obvious problem with changing laws/rules hourly, and arbitrarily, after the fact, and having police brutally enforce them, then I don't think anything I can say will do any good

by Luciom k

And the police was called only when the action was illegal, so?

by filthyvermin k

btw, I think your beloved Thomas jefferson(slave owning child rapist) said "death to america"

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

I'm curious what your thoughts are on Thomas jefferson chanting death to america

I realize he's not saying "death to America" word for word, but the sentiment is the same.

by Luciom k

Yes but no protestors have been touched by police because of the content of their speeches.

They got in clashes because they illegally occupied property

I don't understand why you insist on dealing with the protestors as a monolith. To say that no protestors have been touched just has to be wrong, just as saying no protestors are pro-Hamas has to be wrong and that no protestors have been violent.

There are cases of peaceful protest. Some of violent protests. Most have been peaceful, most cops have back off. Some protests have been violent and some cops have acted appropriately; some not appropriately.

Getting in the weeds about the Gaza protest movement isn't really fitting with this topic. The protestors ought to be totally free to speak out without causing violence. Where violence is caused, the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted. Where people are nonviolent, who cares? Ignore them if you're offended.

by filthyvermin k

if you don't see the very obvious problem with changing laws/rules hourly, and arbitrarily, after the fact, and having police brutally enforce them, then I don't think anything I can say will do any good

I don't see a very obvious problem with owners of property deciding arbitrarily what to do with their property no. That literally what being an owner means.

Those aren't laws/rules regarding your personal freedom

by The Horror k

I don't understand why you insist on dealing with the protestors as a monolith. To say that no protestors have been touched just has to be wrong, just as saying no protestors are pro-Hamas has to be wrong and that no protestors have been violent.

There are cases of peaceful protest. Some of violent protests. Most have been peaceful, most cops have back off. Some protests have been violent and some cops have acted appropriately; some not appropriately.

Getting in the weeds about the Gaza protest mo

Sorry but

1) actually no, no current protestors have been touched just because of the content of their speech. Do you have proof otherwise?

2) being against Israel is helping Hamas, ie is being "pro-Hamas", whether you like Hamas or not.

3) property right violations are violence

by filthyvermin k

I'm curious what your thoughts are on Thomas jefferson chanting death to america

I realize he's not saying "death to America" word for word, but the sentiment is the same.

Uhhh no. America is an independent place governed by its people. When tyrants present themselves, Americans must rise up and spill their blood so that our dear way of life is preserved.

You have it completely backwards

by Luciom k

Sorry but

1) actually no, no current protestors have been touched just because of the content of their speech. Do you have proof otherwise?

2) being against Israel is helping Hamas, ie is being "pro-Hamas", whether you like Hamas or not.

3) property right violations are violence

1) I don't, but who cares? My point is that that "none" is a preposterous absolute.

2.) This is stupid. There are plenty of anti-Bibi Zionists and Orthodox Jews who would disagree. Your Manichaean worldview doesn't actually make the world work like that simply because you feel it does.

3.) Agreed. Prove to me that all protesters are violating property rights. Again, you're not entirely wrong. You're just lacking nuance with your absolutes.

by filthyvermin k

btw, I think your beloved Thomas jefferson(slave owning child rapist) said "death to america"

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

I'm afraid that was just Jefferson's dishonest justification for starting a terrible internecine war (in which more Americans, many of them black, fought on the Crown side than on the rebel side) in order to preserve his lifestyle and income as a slave-owner (and not altogether incidentally a slave-raper). The liberty to own (and rape) slaves was the only 'liberty' he was concerned with. God knows he was a bloody awful businessman and couldn't earn a nickel any other way, and didn't even do very well as a hereditary slaver. Nationalists have attempted to praise his gifts as an amateur architect, but there's a reason why visitors are forbidden to even try and use the crabby, miserly, steep and narrow, accident-waiting-to-happen staircase in his old home.

He certainly never said 'Death to America', because America to him meant slavery, his sole source of income.

by The Horror k

1) I don't, but who cares? My point is that that "none" is a preposterous absolute.

2.) This is stupid. There are plenty of anti-Bibi Zionists and Orthodox Jews who would disagree. Your Manichaean worldview doesn't actually make the world work like that simply because you feel it does.

3.) Agreed. Prove to me that all protesters are violating property rights. Again, you're not entirely wrong. You're just lacking nuance with your absolutes.

1) why? it's at the core of 1a being actually already applied as intended

3) they aren't and all those that don't, don't have problems with the police, that was my point

by Luciom k

1) why? it's at the core of 1a being actually already applied as intended

3) they aren't and all those that don't, don't have problems with the police, that was my point

lol "all those that don't"

What planet are you from?

by The Horror k

What planet are you from?

Luciom, the planet of black-and-white absolutism. They don't have time for nuance there, they're too busy protecting their personal property to worry about **** like that. They'd also be spending a lot of resources preventing others from moving to their planet, but no one wants to.

by The Horror k

lol "all those that don't"

What planet are you from?

? All protestors that don't occupy property illegally didn't have any problem with the police, on this planet

The land belongs to the people.

by 57 On Red k

I'm afraid that was just Jefferson's dishonest justification for starting a terrible internecine war (in which more Americans, many of them black, fought on the Crown side than on the rebel side) in order to preserve his lifestyle and income as a slave-owner (and not altogether incidentally a slave-raper). The liberty to own (and rape) slaves was the only 'liberty' he was concerned with. God knows he was a bloody awful businessman and couldn't earn a nickel any other way, and didn't even do very

Do you think Jefferson didn’t know war was coming to his home when he wrote the Declaration of Independence?

by filthyvermin k

people in USA are not happy. paying bills is not easy. healthcare, education, free time... people are struggling.

these are the natural outcomes of capitalism. capitalism is built around the wealthy exploiting the workers.

American empire is wealthy elite partying on yachts while we work 40-80 hours a week, struggling to make ends meet.

and it's even worse in other countries where workers are struggling even more than here in the heart of the empire.

if things were more fair, just, equal, we wou

There is a thought / feeling every adult must overcome. It’s the thought that says, “Because I’m a good person, I don’t deserve to struggle.” You overcome it by compassionately reminding yourself that you are not above the struggle. The alternative is victimhood, stagnation, and resentment.

Still, you are right that this world is unjust and right to be angry about it. Both of these are true.

I wouldn’t be in favor of taking away the protection of chanting death to America or penalizing the speech in any way.. as long as when asked, the American citizen confirms they are open to the idea of America redeeming itself.

For whoever denies the possibility of redemption, I have no interest in protecting their hateful speech.

by Dunyain k

I do appreciate that the treatment of pro Hamas protestors on college campuses has given the progressive left a new appreciation of the 1st amendment the has been sorely lacking the last few years. Although I suspect the appreciation is mostly selfish and cynical, and no real first principles are involved.

remind me the last time right wing protesters were beaten and harassed in similar fashion

by PointlessWords k

Uhhh no. America is an independent place governed by its people. When tyrants present themselves, Americans must rise up and spill their blood so that our dear way of life is preserved.

You have it completely backwards

you think USA is governed by the people??????

if we had a government by the people for the people, we'd have healthcare. we wouldn't have a 2 party system that openly colludes to keep out other parties. we'd have been fighting climate change since the 80s. we wouldn't have obscene wealth inequality.

we wouldn't have Biden/trump

we wouldn't have Democratic party colluding to keep out Bernie Sanders(who don't support btw)

our government has always been run by the wealthy, protecting the interests of the wealthy, at the expense of the workers(vast majority)

Instead of some michael parenti bible quotes for a nice dopemine hit for those who dont understand economics, can you offer the better solution instead of the common one liners from folks that continusly seem to disappear?

Microbet...i think your my only hope

I believe visas are being revoked, people are being deported and put on the no fly lists as we speak. If Trump gets elected we will be able to get rid of a ton of these terrorists. The last thing we want is to turn into another UK or Germany.

by craig1120 k

I wouldn’t be in favor of taking away the protection of chanting death to America or penalizing the speech in any way.. as long as when asked, the American citizen confirms they are open to the idea of America redeeming itself.

For whoever denies the possibility of redemption, I have no interest in protecting their hateful speech.

We just need to use common sense. Chanting "Death to American" should not be allowed. Supporting Hamas in America should not be allowed.

by Luciom k

? All protestors that don't occupy property illegally didn't have any problem with the police, on this planet

Like January 6th?

by mongidig k

We just need to use common sense. Chanting "Death to American" should not be allowed. Supporting Hamas in America should not be allowed.

Being able to do those things is a part of what being an American is all about. It's called freedom.
