“Haha all in…?” muck.

“Haha all in…?” muck.

Hi all,

Playing 1/2 plo and I’m not really paying attention to the action, I have a completely garbage hand and this dude standing behind me railing comes over and I show him my hand to show him how bad it is and jokingly say to him “all in” and chuckle. I then quickly muck but the cards are retrievable. The stuck gambler who raised wants my “bet” to be committing and calls the floor over.

The floor says my all in bet stands and makes me put in a pot sized raise ($175). Was this outcome fair even though I was obviously joking and “all in” isn’t even a legal bet?


16 May 2024 at 03:15 AM

85 Replies


by DumbosTrunk k

I didn't say "I'm all in," I said "all in" and laughed - to the dude railing me off the table. There's a pretty big difference and intent should be clear here even to an observer. And I didn't even realize the action was on me.

My mistake for trying to keep it fun and loosening up a little and letting the degen stuck gambler rule shark me like that, I was trying to show my buddy off the table a good time (and this really isn't uncommon), he is a nice guy and I was keeping the vibe light.

I'll be a

Having a good time playing cards in a poker room is why I play. I am also a professional.

I never talk to somebody behind me, show cards to somebody behind me, or basically talk during a betting round. That doesn't affect me having a good time or helping make it fun for other people. The exception of course is waitresses and I try to keep that to a minimum while a betting round is in progress. Some waitresses actually understand this and wait.

One of the reasons I don't speak while betting or while its my turn to bet is because the words I say can be misinterpreted and I can be held to an action I didn't intend. As I mentioned earlier I have seen it happen and it can be ugly as it was in your case.

The fact that you haven't thanked people like me who have tried to help you but instead are still trying to justify what you did and think that somehow it was a bad ruling and you should keep on saying stuff like "all in" in conversations you are having while a hand is in progress is very sad and disheartening.

When bad things happen to players its almost always a protect your action type of situation. This is no different. Much of the reason I read threads in this forum is because I keep learning about what not to do and how to protect my hand during betting rounds. As a coach it is remarkable that you don't get it.

If you want to improve you have to learn how to own up to your mistakes and learn from them. It can be very painful. If you don't then they will keep happening.

by DumbosTrunk k

I didn't say "I'm all in," I said "all in" and laughed - to the dude railing me off the table. There's a pretty big difference and intent should be clear here even to an observer. And I didn't even realize the action was on me.

My mistake for trying to keep it fun and loosening up a little and letting the degen stuck gambler rule shark me like that, I was trying to show my buddy off the table a good time (and this really isn't uncommon), he is a nice guy and I was keeping the vibe light.

I'll be a

Oh man, we didn't realized you LAUGHED. That changes everything! If I announce 'call' and laugh when the action is on me, does that mean I shouldn't have to call because I was "obviously" joking? Or is it just what *you* find funny that should be allowed?

I've been to countless tables with a fun and lighthearted atmosphere that don't involve players "jokingly" announcing actions that the don't intend to, so that argument is a bad one.

You asked for an opinion, and got a good amount of them all of which pretty much agreed that you made a mistake here. Just accept that what you did was pretty stupid. There's nothing wrong with that, we've all done dumb things before. The important thing is now you learn from those mistakes. Or think that you're just super funny and everybody should understand that and let you say/do whatever you want, and if you have to face the consequences of your actions (literally), then everybody else is just a party-pooper who hates fun. Your choice.

by DumbosTrunk k

Hi all,

Playing 1/2 plo and I’m not really paying attention to the action, I have a completely garbage hand and this dude standing behind me railing comes over and I show him my hand to show him how bad it is and jokingly say to him “all in” and chuckle. I then quickly muck but the cards are retrievable. The stuck gambler who raised wants my “bet” to be committing and calls the floor over.

The floor says my all in bet stands and makes me put in a pot sized raise ($175). Was this outcome fair eve

You been playing poker for how long and still think this is ok? Floor absolutely made the right decision all day.

Im gonna chuckle every time I make a big bet and then if I'm bluffing and someone snapcalls I can say "haha I was obviously joking I didnt mean it"

Yeah I get it was a mistake, I was just taken off guard by the floor call and the harsh ruling. I was cool with the dude who made the bet and called the floor on me up until this point and it seemed a little extreme and douchy of him, almost a betrayal by someone I considered a friend or at least a friendly acquaintance.

And no I won’t be joking about my action in the future, obviously. But this is something I’ve seen done many times as a joke before and there were no consequences or extreme reactions as happened here.

FWIW, IMO the dude who called the floor on me in this situation was a total ass hat. And the floor who I think needs to retire initially wanted me to be bound to an all in bet as well (…!) but I had to talk him down to a pot sized bet as this is plo. My fault for letting my guard down even a little. There are people happy to take advantage of it.

The rule you’re saying is too harsh is obviously meant to protect people from angle shooters… Like what’s the angle on your opponent’s side, wait for some guy to joke about going all in so he can force them to put the money in? Seems like a pretty inefficient angle.

What if instead you had joked with “pot! hahaha” instead of “all in! hahaha”? Or moved all your chips in and then taken them out?

I feel like this is one of those moments where you should just be like “yeah that was pretty dumb” and not try to call your opponents angle shooters for not letting you flout the rules as someone that should know better.

That being said I wouldn’t have insisted on you putting it in… but I probably also wouldn’t have fought to let you keep it out either. Like I would probably figure you were being sincere when you threw your cards in and let you take your money back if the table agreed. I would definitely give you **** for it though.

by DumbosTrunk k

Yeah I get it was a mistake, I was just taken off guard by the floor call and the harsh ruling. I was cool with the dude who made the bet and called the floor on me up until this point and it seemed a little extreme and douchy of him, almost a betrayal by someone I considered a friend or at least a friendly acquaintance.

And no I won’t be joking about my action in the future, obviously. But this is something I’ve seen done many times as a joke before and there were no consequences or extreme re

What is this about?

by chillrob k

What is this about?

Not necessarily related to this ruling (as many but not all here back him up), but this floor has a bad reputation for getting rulings way incorrect. Problem is he’s been around forever so no one will show him the door.

by DumbosTrunk k

Not necessarily related to this ruling (as many but not all here back him up), but this floor has a bad reputation for getting rulings way incorrect. Problem is he’s been around forever so no one will show him the door.

Oh, I misread it as the floor who thinks you need to retire.

One downside of being the room rules nit (based on the threads you've created over the years) is that when you break a rule, you're going to get it enforced against you all the time. In this case, the floor got to the right ruling eventually. Expecting someone who knows you've tried to get fired to cut you some slack is the crazy part.

This scenerio comes up frequently, but it is almost always beginners who make this 'joke' and can't understand 1) how this isn't a joke to people who can't see their cards, and 2) how allowing this joke creates a situation where verbal declarations are no longer binding, an absolutlely awful thing for the game.

I don't get how a player with your level of experience and engagement on this forum is even remotely confused as to the outcome.

And I don't get how you still are trying to convince everyone you are the vicitm, and are throwing a tantrum (fine, I'll just play like Mr. Grumpypants) about it. Or that you think 'To keep the game fun and light, I necessary must be allowed to ignore the rules of the game'

If I wasn't in the hand, I probably would have called the floor on you. Keeping the game tight and well run is not an AH move at all

by DumbosTrunk k

FWIW, IMO the dude who called the floor on me in this situation was a total ass hat. And the floor who I think needs to retire initially wanted me to be bound to an all in bet as well (…!) but I had to talk him down to a pot sized bet as this is plo. My fault for letting my guard down even a little. There are people happy to take advantage of it.

Out of curiosity, in the past it always sounded like you wanted for the rules to be strictly followed. Did you change your position on that in general towards a more laissez faire approach when it comes to floor rulings or just in this particular case?

Don't you people understand he was JUST JOKING!

This is actual footage of OP


You didn't let your guard down and get taken advantage of. You said something stupid at the wrong time and they held you to your words. Stop making excuses and blaming others.

This reminds me of the time I jokingly made a "bomb" comment while at the airport security check.

Some people have no sense of humor.

by DumbosTrunk k

Not necessarily related to this ruling (as many but not all here back him up), but this floor has a bad reputation for getting rulings way incorrect. Problem is he’s been around forever so no one will show him the door.

Well, thankfully he got this ruling right.

by DumbosTrunk k

many but not all here back him up

Not all? I can't find anyone who thought the ruling was wrong.

As has been said on here before, he was just joking. Joking and not following silly rules are what makes the game great. Good joke OP. Some people just don't get it .

by DumbosTrunk k

Yeah I get it was a mistake, I was just taken off guard by the floor call and the harsh ruling. I was cool with the dude who made the bet and called the floor on me up until this point and it seemed a little extreme and douchy of him, almost a betrayal by someone I considered a friend or at least a friendly acquaintance.

And no I won’t be joking about my action in the future, obviously.But this is something I’ve seen done many times as a joke before and there were no consequences or extreme rea

Dude with your history here and also in (I assume "that room"), why would you be surprised at the ruling. The ruling was far from harsh. While it will not ALWAYS be held, especially if you were a newbie rec, but for a pro who claims to be a coach to even question the ruling literally made me LOL.

The ruling was correct. And (there is a pattern btw) how you reacted when called out on this indicates you (still) need to manage your responses to folks.

You were wrong, The ruling was correct, take your $175 lesson and move one.

by DumbosTrunk k

Not necessarily related to this ruling (as many but not all here back him up), but this floor has a bad reputation for getting rulings way incorrect. Problem is he’s been around forever so no one will show him the door.

You will not like this but it is the honest truth...that floor is not the only one with a reputation (if he has one.)

I have only played in "your" room a couple of few times. Live thousand miles away. But last time I was up that way and did make it to your "normal" room (based on prior posts), I gave a couple descriptive things you have shared here that I recall.

Ask a couple of regs at my NL table who also said they played PLO there. They both immediately "knew" you (or somebody they both confused with you) and rolled there eyes.

You might not like it. And certainly it could be someone else but take it for what it is worth.

by bolt2112 k

This reminds me of the time I jokingly made a "bomb" comment while at the airport security check.

Some people have no sense of humor.

Long ago (pre 9/11 thankfully), security asked to inspect my briefcase. I said sure and then talking to my business traveller I did not understand why. He said probably my calculator. And to my friend I siad "oh, right, that killer calculator".

Thankfully this was pre 9/11 and also we had plenty of time before our flight. My briefcase got a VERY thorough look. Security never said a word but the message was recieved loud and clear.

My dumb @ss got a lesson, learned that lesson and deserved that lesson.

If anything this bet should be binding because you could have induced action/tells from other players unaware of your joke. Maybe there's someone to your left who isnt aware of your conversation and shows his disgust and proceeds to fold, or maybe shows elatement and appears ready to repot. Maybe you could potentially have caught a tell out of the corner of your eye at either of these events, or perhaps even the initial bettor showing his disappointment in facing a repot such that now you know his hand is weak.

Im also surprised for a tag that says 'PLO coach' that you arent aware of any of this. It's a very common angle for PLO players to exploit new players with overbets to induce folds. Some new NLHE kid sits down and the pot is $75 but some guy slams down $300 in green and the NLHE player snap folds because he's just used to facing massive raises and forgets about the pot limit.

OP, any thought on what happens when your comment makes players behind you react? Just too bad for them? They should also know you don't mean it? I do think you would be much more protected if you had said "I should probably go all in, huh? ha!" or something instead of literally just "all in". Would still be a bad idea, and warning would be reasonable. But I also disagree with the post above where some guy with the nuts said the word "fold" while talking and was forced to fold. Seen a million people say something like "I don't think I can fold" and never seen anyone bound to fold.

ETA: the guy before me also made a similar point on tells, I had this pulled up a couple hours ago and didn't refresh before responding.

DT you have more problems in one week in a poker room than most people do in their lives.
