Road back to HS PLO
My screenname is portemilio. I've been playing Poker since I was 16. I started off playing poker on Runescape gambling sites where you'd buy coins ingame which had a $ value and deposit them on runescape poker sites. I found myself obsessed with the game since I was young. I specifically loved the HU format. At 16 i ran up 100$ to 20k when BTC was around 1.4k playing 6 max and 9max nlhe but ultimately got destroyed headsup because i lacked a lot of discipline and had major ego issues wanting to be the best. I always wanted to be the best and would get extremely angry when dealing with variance on top of the fact that I was an unstudied player. In college I transitioned to PLO. I got staked and coached but I wasn't winning no matter how hard I tried because of my serious BRM issues. I'd run up a couple of thousand dollars then instantly shot take 5/10 and lose it all and then go back to the lowest stakes to rebuild, rinse, and repeat. My senior year of college I decided I really wanted to give it my all. In class I'd bring my laptop and drill spots and this was the first form of studying I'd ever experienced (other than hundreds of hours of youtube videos and poker content that I consume). I significantly saw a change in my game. I've always been a highly intuitive player but with the baseline theory I developed I quickly skyrocketed though the ranks. I still had really poor mental game and not great BRM but I was able to run up my first 30k ish month in April of 2022. Unfortunately, I lost it all back shot taking 10/20 on ACR (very commend trend in my poker career). I had to take6 a fifth year of college because of a couple of other reasons but I always knew I was going to end up being a poker player. I dreaded school and felt it was the reason I wasn't succeeding because I still had to commit so many hours to school (studying Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Fluid Mechanics). I come from an Arab household and poker was not accepted at all but that didn't deter me. My fifth year I had the same routine where I'd study in class and play countless hours when I was back. I was also gaming a lot (League) so i decided to cut that out because I figured it was a waste of time if I really wanted to succeed. After I graduated (May 2022) I moved to Lebanon where my parents lived. I finally had no obligations, nothing holding me back and barely any expenses. I devoted all my time to poker (literally 15h days). After 6 months playing 1/2 - 10/20 on mainly bovada and BOL I made roughly 170k in profits. My mental health really suffered. I longed for social interaction; I had none of my friends in Lebanon and I started to not care about poker anymore. My health declined heavily and I felt despite the fact that I was winning that there was a constant judgement surrounding what I was doing. Once I showed my parents how much money I was making they couldn't complain about the journey I was decided to take ( as much anyways) but they were still greatly against it. My biggest mistake came when I decided to shot take 10/20 on Bovada. I was absolutely crushing Betonline and Bovada midstakes for atleast 8bb/100 over a sample of 400k+ hands, but when I played 10/20 nothing I did worked. I got absolutely crushed. My mental game was very strong at this point and I wasn't disheartened, I just figured it was variance. I ended up losing 45 ish buy ins (90k) running 70k below EV. This was almost 2/3 of my roll. I had heard rumors about collusion and cheating rings going on at 10/20 Bovada but I just figured that was bad regs crying about losing because the same was being said about every stake that I was consistently beating. I will never know if I actually got cheated as I have no definitive proof but I highly highly suspect that I did. At this point despite convincing myself that the loss of the money didn't affect me in reality my play began to change because nothing I did was working so I thought i had to deviate. I ended up going to EPT Barcelona in 2023 because I felt the need to prove to myself and everyone that what I was doing was a real job. I had around 50k to my name. I ended up losing 20k there playing 25/50 live (brm issues started coming back I really began to chase what I lost). Once I returned back to the US, started paying rent I prolonged into a 4 month period of break even/losing. I really thought at the time I was playing well I dont know maybe it was variance but looking back at it I had basically given up. I was playing 3h a day max and not putting in any volume at all (20k hands/month max). I'm using this 2+2 thread to hold myself accountable. I'm not going to give up on poker because I know I truly have a talent. I'm at a crossroads right now because im 24 and have little to no job experience so If I want to get a real 9-5 I'd really have to start looking now. I have a couple interviews with some investment banks just to appease my parents but it isn't something I'm taking seriously. On top of that it's really hard to explain to friends and family the journey I've been on because they don't understand variance at all. I'm not saying I didn't make any mistakes I definetly did, but to lose that amount of money is definetly gut wrenching I finally made it and saw it gone at the blink of an eye. I have a lot of fuel in me now and I'm ready to play atleast 50k hands/month. I'm not going to let anyone pressure me or feel the need to prove to anyone (online or IRL) that what I'm doing is valid, I'm just going to do it. It may get lonely but this is truly what I love and I know i will get rewarded.
I'm going to attach this month's results. I had very little money to my name, I moved to my uncles house where I'm paying no rent and felt a lot less pressure on my bankroll. I started at .5/1 and 1/2 and slowly started to shot take 2/5 and very little 5/10 volume. I played almost 72k hands this month, which is the most volume I've ever put in in a month in my life. Attached is the graph. Eventually when I fix my old computer I'll export the DB to my new one and merge them. I will be posting interesting hands and lines I play here as well as weekly-monthly updates. I want to hold myself accountable no matter what and am interested to hear people's thoughts. I only have the last two months of my play tracked I'll post them shortly as I had to buy a new computer

i almost folded but then i realized im at top of range and i literally dont block any bluffs and i beat some value (A3). im a fan of my line tho
after losing top (77) on 766 vs quads today i feel like this was justice

Your results are terrific. Awesome work! As a crappy 50NL player you are genuinely very inspiring.
Do you worry about the state of Ignition? I know a lot of high stakes cash players have left the site due to suspected collusion and bots. Have you noticed anything suspicious?
PLO is especially susceptible to collusion due to the larger number of hole cards that act as removal. Obviously there's still some whales in the waters and you are making it work but the whole running below EV thing is maybe
I will never play 10/20 on ignition again. That stake is highly colluded. Regarding 2/5 and 5/10, I think the games are extremely good and skilled players will crush very easily. Even if there are bots there are so many recs to make up for it and winrates are very high there. I think im winning 15bb/100 at 2/5 in my 60k hand sample there. Yeah regarding the all in ev thing that may be true I'm not sure, theres collusion and bots everywhere that's the state of online poker but imo ignition is better than ACR for midstakes PLO that is for sure.
will be following this thread closely! great posts and always fun to see another PLO crusher.
what's the situation with your parents? do they think you're trying to get a real job or have you been honest with them about not giving a **** about the corporate world?
will be following this thread closely! great posts and always fun to see another PLO crusher.
what's the situation with your parents? do they think you're trying to get a real job or have you been honest with them about not giving a **** about the corporate world?
I was waiting until I had a successful month like I was having when I had my run to 170k to break the news to them again. Being break even for 4 months I couldn’t tell them I was still going for it because they don’t understand variance and they didn’t see any money being made so it was a lost cause trying to explain to them. Like the amount of times my dad asked me how poker is going and I’d just be like I’m not making money and he’s like why and my answered would be I literally don’t know was countless. Definetly rough not making money in poker when you’re trying to establish yourself in the scene . I just told my mom two days ago that I’m gonna continue pursuing it full time. I think she’s just accepted it at this point but like she still wants me to network and put myself out there as a plan B. My dad also gave up convincing me I’m pretty stubborn and Ive been independent financially for the past 4 years so they don’t really have a say. My parents are really cool people though they just want what they think is best for me. So I’m hoping poker works out so I can make them proud !!
I’ve played HS PLO on Ignition for about 4 years winning at ~4bb/100. I stopped playing there in January of 2024 after many regs, myself included, posted similar stories in the Ignition thread about concerns over collusion and/or botting. It was pretty obvious collusion was happening given that all hole cards are revealed in hand histories on Ignition 24h after play. People using RTA in anonymous games, now this seems near impossible to detect/police. I don’t have any evidence of portemilio using RTA but I’m very suspicious and I think that the screenshots of messages between him and squid/spork’s RTA stable presented in KnoxKnoxJokes PGC, his results, and some of the hand histories he’s posted warrant this skepticism.
First of all, winning at 15-20 EVbb/100 over a reasonable sample at 500plo on Ignition. This is online poker in 2024, is there anybody in any format winning at anything close to this? Of course this could be just variance/sample size but for comparison, I remember OTB RedBaron beating 500z for 10bb/100 and was/is considered one of the best NL players in the world. Moreover, Jnandez and co at PLO MasterMind compiled some data on the top 3 crushers on ACR in 2023 and they were winning at ~10bb/100.
Porte’s winrate is indicative of a world class player but one of the hand histories he recently posted makes me wonder how this can be the case. It’s a 200bb deep spot (probably no RTA solutions for deepstacked scenarios) where he RFI from the CO and calls a 3B from the BTN w K889ss. Flop is KJ6r and he leads for 50% and gets called. Turn 6 and he chooses to lead again for 50% leaving himself an SPR of ~1.8 on the river. He then says, “i think i shud bet bigger on flop and turn to set up for a river jam”. This isn’t an I think spot, it’s a fursur spot. Turn sizing here is trivial, your polar and want to size up to set up river for an SPR of less than or equal to 1 so we can get our entire stack in- maximizing value with our nutted hands and applying max pressure with our bluffs. Just because Visions bets 33% in the same scenario at 100bb doesn’t mean we should also bet small at 200bb.
I honestly hope you’re just a sicko crusher portemilio but instead of ****-talking others and claiming fake news, maybe explain why you were affiliated with the RTA stable after they were outed and/or just keep posting your logic with your hand histories and I’m sure we’ll be able to figure it out.
I’ve played HS PLO on Ignition for about 4 years winning at ~4bb/100. I stopped playing there in January of 2024 after many regs, myself included, posted similar stories in the Ignition thread about concerns over collusion and/or botting. It was pretty obvious collusion was happening given that all hole cards are revealed in hand histories on Ignition 24h after play. People using RTA in anonymous games, now this seems near impossible to detect/police. I don’t have any evidence of por
Your logic doesnt make sense. If i wanted to RTA why wouldnt i just RTA the deep spot that literally any program has (plomastermind etc). The whole accusation of RTA is just ridiculous in this day and age when literally anyway can. If I was i definetly wouldve been pretty stupid to make this thread. The whole point of this thread is to document my journey and post hands im unsure about. I haven't studied deepstack as extensively as I have 100bb. Most of my play is deep on ignition as i play 8 hour + sessions and the stacks get up to 400bb so im freestyling a lot which Id like to say im pretty good at. I'm unsure about a lot of the theoretical sizings used in deep play so yeah in that k889 hand i definetly botched the sizings bc i was using spr as if it was 100bb, which is exactly why i posted the hand because im not perfect. You literally called me out for making a mistake postflop and then are accusing me of RTA. . That doesn't mean that i cant outperform the field despite me not knowing the exact theory. If I was RTAing then wouldnt it be easier to just reset my stack and play every hand at 100bb?
I'm not getting into the stable because I was barely part of it. I played 20k hands and then dipped 16k in makeup. And just to reitterate everyone in that stable that was cheating was losing despite being a losing player because RTA doesnt make you win in online poker especially at midstakes where every hand goes 4-ways.
i havent studied deep spots and there are definetly solutions for deep spots where i couldve just looked it up. go get the plo mastermind and you can check. I'm not associating myself with something i was barely apart of 6 years ago. The only thing I have to thank squid for is 1) he introduced me to PLO 2) He showed me how to use a solver. Thats literally it. He did not teach me how to play poker. Because of him I was able to study on my own because I had access to the technology that is nowadays available to everyone so I got in early.
RTA claims are really hurtful especially without any evidence in online poker. Anyone can be cheating its really not hard to, so theres really no point in making accusations without proof given you have none because as far as im concerned half the regs on ACR and Bovada are but idgaf because i still think im better than them. I genuinely dont think RTA is good because playing exploitative poker is just always better. Obviously the better players you play against the more GTO becomes important but in the bovada games im playing in GTO is out the window for the most part im looking to extract max EV in most spots.
And i highly suggest you dont listen to the likes of Knox Knox, he is a random who wants attention.
And to answer your statement. I am a word class player and this thread is me displaying it. Its not a question Im going to make millions from poker. Im sorry you and your buddies are winning at 4bb/100 try getting better idk what to tell you. Just because someone has better results than you doesnt mean theyre cheating. And you commenting on my analysis is hilarious given that youre literally a 4bb/100 player. maybe you have something to learn from me?
Oh and just to make it known. Ive played in the ignition pools for over 3 years I know the pools extremely well and their tendencies. My winrate is not as high on ACR because the players are way better. And i will never play 10/20 on ignition again because of the reasons you stated.

proof i left the stable in makeup. I was a full time college student poker wasnt on my mind until my senior year. This was my sophomore year.
Also. Who even are you anyways ive never heard of your name
this thread is getting better by the minute!
question: how often can you reset stacks on Bovada? what is their rathole policy?

So you left the stable in makeup in 2020, can you explain why you’re still a member in this same group in 2022 after Squid has been outed as an RTAer? Care to release your message history with Squid, specifically, earlier and later messages with respect to the above conversation? And why are you not outing this group? Seems highly likely Squid is running another RTA stable and bringing in new members, you even ask “who else”.
Just gonna ignore the above comment that was my last time answering something on that subject.
Brutal day today lost many all ins at 5/10. I think i may be winning small on the day but yeah not fun


another rlly tough spot. just easy fold but rlly sad i call ip to 1/3 bet from co (he shud be checking a lot of his range here, turn the mp player leads for pot and co pots. i think i have like 20% equity here max
ok another winning day. dam. life is good. ive had 2 losing days in may. ill post the graph at end of the month we're nearing the 6 fig mark just for the month which is actually insane. by far my best month lifetime. the last time i ever had this good of a month was in september 2023 when i won 64k but i ran like 30k above.
Go here:
Click join the discord, you can see everyone in it and see if any names stand out.
Right away, I see a user named "RicFlair" and there's a 2k and 5k plo player on coinpoker by that alias.
Feel free to see what names might raise alarms.

Looks like portemilio's been doing some housekeeping, leaves the SquidTool server and deletes his messages. I have also played with RicFlair on CoinPoker at PLO2k but I did not recognise any other names on the Discord server- you would have to pretty stupid as an RTAer to have the same Discord name as your poker aliases let alone start a PG&C thread on 2+2. Not surprising however as that's what cheaters are, they're idiots who can't compete. Just FYI portemilio, there are players online who DO NOT use RTA or any type of pre-solved solutions to help them make decisions, your 'freestyling' in 200bb postflop spots is what all non-cheating online players have to do at all stack depths and at all nodes in the gametree. At this point, there's not a sliver of doubt as to whether you're cheating. You are not a world class player and never will be, you are a fraud. Give any reg pre-solved solutions and he can deviate as he sees fit and also crush at 20bb/100. Thanks for being the cancer and helping in the demise of a wonderful game online.
Squidtool/Vision/etc can't tell what to do :( ---> "FREESTYLING"
- world class player calling having to actually think and make decisions outside of a specific confined context/rta freestyling
Fair warning also to anyone who ever considers accepting any form of coaching/anything that requires payim him money profit: There's a reasonable chance graphs are faked w/ bad sessions/times purged or filtered out. He used to post updates in a discord server and one of them involved a 20bi ds at 2k but then a short while later posted his "graph for the year" and it had no downswing even close to that size in the picture.
I could be wrong, a lot of us could be wrong.
Just be careful out there, it's very easy to deceive.
Looks like portemilio's been doing some housekeeping, leaves the SquidTool server and deletes his messages. I have also played with RicFlair on CoinPoker at PLO2k but I did not recognise any other names on the Discord server- you would have to pretty stupid as an RTAer to have the same Discord name as your poker aliases let alone start a PG&C thread on 2+2. Not surprising however as that's what cheaters are, they're idiots who can't compete. Just FYI portemilio, there are players online who D
i dont wanna associate myself with squid what does that have to do with anything. youre literally in the same server you must be an RTAer
Squidtool/Vision/etc can't tell what to do :( ---> "FREESTYLING"
- world class player calling having to actually think and make decisions outside of a specific confined context/rta freestyling
Fair warning also to anyone who ever considers accepting any form of coaching/anything that requires payim him money profit: There's a reasonable chance graphs are faked w/ bad sessions/times purged or filtered out. He used to post updates in a discord server and one of them involved a 20bi ds at 2k but the
AHAHAHAHA IM DEAD!!! dude youre such a loser gtfo my thread . how insecure are you

**** the haters !! we in the mix!! 😃
Looks like portemilio's been doing some housekeeping, leaves the SquidTool server and deletes his messages. I have also played with RicFlair on CoinPoker at PLO2k but I did not recognise any other names on the Discord server- you would have to pretty stupid as an RTAer to have the same Discord name as your poker aliases let alone start a PG&C thread on 2+2. Not surprising however as that's what cheaters are, they're idiots who can't compete. Just FYI portemilio, there are players online who D
youre so mad its honestly funny. i know youre really upset that youre not winning a lot of money and youre confused because you put so much time into studying and you just cant do it and someone like me comes along and just outshines you. Jealousy is one hell of a drug. I highly recommend you see a psychiatrist because you have serious mental health issues. Im done using logic with you, you clearly lack it. Thats why you cant win in the first place cuz ur just a mindless robot. Honestly, you should try RTAing i think thats the only way you continue winning in the field given ur negative IQ. I would play in the same games as you even if you were thats how confident I am id still crush you. Gl out there! And stop hiding under an anonymous forum username and reveal yourself loser

Anyways. Heres the updated graph for the month. 5k unaccounted for from today and 2k untracked on Coin. Let the haters drool!!!!
Note: this is all at 2/5 and 5/10. Going to be shot taking some higher stake games eventually. probably next month. Curious to see my winrate in the games since the player types are pretty similar.

low volume but this is the acr graph since i started playing here this month not including RB
Anyways. Heres the updated graph for the month. 5k unaccounted for from today and 2k untracked on Coin. Let the haters drool!!!!
Note: this is all at 2/5 and 5/10. Going to be shot taking some higher stake games eventually. probably next month. Curious to see my winrate in the games since the player types are pretty similar.
Hey man, your graph is very impressive. Out of curiosity, can you post your frequencies? These are mine. I'm curious if you see any red flags.