Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution?

Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Evolution?

For the average person, precision indicates that an intelligent person guided the outcome. According to Webster's New World College Dictionary, the word "precision" is defined as follows:

"the quality of being precise; exactness, accuracy"

The reverse of precision is an accident aka a spontaneous event that happen by chance with no one guiding the outcome. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines an accident as:

"a nonessential event that happens by chance and has undesirable or unfortunate results"

Scientific evidence shows there is extreme precision in everything around us. This precision renders the evolution theory mere fiction, for precision leaves no room for error or for accidental events. Take, for example, the first discovered 60 elements on the Periodic Table of the Elements of planet earth. Some of these 60 elements are gases and are therefore invisible to the human eye. The atoms--from which the Earth's elements are made--are specifically related to one another. In turn, the elements--e.g. arsenic, bismuth, chromium, gold, krypton--reflect a distinct, natural numeral order based upon the structure of their atoms. This is a proven LAW.

The precision in the order of the elements made it possible for scientists such as Mendeleyev, Ramsey, Moseley, and Bohr to theorize the existence of unknown elements and their characteristics. These elements were later discovered, just as predicted. Because of the distinct numerical order of the elements, the word LAW is applied to the Periodic Table of the Elements. (Sources: (1) The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, (2) "Periodic Law," from Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol. VII, p. 878, copyright 1978, (3) The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography

SIDE NOTE: Laws found in nature, as defined by Webster's New World Dictionary, are:

"a sequence of events that have been observed to occur with UNVARYING UNIFORMITY under the same conditions."

1. Were it not for the precise relationship among the 60 elements on the Periodic Table, would scientists have been able to accurately predict the existence of forms of matter that at the time were unknown?

2. Could the precise law within the first 60 discovered elements (on the Periodic Table) have resulted by chance aka spontaneously aka by accident? Or is this evidence for the existence an intelligent Designer/God who guided the outcome?

3. Evolution relies upon things happening by chance aka at random. If evolution were a fact, how does it account for the Periodic Table of the Elements of planet earth in which the first 60 discovered elements are so precise, and so interrelated with one another, that it has been assigned the word "LAW"?

02 March 2012 at 04:26 AM

5 Replies

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by FellaGaga-52 k

At every turn as to how god operates, it's magic, magic, magic. Why is that? Might it be that the story originated in a magic revering culture, and in order to wow people with a religion, you needed to keep trumping other's magic claims?

How did god create the world? "Oh. That was by magic. He just said the word and 'poof' ... it happened."

How did god come to earth in the flesh? "Well. That was by magic. He impregnated a woman supernaturally. Obviously we can't have sex creating our god. That


You are obsessed with the word magic in your dismissive comment above. As previously stated, Almighty God Jehovah and his son, Jesus Christ, performed miracles as opposed to magic tricks. The precision in the natural is clear evidence of an Intelligent Designer who had to have intervened and guided the outcome.


"That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the Most High over all the earth." ~ Psalms 83:18

by FellaGaga-52 k


My being "an insult even to irrationality" is beside the point. If you truly believed that, you would not be responding to my posts because that would make you even more irrational than I supposedly am. A rational person would not devote time debating a person that he or she truly believes is "an insult even to irrationality."

Below are issues that I raised with you in my last post, which you are now dodging by hiding behind personal insults. (That tactic won't work with me, by the way. I've already told you that I'm familiar with the games played by Atheists Religionists. I've debated Atheist Religionists for over a decade, and at various websites. Their behavior is as predictable as yours because they follow the same modus operandi, namely: personal attacks and schoolyard insults when they are confronted with issues they cannot overcome.

QUESTION #1 TO FellaGaga-52: Man has never been able to produce life from non-life; so how did life get here?

QUESTION #2 TO FellaGaga-52: Things in the natural world are far superior to the copied versions of the same things that humans made. Since the inferior manmade copies required intelligent designers (humans) shouldn't the far more superior natural designs require an Intelligent Designer aka God?

The forum awaits your answers to the two questions listed above.


"That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the Most High over all the earth." ~ Psalms 83:18

by Alter2Ego k


My being "an insult even to irrationality" is beside the point. If you truly believed that, you would not be responding to my posts because that would make you even more irrational than I supposedly am. A rational person would not devote time debating a person that he or she truly believes is "an insult even to irrationality."

Below are issues that I raised with you in my last post, which you are now dodging by hiding behind personal insults. (That tactic won't work with me, by

You know, I did have an impulse to offer to answer each other's questions, one at a time, one by one, on an alternating basis. I'd be glad to go first. So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, though I really don't have much uncertainty about what's up here. So here goes.

Your question #1: Man has never been able to produce life from non-life; so how did life get here?

Somehow in your grand list of presuppositions, you seem to have adopted a position that if man can't create life, then obviously Jehovah did. It's hard to know where to start against that level of presupposition. But I'll just play the odds. With a googolplex of opportunities every nanosecond for the right sequences of chemicals to assemble across the cosmos, the fact that it did is certainly no surprise. To say: "Man hasn't done it in the lab in the last 50 years or so" just kind of belies not only a total ignorance, but a total lack of concern with learning about reality, instead leaning on an obvious myth about creation.

My question #1: Do you think it is more immoral to disobediently eat a piece of fruit than it is to kill every infant and fetus on earth?

What happened? Alter2Ego realizes he is mega-owned right out of the gate on the first question, so he abandons ship? Surely not!

This flippin' nut job is actually inviting new blood to this abomination of science, reason, honesty, and learning thread of his. Whenever one of these zealots spiels off another religious ramble, what I'd want to ask is:

"And you know this ... or you are just running it through your god idea and calling that reality?"

Because they don't know the difference. The dude actually said that since man hasn't produced life in a lab, it's obvious that Jehovah did it.
