Massive overplay or reasonable protectionism w/ JJ?

Massive overplay or reasonable protectionism w/ JJ?

1/3 NLHE 8 handed.

Table - Just sat down and there's some unknown faces and a few familiar ones. Only one competent player - V.

V - Plays bigger games but boxes above his weight class imo. He's a decent player but not overly good. I don't have a ton of hours with him to observe but I've seen him call to wide pre and cbet too wide post, especially OOP vs fish. I think he gets over-confident when he comes down to 1/3 and widens his range to include stuff he wouldn't dream of playing at 2/5. At 2/5 he's a bit tighter. I don't know many specific tendencies other than these..he's TAG for sure, or aims to be. About 20/15/2 (I think I got that right? plays 20%, first in 15% and 3-betting 2%, limping the other 3%). He does limp call sometimes and moreso at 1/3. He's also more trappy as opposed to straightforward. I would actually say his checking range is more polar while his betting range is more showdown-to-light value. 450$ SB.

H - Just sat down with 400 and not sure how V sees me. He's seen me 3-bet hands like K7s and 99 pre before so he knows I can make a move or get creative. 400$ CO.


Second hand dealt, HJ loose passive limps, H sees J J and opens to 15, BTN loose passive calls, V calls SB, BB folds, HJ calls. 4 ways 3rd to act. HJ and BTN both cover.

Flop 60 - 8 7 4

V checks, HJ donks 45, Hero raises to 175, BTN folds, V calls, HJ folds, HU.

Turn 455 (210 back) - T

V jams...

03 June 2024 at 04:30 AM

40 Replies


Oh this is gross but I think we have to stack off. He can have 99 and T9 and 76 and 66 and stuff. And of course we have 6 outs when he shows up with a set (and 12 versus 2-pair), so yeah I think we’re forced to sigh-call this (while folding QQ, KK and AA).

I’m not sure what else to do here, I think just calling the donk-lead on this board is awful when half the deck is bad for your hand, while folding is way too nitty.

I don’t see a way around stacking off against this line, even though I think you’re behind a huge percentage of the time.

If he cold called with a hand that’s now beating us for half his stack good for him, he deserves the rest.

I calculated based on V having a set and OESDs. We still have ~35% equity (see screenshot below). Based on that call?

At $1/$3, I have always seen a shove as quite strong, maybe this is just nuts.

We have to call $210 to win $665, so getting 3:1 odds or we have to win at least 25% to make this profitable. So close.

But, if I remove all the OESDs and two pairs, then we are getting to only 20% chance of winning.

Fold. You have one pair.

Fold. I don't know how we are good here, and we have two outs. We beat T9 and that's about it.

No one has anything to say about this flop raise (or about the sizing)? I would likely just call the flop here. Let's see what happens, even more so with two people behind you who still have to act. If he bets the flop small, like 20 or less, then I probably want to raise, but not to an amount that won't let me get away from it.

As played, with your sizing on the flop, it's hard to fold now. I would convince myself he could have 98hh or T9 or some other combodraw (even though I actually think he would have folded most if not all of that on the flop) and sigh call it off. But personally I do consider this flop raise an overplay against three opponents.

I also think the flop raise is an overplay but given that V did not just 3b us there, the turn donk seems a lot like T9, 98, JT, 99 deciding if they're gonna call anyway they might as well shove

I would just call the flop, particularly on a rainbow board. It is in Doyle's book from 50 years ago, lead into the raiser with a set, so it isn't good when you get action for your raise. Strange he flat called leaving half pot back, but that is donk style. I don't think you can fold getting 3-1. You could be way ahead. You are in bad shape against a straight or set, but if he turned 87s for 2-pair face up, you would have odds to call.

I would call the flop to see what develops. Raising that big is just turning your hand into a bluff.

When people do this HU it's more likely he's just "seeing where he's at" or even playing creative to test you if you hit the flop but 4 ways and he's OOP on a dry flop usually means he doesn't want it to get checked through.

As played, the turn "jam" is less than hp. I don't really see how we can fold at this point after putting in piles of money already.

Flop seems punty to me against a villain described as the only competent player at the table (especially when giving everyone awesum ~30:1 IO preflop). This multiway with fishies in the hand his large flop donk should really be tilted to massive value. Flop is closer to a fold than a raise, imo (although I just flat and evaluate).

ETA: Turn is so gross and I guess due to lol odds we're forced to call at this point, but I would never put myself in this spot on the flop.


Oh, yea, I agree the flop raise is very iffy. I would have called.

Flop is a call. I think it's not even close. vs OMC/nit, that's even a fold?

As played:
You hate life and call.

I feel many posters misread the hand, villain did not donk. Another loose passive player donks, Hero raises, villain calls, loose passive player folds.
But it's even worse, raising the donk bet from a player you say is loose *passive* and with people behind you is very very ambitious. And villain's call is very worrying.

There's an enormous difference in Range with a Donk heads up vs. Multiway.

With 4 seeing the flop this is heavily weighted to value

you are committed with an overpair + gutter you have to call.

flop raise is horrible and reeks of entitlement tilt (how DARE you donk into my pot when i have an overpair!)

Sorry not sure people are understanding... 4 ways to a flop..

HERO RAISES (sounds like this was an overplay I think it was but hated calling and cant fold),



I think you guys are right but I have the worst relative position of the four of us. Maybe just call, hope it goes fold fold and then play HU IP vs HJ.

V jams turn, I snap call knowing the pot is about 450, he tables 56 and river is a 9

Question: if you had called the 45, BTN folds and V x/raised to something like 150-175, and HJ folded, what are you doing here?

by Homey D. Clown k

No one has anything to say about this flop raise (or about the sizing)? I would likely just call the flop here. Let's see what happens, even more so with two people behind you who still have to act. If he bets the flop small, like 20 or less, then I probably want to raise, but not to an amount that won't let me get away from it.

As played, with your sizing on the flop, it's hard to fold now. I would convince myself he could have 98hh or T9 or some other combodraw (even though I actually think he

If HJ had bet 20 (pot is 60), how much would you raise?

by Stupidbanana k

Sorry not sure people are understanding... 4 ways to a flop..

HERO RAISES (sounds like this was an overplay I think it was but hated calling and cant fold),

None of this negates the fact that the flop raise was wrong which is the main way this hand was played badly.

by Stupidbanana k

If HJ had bet 20 (pot is 60), how much would you raise?

To 60 or something, maybe slightly more, mostly to dissuade the other two from jumping on the calling train. If any of them calls or raises, I'm done with the hand. If they fold and the donkbetter calls, I'm not necessarily done yet, but I might still check a lot of turns.

If I call 45 on the flop and then one of the other two V's check/raises to 150-175, I'd just fold. Why would you think we have some sort of monster 4way on a board like this? I don’t think we do.

It doesn't matter who donked out, I'm still not raising. And like I said, since he called the 175, I don't see how we can fold at that point, even though you're lost in the hand because you didn't think about what you would do if he jammed otf (If I had to fold, I would never raise to begin with, and if he had AT wouldn't you want him to keep donking out or just get folded out quick rn?)

Haha just saw the result.

The River God rewards aggression, it’s just a fact.

by davomalvolio k

Haha just saw the result.

The River God rewards aggression, it’s just a fact.

It was pretty sick
