Commerce 40 - I May Have Misplayed Every Street

Commerce 40 - I May Have Misplayed Every Street

Bad old guy open limps HJ and I raise K9ss in the CO. SB (young/middle aged asian woman who seems like she has a clue) cold calls, BB folds, limper calls.

Flop 652r, I have a BDFD. Checked to me and I check it back.

Turn Js. SB leads, limper calls, I call.

River Qc. SB checks, limper checks, I give up and check it back.

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07 June 2024 at 04:49 PM

11 Replies

Need more info.

You certainly didn’t misplay preflop.

Did turn give you a fd? Sounds like it did so call is fine. You can’t rep a whole lot when you check the flop.

No point in betting the river.

Flop is really dependent. Three ways as a default I bet because of lack of showdown value but there’s too many variables for it to matter here

I probably just bet flop because it isn’t quite good enough for the enemy ranges, but I could easily be wrong. As played rest of hand seems fine. I could be convinced that the river is a bet but in most live games it just seems like suicide.

With the bad old guy open limping it’s unlikely that both players will fold to a flop bet. My default is to normally bet the flop but checking the flop is fine.

Bet flop. Fold turn as play. Calling turn is one of those situation where you might dismiss long term as ok play but it that hidden -ev call that will cost you. in theory people should have a wide probing range w a lot of bluffs since their value bet will cause a lot of ui hands to fold correctly.

DJ, isn’t getting direct odds in the turn? He has a flush draw

ah misread didn't see fd. but if we somehow have A high k/b it would still be a fold w a lot of them

The more I think about it the more I like betting flop. But I probably check as well at game speed. Really though sb should miss this flop a lot or just absolutely crush it with a set. She never has 34, she shouldn’t have 65, and she shouldn’t have any two pairs. The HJ… well he probably just has nothing lol

by DonJuan k

ah misread didn't see fd. but if we somehow have A high k/b it would still be a fold w a lot of them

Yeah, sorry, I had a flush draw on the turn.

My thinking was that I didn't have a range advantage on this flop, didn't think I could get 2 folds with a continuation bet, and didn't want to pay 2 bets to see a turn. I'm trying to look for more spots to check flops 3 ways instead of cbetting 100% and this seemed like a hand where it was a fairly close call.

Can't you represent an overpair cbetting? K-high could even be ahead. They could have missed this too. Are they playing low cards?

by asmitty k

Bad old guy open limps HJ and I raise K9ss in the CO. SB (young/middle aged asian woman who seems like she has a clue) cold calls, BB folds, limper calls.

Flop 652r, I have a BDFD. Checked to me and I check it back.

Turn Js. SB leads, limper calls, I call.

River Qc. SB checks, limper checks, I give up and check it back.

u seem to have enough equity to bet this flop with 2 over with good kicker and 2BD draw and u have position to check behind the turn if u want.
i think this is not the spot to check behind flop here.
But fwiw i think u played the hand fine for mixing up i suppose.
wouldnt surprise me god machine indicate not to cbet 100% here flop ?

We lost our equity edge on that flop but hand plays way easier if we bet it.
