All in insurance

All in insurance

In my first 100k hands of online cash, I've run 40 buy ins below EV in all ins. I'd like to buy "insurance" on my all ins, where someone pays me the difference between my all-in EV and realized all-in winnings, in exchange for some small fee.

This could even be extended to other sources of measurable variance, like your preflop hands. Each preflop hand/position has some EV, if I get dealt a lot of bad hands, I get an insurance payout, basically hedging out my preflop variance. It seems like this could reduce variance considerably, allowing for more aggressive BRM.

Has anyone heard of people doing things like this?

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09 June 2024 at 05:06 PM

5 Replies

Just play on a site with an all-in cashout feature. That's what I do.

You know what reduces your variance? Not playing :P
In this world you don't get paid to do stuff everyone could do comfortably. You get paid to do stuff either only a few people can do or that most people actively want to avoid.
Learn to seek randomness instead of avoiding it if you want to make money.

We're all going to die.

ACR has "play it safe" feature. you get paid your share of pot based on equity when all in

Accept the variance. It's what makes poker great. It's also the only reason why "losing" players keep playing.

If the sample size is great enough it will all even out your real win/loss rate.
