POG PUB 2024: A New Year, A New Thread, A New You

POG PUB 2024: A New Year, A New Thread, A New You

It was an honor to spend 2o23 with yall. And I look forward to spending 2o24 here too.

Happy New Year!

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01 January 2024 at 05:14 AM

1351 Replies


Happy National Drinking With Chickens Day! I hope you are all able to get out and celebrate!

by Booker Wolfbox k

Happy National Drinking With Chickens Day! I hope you are all able to get out and celebrate!

It's also Chilaquiles Day on Google!


migas > chilaquiles

I hereby declare every day to be Migas Day. At least before noon.

by pwnsall k

I went deaf in my left ear. Sudden sensory hearing loss or something like that. Good chance it never comes back I think?

Not so bad if there's no ringing.


I have a continuous ringing in my ears. Or in my brain. it is a really hard to define continuous sound. It is not loud enough to greatly influence the quality of life, fortunately

by Gabethebabe k


I have a continuous ringing in my ears. Or in my brain. it is a really hard to define continuous sound. It is not loud enough to greatly influence the quality of life, fortunately

Same with the ringing. Sometimes it's worse than others. Always pretty easy to cover it up with music or some other form of noise if it gets annoying though.

I think I'm going to spend the rest of the evening reading twitter reviews of the new Star Wars thing:

So my first reaction to Acolyte?

Every scene is more evidence why the Jedi deserved to be wiped out.

Here is the thing: I LOVE STAR WARS. Its literally one of the most important things in my childhood.

And I don't even care if they have a liberal slant or whatever. That's even fine with me!


I watched the first two episodes of STAR WARS THE ACOLYTE & I am not kidding you it is somehow worse than Book of Bobba Fett.

The story is lame, the characters forgettable & features plenty of diversity & strong women. The make up is also horrible ( see first pic )

There are also fat Jedi ( second pic ) & the show doesn’t know how to do cliffhangers. The second episode ends with a Wookie Jedi walking into their house, I’m not kidding you.

Disney has somehow made an even worse show than they have in the past, I have no idea who this is for but this is really bad.

What the **** man

If you see people saying this show is good or interesting and not telling you you’ll be bored out of your mind then you know they have no taste or are shilling. The Acolyte sucks forreal

If you liked The Rise of Skywalker, you'll love The Acolyte.

Yes, it's that bad. Despite being set over a hundred years earlier, it somehow chooses to reference that movie over any other. This is a worse troll job than The Last Jedi.

FINAL VERDICT: The third episode of The Acolyte will finally kill Star Wars for the vast majority of Pre-Disney Star Wars Fans. Based on LucasFilm comments of late, they are OK with that.

Ouch. That's painful to read one day after adding it to my watch list.

lol at the one guy who says plenty of diversity and strong women is a bad thing

Has he never seen Moana!?!?

But then again have I never seen Star Trek Discovery?

by pwnsall k

Has he never seen Moana!?!?

But then again have I never seen Star Trek Discovery?

I get all the star trek show titles confused... but the new one with the white male captain is pretty good(captain Pike)

I also like the cartoon one. iirc no strong white male characters on that show at all

I like strange new worlds decent but didn't like season 2 of discovery which is where Pike was introduced. Oddly most people liked season 2 but I hated the angels plot.

Need one more to get Just One rolling. Super happy fun times


New York has the greatest media in the world and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise:

I put Ketchup on pretty much anything, including Meatloaf........"but I won't do that" ^^^^

"including meatloaf"

I get happy when the porn bots on Twitter like my posts. they're the only ones who ever do.

by filthyvermin k

porn bots

This is going to mean something totally different in about 10 years.

50k post gang

by TBobLP k

This is going to mean something totally different in about 10 years.


by housenuts k

50k post gang

welcome to the club housenuts!

Difficult Breakfast Cereal Trivia:

Which is better, Reese's or Capt. Crunch peanut butter?


no, I'm asking you.

My wife loves one and hates the other but I can never remember which

by kioshk k

Difficult Breakfast Cereal Trivia:

Which is better, Reese's or Capt. Crunch peanut butter?


no, I'm asking you.

Peanut butter is for toast, not cereal.

by Eric k

Peanut butter is for toast, not cereal.

Mmm peanut butter cookies!

is that you mark?!
