1/3 at Aria, was I too aggressive here?

1/3 at Aria, was I too aggressive here?

1/3 at Aria. I had about $750, villain had around $300.

Villain raised in early position to $12; I sat to his left and re-raised to $30 with AQ spades. He flat called.

Flop: Ah Th 9c

Villain bets $50. I put him all-in. He instantly calls. I know right then what he has.

Villain shows AT for top two pair. Turn and river are bricks.

I didn't have much experience playing with him so didn't have a strong read one way or the other. In low stakes cash game, lot of weaker Aces and flush draws so I pushed all-in to get him to fold those hands.

11 June 2024 at 09:51 PM

9 Replies

by RDS24 k

In low stakes cash game, lot of weaker Aces and flush draws so I pushed all-in to get him to fold those hands.

You pushed all-in because you wanted him to FOLD hands that you’re crushing?

I think before you play poker again you should take a few weeks off to acquaint yourself with some fairly basic poker theory.

Just flat flop. You’re still losing your stack sometimes though :shrug:

you want him to fold hands youre crushing and call with hands that beat you?

In these low stakes games, villains will commonly limp the weaker aces, so if he has an Ace, I think A9 is likely bottom of the range. The only Ace you're beating A9+ is AJ.

Small chance he migh have something like KhQh, but it's a big donk, so I suspect an Ace that's worried of being outdrawn. I don't see anything else other than flat being worth it.

You probably lose your stack anyway, but let's not give it to him right away on the flop...

it seems to me that you think the point of this game is to win hands and not money.

Villain bets almost pot on an ace high board i 1/3. VERY likely he has an ace. What's his hands then. In 13 most likely AK-A10. Most of that has you beat. What doesn't will fold instead of calling to your job. Your jam doesn't get you anything here.

I admittedly don't play in LV games and from what I've heard they play very different from other games, but...

I might just flat an EP open with this hand. No significant dead money to go after. Will have to fold our equity to a 4bet. Plays fine multiway if it ends up that way (although admittedly won't have great relative position).

SPR is a bit awkward 4.5. Board is drawy. However, against most I would attempt not to commit stacks cuz we're really only beating AJ. Although facing the large donk is awkward because if he keeps doing that we'll be playing for stacks soon enough anyways.

Our thought process seems very muddled though. We shoved in order to get him to fold weaker Ax (which we're crushing)? Admittedly his flush draws likely have a gutter to go with them, so we're actually cool with attempting to get flipping hands to fold (but no one is ever folding those).



This was pretty bad thinking.

by RDS24 k

lot of weaker Aces and flush draws so I pushed all-in to get him to fold those hands.

This logic is heavily flawed.

Why would you want weaker aces to fold? And you're still ahead of FD's.

It seems like you're doing this because you're afraid of your hand getting countered and being drawn out on but this is just something you'll have to get used to because when we're way ahead of people we should wanna get more money in the pot, not shut the hand down. There was also a big possibility that he's ahead of us which is why he donked out on a FD flop so even if I only called I would be on high alert that he might have us beat.

Regarding pre, what was his position? If he was UTG and you were UTG+2, in most games you can get away with flatting since his range should be very strong there.

In position player doesn't have many raises at all. Your line wouldn't be that bad if you were out of position but since you had position you want to just call it down and see what he does on future streets.

I doubt i'm folding to many turn cards but you keep his bluffs in so if the run out is clean i'm probably getting stacked here too. He should slow down on hearts and scary turn cards that bring in straights so you may minimize the damage.
