I've Got the World on a Spring: Lounge LC Thread
Here 'tis.
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Juggling as art. Moschen also did the crystal ball stuff for Bowie in Labyrinth.
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I'm worried about Ray Zee. He hasn't posted in a long time.
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maybe he's in Tahiti with a 24 year old native lover. I mean, that's where I probably would be if I haven't posted in a while.
pretty sure i have his number somewhere if you'd like to call him
(no joke)
Ray posted today in Biggerboat's blog. Sometimes he and Zeno go awol for a little too long and I worry about them too.
It’s the 80th Anniversary of D-day today. Let’s never forget the importance of this day or all those involved.
Uncle Bob was in the first wave at Omaha. He was a remarkable guy in that he was fearless.Not reckless in anyway, just completely imperturbable and always aware of his surroundings.
Thanks to Uncle Bob and all others who served to free the world. Truly the greatest generation.
My dad tried twice to enlist, but was 4F due to a heart murmur. He lived to be 83. Two of my uncles served. They would never talk about what they did or saw.
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Since I had a seizure back in April, my dear friend has checked in on me every day. I appreciate her thinking of me.
Played golf a couple times over the weekend. I don't want to quit playing because I still enjoy it, but I'm at a loss as to how to improve. Hitting drives well, but can't hit the irons at all.
After one round with my friend who was in town from Chicago for a few days, we met up with his brother and his sister, along with five of her girlfriends, in the noisiest bar/restaurant I have ever been in. It's also the only place I've been that doesn't accept cash. Four gin and tonics, the most I've had to drink in years, didn't help with the noise.
Good to escape the forced isolation for a few days.
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John, why not take a few lessons? I found that with the right instructor, a few lessons really helped my game. And practice, of course.
John, why not take a few lessons? I found that with the right instructor, a few lessons really helped my game. And practice, of course.
I was thinking of that, but since I can't drive, I will need to figure it out myself. Kinda sucks from being a nine handicap to around thirty these days.
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what are the more common results of your iron shots?
Depends whether you're really looking to improve, I suppose. Even when I played a lot, was never competitive. It was just a nice day out with friends, no matter the number on the card, and that was enough.
Depends whether you're really looking to improve, I suppose. Even when I played a lot, was never competitive. It was just a nice day out with friends, no matter the number on the card, and that was enough.
That's me too. Now anyway. I used to be in a very competive league but those days are long gone. Now I just like to get out there with my friends and have fun despite the score. The 19th hole is more fun than the first 18 😀
i generally agree with you guys, but every now and again there may be periods when the results are more similar to someone who has never played
it can be extremely frustrating to experience
an easy fix for topping is putting your ball a little bit further back in your stance.
and here's a good video that will also help:
Broken YouTube Linkan easy fix for topping is putting your ball a little bit further back in your stance.
and here's a good video that will also help:
Can you paste the video again. I screwed it up trying to fix it.
I think part of my problem is raising up. But good advice about moving the ball back. I hit solid knock down shots because I move the ball back.
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A genius wrote this about an airline passenger:
"Wells’ erratic behavior began after she was served a Jack Daniels, neat, during beverage service about an hour into the flight."
It's the "neat" that raises the mundane to the sublime.
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Happy Friday! Took a short trip to southern Wisconsin earlier this week which afforded me an opportunity to get some of "the good stuff". The good stuff being Spotted Cow beer from the New Glarus brewery.

New Glarus only sells their beer in Wisconsin so you have to be in the state to buy it. I can't decide if this an insane marketing strategy or pure genius? They could sell lots of this stuff out of state especially in nearby Chicago. Then again the mystique and allure of not always being able to have it makes it more desirable. Spotted Cow is one of my 3 favorite beers of all-time and after that the dropoff is steep and i despise almost all craft and IPA styled beer.
I got 2 cases of Spotted Cow and took a flyer on a 12 pack their Two Women brand. As much as I love Spotted Cow I am indifferent on the Two Women. It's fine but I would never get it again. I had earlier tried their Moon Man brand and found it to be horrible. They have a few others I will try to get next trip in July. But I never exit Wisconsin without at least a case or 2 of Spotted Cow.
+1 to Spotted Cow. Whenever I'm up north, it's either that, or Capitol Amber.