AA IP vs Aggro kid + adjustment advice
1/3 NLHE 9 handed.
V - Highly competent looser TAG. Plays as big as 5/10. I know he's capable of making moves and have very few hours with him and he never shows his hand so its very hard to get reads off him. One tell I've noticed is his speech. If he talks or give a speech he has a big hand. He limps a lot pre and his limp range seems to be a lot of speculatives in that its weaker hands like AXs KXs (he showed down K4s and JTo for limps pre). He opened huge with AA in CO, got called in BB, then UTG limp jammed into him, he just called trying to trap BB who had TT but folded. UTG had AKo. Another element of his game I've noticed is his sizings. He uses very polar sizings. Either 1-2x pot or 1/4-1/5th pot. 700$ CO.
H - Covers from BTN. He has seen me open some wide hands this session iso'ing some fish and I've been winning and playing well but getting in there with 3-bets like KTo and A2s. The hand just before this I lost to a fish raising JTs in CO, fish called UTG1 with QTo and the board ran out K-K-T-X-Y and I value owned myself so I might have a tilted vibe right now. Covers. BTN.
HH - Folds to V who opens CO, H raises BTN 3x with A♣ 7♣, BB cold calls, V calls. Flop Q♠ J♠ 5♣, BB x, V x giving a speech, H decides to check but thinks about a 1/3 PSB?, Turn 6♣, BB x, V bets 1.2x pot, H folds, BB folds. Would like advice on how you adjust to this kind of betting, do you just wait until you have thick value/nuts and over-realize EV because his sizing is so large?
One limp, V opens 12, H to 40 with A♣ A♦, only V calls, HU IP.
Flop 80 - 6♣ 4♠ 2♣
Check, Check
Turn 80 - T♦
Check, H bets 50, V calls
River 180 - J♦
V checks, Hero bets 60... How do you like the line so far? What are you doing with a big x/raise here?
14 Replies
Mostly betting flop.
Bet river bigger. A x/r here would be highly underbluffed in general, and he reps all the hands so it'd be pretty sick. If he's capable of turning Tx into a bluff with a river x/r to get you off top pair, it's a mandatory call in theory, but that's not very common even at 5/T.
Probably supposed to call AA no club and fold AcA if he check raises huge.
Being this deep I might 3bet even smaller just to have that much more manageable of an SPR. And with my super nitty image I wouldn't even despise a flat this deep (as not good for me actually having the hand I'm repping when so much stack to play for behind), especially if we're cool inviting a poor blind along (but obviously if we have a laggy 3betty image we should do that here).
With an SPR of 8 and against a villain described as highly competent, I just never want to play for stacks postflop or be put in a gross spot. So I'd also lean to checking back the flop.
I like our turn bet.
I'm not completely sold on our river sizing but I could be convinced. Are we attempting to induce a spazz? I'm not sure I want to face spazz when JJ/TT make up a decent amount of hands that get here. So I think I bet more like a solid 2/3 PSB where I'm less likely to get played back at and can fold to a check/raise.
Lol at saying the villain is highly competent and then describing a huge fish.
Just bet the flop. Dream spot when you might seem tilted.
Bigger on river
I would bet the flop. You should almost always be ahead, as he only hits this flop with low cards. You represent an overpair, which you have, after 3-betting.
The only reason to bet so small on the river would be to induce a bluff from an overaggressive opponent. So if he check/raises, I think you should call.
That said, I would bet bigger myself. I don't mind checking back flop. You are very deep against an unpredictable opponent who is likely to bluff into you.
Yeah, if there is a good chance he will bluff, then x/c the river. Probably best against this player, but not against random passive live low-stakes players.
I don't mind checking back flop. You are very deep against an unpredictable opponent who is likely to bluff into you.
You miss out on so much value from bet/bet/betting that’s hard to make up for by inducing bluffs and making river shoves and all. You’d rather do it with hands that are only getting 2 streets of value anyway.
OOP it’s a different story where there are x/c and x/r ranges to fill out, but IP you just shorten the hand by a whole street.
You should be CAPABLE of showing up to a x/x turn with bigger hands, but our flop betting range should have a backbone of strong value hands.
You miss out on so much value from bet/bet/betting that’s hard to make up for by inducing bluffs and making river shoves and all. You’d rather do it with hands that are only getting 2 streets of value anyway.
OOP it’s a different story where there are x/c and x/r ranges to fill out, but IP you just shorten the hand by a whole street.
You should be CAPABLE of showing up to a x/x turn with bigger hands, but our flop betting range should have a backbone of strong value hands.
I don't think betting flop is bad. I also don't think checking every overpair (or even every combo of AA) is good. I like this hand as a check back in particular because we don't need protection from overcards or clubs.
That said, this is a spot where a solver is going to check back a lot. I looked up an approximation of this spot on GTOWizard and the solver checks back flop 87% of the time, including 80% of the time with this combo of AA.
My guess is an opponent who is described as an "aggro kid" who uses huge bet sizings and is playing too loose is going to make a lot of mistakes against a check back. Will he make more mistakes against a check back than a bet/bet/bet line? IDK. Are there really that many runouts on 642tt where our opponent is going to pay off three streets huge with one pair?
V calls and we're good, later said he had hit the J.
I don't think betting flop is bad. I also don't think checking every overpair (or even every combo of AA) is good. I like this hand as a check back in particular because we don't need protection from overcards or clubs.
That said, this is a spot where a solver is going to check back a lot. I looked up an approximation of this spot on GTOWizard and the solver checks back flop 87% of the time, including 80% of the time with this combo of AA.
My guess is an opponent who is described as an "aggro ki
This was my thought. If he has a sniff of equity or some blocker like an A he might go berserk. Hard to have much on a 642tt but he might peg me as having AK AQ and go nuts with some 2 overcard FDs or wheel Aces I thought. Turns out he had JX and played it like a station.
Probably going for three streets of value here.
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PRE - I'd probably 3B bigger, to $50, when the PFR is a competent reg in the CO and we're a not-really-all-that-solid reg 3B'ing from the BTN.
FLOP - c-bet at least 1/3 pot.
I could make an argument for going larger here - it's a two-tone flop, our image isn't all that solid, and it's a very dynamic 6-high board, so we can get value from all V's over-pairs to the board, as well as all his draws. I could see betting 1/2 pot, or maybe even 2/3, as deep as we are.
V just won't have enough 2P+ in his range to credibly check-raise us, and if he does, I don't think we'd mind, considering how many combo-draws he could have.
TURN - I'm over-betting the Td, especially against this V. At least 1.3x pot, assuming we c-bet the flop. Here, after checking the flop, I'm betting 1.5x.
It's a high disconnected brick that completes no draws. We can get value from all his Tx and draws. Doubtful he'd be going for a check-raise with TT or some weird 2P after the flop checked through.
RIVER - Ugh. When we check flop and bet 2/3 pot on turn, he could definitely get here with JJ and JT.
Why are we betting 1/3 pot? Is it to induce him to raise as a bluff? What bluffs would he have here, when we have the Ac?
If we 3B to 4x pre, c-bet flop for 1/2 to 2/3 pot, and over-bet the turn, he shouldn't be getting here with JJ, TT, or JT, so I'd be betting again. But the way this was played, I'd probably just check it back, or maybe bet $100 and fold to a raise.
No way is he just flatting pre with KK or QQ. No way is he hero calling with 99 or worse. Doubtful he's getting here with some Jx or Tx of clubs combo that's going to call or check-raise.