Line Check on 3betting ATs in the CO
I play cash weekly, but I'm rusty with tournaments. This tournament was my first in ten years.
$60 buy-in home game in a basement below the bar.
Blinds 200/400
V1 (covers) is loose aggressive. He folded to a 3bet and called one with an an off-suit broadway.
V2 (covers) is usually solid but playing passive loose scared money tonight, calling opening bets, then folding to raises.
V3 (covers) has not shown enough action for a firm read but players in this game are generally bad.
Hero (50,000) is TAG and short stacked because he bought in for the minimum (the others bought in for a double stack for $100s). No one is paying attention.
V1 in UTG opens to 2,000. V2 in LJ calls. Hero with AcTc in the CO raises to 8,000. V3 on the button jams. V1 calls. V2 folds. Hero calls.
5 Replies
If I'm reading this correctly, the solid but currently passive v just ripped 120+bb (much more vs the other players) in pre?
3b is fine if you know ranges are wide and they can fold a fair amount, but you have to fold to the jam.
Fwiw this is very deep stacks in a tournament setting and those are crazy big sizings. You are a good cash player. You can find better spots.
Let me get this straight, you called off 125BB vs. two shoves with ATs?
Before the tournament, I was studying PLO for the cash game. During the hand, I thought, I have the nut advantage, if I triple up now, the tournament will be easier.
After I played this hand badly, I rebought, played ABC, and placed second.