The costs of trans visibility
Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:
For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and
. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.
We need to do better.
You do know that we can look into Italy's history around LGBTQ and see that outside of ****ing Mussolini your country has been fairly progressive for the past 125 years, right?
--Ranked #30 in the world. Compared to the entire world fairly progressive, but nothing special for a liberal democracy.
Special shoutout to Somalia for pulling dead last place. Very few countries are #1 in anything, but Somalia has the rare distinction of being #1 in FGM and discrimination against LGBTQ.
Or it's like some of these people have children, have spent years in parent meetings and other roles in the education system, but get bored conversing with someone who is a self-declared expert on pretty much everything they post about.
Hey, I've got an 8 year old girl in Italy, so I know all that is needed to be an expert on the education system not just here, but all around the world!
But FWIW, if that's really how it is all across Italy, you might want to check into some of what's happening ov
kids should be taught exactly what parents pay them to teach. no more no less. even private schools are starting to lose their way
You do know that we can look into Italy's history around LGBTQ and see that outside of ****ing Mussolini your country has been fairly progressive for the past 125 years, right?
edit: I'll say, these numbers do go against the seemingly progressive policy but certainly points to Luciom being more in the minority than the majority
Luciom, how many surveys have you filled out in Italy that ask you how you feel about gays?
--In other news, the house passed a defense bill that requires all males to automatically register for the draft. I admit I thought this was already the case, so I am not sure what this bill actually changes. However, I read the word salad quote of the Democrat sponsoring the amendment and found it amusing. I don't know what definition of equity is supported by direct discrimination against half the population.
"By using available federal databases, the [Selective Service] agency will be able to register all of the individuals required and thus help ensure that any future military draft is fair and equitable," Houlahan said during debate last month, according to Defense News.
--Given the official narrative surrounding gender/sex identity, I also dont see any logical reason any male couldn't just announce they identify as female to avoid being drafted. But I am sure if/when it gets to that point the "equity" supporters will think of something highly inconsistent and hypocritical.
kids should be taught exactly what parents pay them to teach. no more no less. even private schools are starting to lose their way
Parents pay taxes which fund an education board that decides what is taught in curriculum. They do this because your average parent is too stupid to know what should or shouldn't be taught. If you want to control exactly what is taught to your kid then home school them. They wont have many friends but at least you can control everything that goes in your kids brain
Parents pay taxes which fund an education board that decides what is taught in curriculum. They do this because your average parent is too stupid to know what should or shouldn't be taught. If you want to control exactly what is taught to your kid then home school them. They wont have many friends but at least you can control everything that goes in your kids brain
I wonder why the average parent is too stupid?
--In other news, the house passed a defense bill that requires all males to automatically register for the draft. I admit I thought this was already the case, so I am not sure what this bill actually changes. However, I read the word salad quote of the Democrat sponsoring the amendment and found it amusing. I don't know what definition of equity is supported by direct discrimination against half the population.
"By using available federal databases, the [Selective Service] agency will be abl
The house is Republican majority so not sure why you think its "Democrat" word salad. It likely wont pass the senate because it has a bunch of regressive abortion and anti-trans stuff in it.
The house is Republican majority so not sure why you think its "Democrat" word salad. It likely wont pass the senate because it has a bunch of regressive abortion and anti-trans stuff in it.
Because the congress person who sponsored the amendment and made the word salad quote was a Democrat. Glad I could clear that up.
I think this is getting pretty close to calling conversion therapy legitimate and I can't get behind that, but I think I understand where you are coming from.
I definitely am not claiming anything about CT. The time when brains are most malleable is in childhood, not as an adult, mostly before individuals have any sex drive at all, and it's it's unconscious learning.
Like children around 12 or younger who move to a different country can usually learn to speak a new language without a foreign accent, but people much older than that almost always will have an accent, no matter how well they learn the language.
Someone's sexual preference or gender identity often is not fixed until around when puberty hits. Of course some will say they knew much earlier, and that is legitimate, but almost no one says their sexuality or gender actually changed after their teenage years.
Parents pay taxes which fund an education board that decides what is taught in curriculum. They do this because your average parent is too stupid to know what should or shouldn't be taught. If you want to control exactly what is taught to your kid then home school them. They wont have many friends but at least you can control everything that goes in your kids brain
Bold Depends on the country, sometimes in federal countries on the state
I definitely am not claiming anything about CT. The time when brains are most malleable is in childhood, not as an adult, mostly before individuals have any sex drive at all, and it's it's unconscious learning.
Like children around 12 or younger who move to a different country can usually learn to speak a new language without a foreign accent, but people much older than that almost always will have an accent, no matter how well they learn the language.
Someone's sexual preference or gender identi
Many of the most famous transexual people in the USA decided later.
Jenner at 66 (maybe a few years earlier? But that's when the name got changed into a female one, and he previously had heterosexual female wives and many biological children with them).
Levine, the " first female four-star admiral in the Commissioned Corps", had a normal heterosexual wife, biological children, and transitioned at 54
Many of the most famous transexual people in the USA decided later.
Jenner at 66 (maybe a few years earlier? But that's when the name got changed into a female one, and he previously had heterosexual female wives and many biological children with them).
Levine, the " first female four-star admiral in the Commissioned Corps", had a normal heterosexual wife, biological children, and transitioned at 54
Sure, many make the transition later in life, but that doesn't mean they didn't know their true sexuality or gender identity much earlier. For Jenner in particular it was as possibly early as 8 years old.
I'm sure there are some people who claim they never felt different than others until they were older, but those people are the rarest of the already rare.
For some reason, Luciom is way more interested in telling us how to fix our house rather than do any work on his own. Such a good neighbor.
We aren't as ****ed up with gender issues here, and Meloni should be able to fix the small remaining loopholes.
Ofc we are just one election away every time to descend into the "let's mutilate minors" problem, but it's of tantamount important that the anglo world gets on its senses there, because if say minor surgeries for gender identity reasons were banned in most of the anglo world, then even a bad electoral outcome in Italy wouldn't automatically mean we start mutilating them.
You sneeze, we get pneumonia.
--Given the official narrative surrounding gender/sex identity, I also dont see any logical reason any male couldn't just announce they identify as female to avoid being drafted. But I am sure if/when it gets to that point the "equity" supporters will think of something highly inconsistent and hypocritical.
There was time when anyone could just claim to be gay to get out of the military. How often do you think this happened? How many people out there do you think a willingly to commit such a crime by lying? I doubt this is actually a big issue at all.
There was time when anyone could just claim to be gay to get out of the military. How often do you think this happened? How many people out there do you think a willingly to commit such a crime by lying? I doubt this is actually a big issue at all.
crime? maybe claiming you are gay if you are not can be a crime, but self identification purely defined subjectively can never be proven false. And you can always change your mind according to gender doctrine.
Btw to answer your question, they didn't accept self identification
Psychiatry and Homosexuality Draft Exemptions during the Vietnam War
Natalie Shibley
When Bob McIvery reported for his mandatory physical exam to determine if he could be drafted into the Army, the doctor didn’t believe he was gay. Although McIvery, a member of the Gay Liberation Front, had checked the “homosexual tendencies” box on his pre-induction medical form and stated verbally that he was gay, he was nonetheless classified as 1-A (available for military service). He was ordered to report for induction in 1970 but did not do so and, after several months, was arrested and charged with failing to report. Although he did eventually report—and at that time did not meet the standard on a different medical test—he was still prosecuted for his initial failure to report. McIvery and his lawyer mounted the defense that his induction order was invalid because he could not legally be classified as 1-A. In their view, the Army couldn’t simultaneously ban homosexuals and require them to report for induction.1
The military barred gay men from service under medical fitness standards, so they were not supposed to be drafted. Yet doctors at induction centers didn’t always disqualify them, even when they stated they were gay. Some gay men actively sought 4-F classifications. Others wanted to serve, and some gay men judged the risks of claiming homosexuality to be greater than those of the draft. At the same time, some men who did not otherwise consider themselves to be gay successfully exploited the homosexuality exemption in an attempt to avoid service, often by intentionally adopting stereotypical mannerisms that they believed would persuade doctors.2 Needing to fill draft quotas and concerned about fraud, induction officials sometimes assigned 1-A classifications to men who had claimed to be homosex
Reminder as to why we are scared of woke (lgbtq, and racial) activism nad why it's about freedom, not about being "anti trans", to fight against them at every corner.
When freedom isn't protected and they get their way, they get to mandate their ideology by law
Yes, that is precisely what was mentioned in the post that I quoted, so we are discussing the criminal lying to the federal government. Nearly everyone feels too uncomfortable to actually risk it.
Also, the fact that gender is based on self-identification doesn't mean that we don't believe people can lie. That would obviously be quite stupid.
Yes, that is precisely what was mentioned in the post that I quoted, so we are discussing the criminal lying to the federal government. Nearly everyone feels too uncomfortable to actually risk it.
Also, the fact that gender is based on self-identification doesn't mean that we don't believe people can lie. That would obviously be quite stupid.
But being gay is something you can try to verify objectively and which can't change in time.
If in the moment x you declare that you identify as the opposite sex that's it (according to gender theory) that sentence uttered in public MAKES you the opposite gender in that moment (and you retain the right to change it at any time, any number of times), you can't be lying definitionally.
And it has been made abundantly clear ITT that no external behavior has to change in the slightest to accompany that declaration for you to officially, and legally, be considered of the opposite sex (of gender theory becomes the law).
So you can keep living exactly as before in all aspects of your life, including going back to your original pronouns as often as you want, and still be female in the eyes of the military recruiter legally, with no basis for any perjury or similar accusation.
That didn't apply at all to claims of being homosexual in the 70s
Yes, that is precisely what was mentioned in the post that I quoted, so we are discussing the criminal lying to the federal government. Nearly everyone feels too uncomfortable to actually risk it.
Also, the fact that gender is based on self-identification doesn't mean that we don't believe people can lie. That would obviously be quite stupid.
You can believe what you want but the uttered self identification is the legal basis in gender theory, I can't claim I don't believe Thomas and so I want to ban her from female sports under gender theory
But being gay is something you can try to verify objectively and which can't change in time.
1) What is your objective test for sexuality?
2) You're claiming no one ever evolves in their understanding of their own sexuality? Once you say it, you're set for life?
If in the moment x you declare that you identify as the opposite sex that's it (according to gender theory) that sentence uttered in public MAKES you the opposite gender in that moment (and you retain the right to change it at any time, any number of times), you can't be lying definitionally.
This is just completely not true. At all.
Edit: To clarify, no one thinks that people can't lie. Also, it's not the verbal declaration that makes you a gender; words aren't magical like that. Words are simply used to express one's identity.
1) What is your objective test for sexuality?
2) You're claiming no one ever evolves in their understanding of their own sexuality? Once you say it, you're set for life?
This is just completely not true. At all.
1) at the time it was a medical evaluation as you know
2) we have been saying homosexuality is entirely, strictly and only genetical so you either always was homosexual or you never can be. It can take time for you to understand what you are sure but it is an unchangeable condition which is why conversion therapy doesn't make any sense
If it is ever about your own determination, given that can be influenced by others, then conversion therapy would work at least sometimes.
What you claim is "not true at all" is what gender theory activists say all the times, just ask them
As a doctor, I have no idea what could be involved in a medical evaluation to objectively determine one's sexuality. Please elaborate.
No we absolutely have not.
What you claim is "not true at all" is what gender theory activists say all the times, just ask them
See my edit. You just have a very poor understanding of this topic.
As a doctor, I have no idea what could be involved in a medical evaluation to objectively determine one's sexuality. Please elaborate.
It's in the link above and it's common knowledge. Homosexuality was considered a mental illness. Physicians were trained to identify it. Was it "the perfect gay radar"? of course not. But it was an attempt to objectively identify homosexuals (with legal implications, such as not being able to join the military).
They weren't just asked. So claiming you were homosexual back then required you then to lie "credibly enough" to a trained physician, as risk of legal complications.
And people still attempted it to dodge the draft.
While today, all it takes for you to be considered a woman if you are a man is for you to say so.
And it is ALREADY HAPPENING, men just claiming they are women to get into women prisons. No third party, objective method is applied to try to determine if they are "lying".