1-3 QQ line check
Table is 9 handed.
Utg+3: Late 40s or 50s Asian man, I have not seen him get out of line or shove all in pre flop all night. Been at the table 2.5 hours.
Utg+3: raised to 10
Hero QQ : 3 bet to 30
Folds to Utg+3: shove all in for $310 effective.
Hero: tanks, folds.
Utg+3: wins pot.
My thinking is that best case scenario for me is that he has AK or JJ or QQ, QQ is just not very likely with me holding QQ. I don’t think this guy would shove with AK or JJ, I think most likely he is shoving with KK or AA. That said I know folding QQ is a bit nitty.
Would you call or fold? Was folding an ok move?
7 Replies
So are we the Button? Honestly, with no other dead money / real equity to deny / already having the Button / not super short / hating getting 4bet, I would flat here a lot.
In general I think it is fine to fold QQ to a 4bet against most tight non-out-of-line LLSNL players. Although we will definitely fold the best hand some of the time... but probably not enough of the time to truly care.
This is a tough one. The very large shove makes it seem like he doesn't want a call, so this may lean closer to JJ/AK, but the flip side is a typical 4-bet range at these stakes is KK+ and we've seen nothng to suggest he's not typical. Anything about your image, he may have picked up on?
I think I make a tight fold here, and don't ever show.
I don’t think this guy would shove with AK or JJ, I think most likely he is shoving with KK or AA. That said I know folding QQ is a bit nitty.
What you're saying doesn't make any sense. You know this player better than anyone so if you think he's only doing this with AA/KK, why is folding a bit nitty?
There's gonna be many time when you'll have to contemplate folding much better hands than queens, like bottom full houses, flushes and sets. You can't just say "it's too nitty to fold" and base your call on that alone.
A bot only takes villain’s line with KK and <50% of AKo and it’s still a call.
You can find a fold here if you have an actual read or tell, but the fact that he hasn’t made this same exact move in 60 hands isn’t enough for me.
I also give off mad LAgg vibes regardless of how I’m playing, so I just run into weird 99 type stuff here where people were just following their gut that I didn’t have anything. It’s the way I shuffle my chips or gel my hair or something, I don’t know.
What you're saying doesn't make any sense. You know this player better than anyone so if you think he's only doing this with AA/KK, why is folding a bit nitty?
There's gonna be many time when you'll have to contemplate folding much better hands than queens, like bottom full houses, flushes and sets. You can't just say "it's too nitty to fold" and base your call on that alone.
This is why I am posting this hand on here, to gain feedback. I say nitty because essentially pre flop I have the third nuts.
Sure, you may end up folding a flush on a paired board but there are potentially many hands that beat you.
On a 559JK board they could have quad 5s 9s full, 5s full, kings full, jacks full. They could have 3 different 5s full houses.
This is why I am posting this hand on here, to gain feedback. I say nitty because essentially pre flop I have the third nuts.
Sure, you may end up finding a flush on a paired board but there are potentially many hands that beat you.
On a 559JK board they could have quad 5s 9s full, 5s full, kings full, jacks full. They could have 3 different 5s full houses.
Yes and you say he's ABC who never 3bets so if you call you would only be beating TT and JJ, and flip with AK. Also, this is a 4bet jam in 1/3 (more credence to AA/KK) so again, I still wouldn't call only because there are just two hands that beat us.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck.