President Joe Biden
Right now, we need VP Biden, we need him to step down and drop out so Bernie sanders can save this country from this global crisis just like FDR.
A thread to debate the efficacy of a Joe Biden Presidency in the midst of a global pandemic and impending Great Recession/Depression.
Where is Joe Biden? Can he beat Trump and is he even trying to? What would a Joe Biden Presidency look like in these times? Where is he and why isn't he leading?
People who meet with Biden in person apparently also think he has it together more than he appears to on TV. But I guess you choose who you want to believe.
i think this was put out in response to the presidential reporter who recently came out and said the exact opposite and has a book coming out about how Trump has barely any idea what's going on when you talk to him and can't remember anything.
i mean he did forget the name of his doctor twice while trying to tout his high score on his dementia test he took 6yrs ago.
so believe what you want i guess.
Oh yes, how could we forget Trump's doctor? This guy is definitely a brain surgeon.

the debate questions conspiracy theory is the most dog-brain'd thing ever because:
1. the debates don't matter
2. even if you gave them the questions ahead of time, neither of these brain-melted geriatrics would remember what they are, or that it happened
3. they always ask about the exact same ****: economy, inflation, crime, border, immigration, health care, abortion, guns, budget, taxes, social security, global warming, which countries to destroy, etc. there are no surprise questions
4. and even if there was a surprise question, they can easily do what every politician does when they asked something they don't know or don't want to talk about: talk about whatever it is that they do want to talk about. the moderators never force them to stay on topic
5. probably many more reasons, but i'll stop here because it's just so goddamn stupid
i'm not drawing an equivalence. there is no equivalence. trump is much dumber initially, much dumber right now, and will be much dumber in 4 yrs time. it isn't even particularly close. i've never seen anyone show an example of Biden saying the sheer stupidity of stuff trump says and does. literally every clip people rage about Biden is just an 80 yr old guy at his nth function of the day on a stage he's never been on looking for the exit when it's time to leave. that's not dementia. that's ju
They are both too old. What's terrifying is biden is four years older
I don’t think Jake Tapper would but someone at CNN will filter them to the Biden campaign . They keep saying democracy is on the line so I think CNN will
This sounds just like things Trump and his supporters said before the 2020 election - if we lose it's going to be because the other guys cheated.
i'm not drawing an equivalence. there is no equivalence. trump is much dumber initially, much dumber right now, and will be much dumber in 4 yrs time. it isn't even particularly close. i've never seen anyone show an example of Biden saying the sheer stupidity of stuff trump says and does. literally every clip people rage about Biden is just an 80 yr old guy at his nth function of the day on a stage he's never been on looking for the exit when it's time to leave. that's not dementia. that's ju
What's with Biden sniffing and playing with young girls hair? Are those deep fakes?
Let’s not forget CNN is rigging it so RfK does not participate
Hey if Biden wins democracy has spoken
Which party would he represent?
I don't think a marginally less old conspiracy theorist whose brain was partially eaten by a worm would be a better choice than either of the two geriatrics.
And if he was in the debate, most people would turn it off soon after he started speaking. I know it's a physical condition that ideally wouldn't bias people against him, but I had to fast forward through his interview with Bill Maher, the first time I had ever done that before. His speaking voice is like nails on a chalkboard, and I don't think someone who sounds like that could ever get elected for anything.
No, that's something he used to do and then stopped doing.
What's with Trump grabbing the pussies of teen beauty pageant contestants and saying he would like to date his own daughter? Deep fakes?
No idea haven't seen the videos of Trump only Biden. Can you please post?
I've never voted for either of them however I might bet on the election depending on the odds so starting to look into things a bit.
Made a nice chunk of change on Trump in 16'. Decided to not bet in 2020 although if I had I was leaning Biden but not confident enough to bet.
Whats with Trump being close personal friend with Epstein and having confirmed been to Epstein island multiple times and is on record for saying he is aware of Epstein's young women but your lot projects that onto Biden and anyone associated with him despite the fact they weren't associated with Epstein and didn't ever go to Epstein Island? Are you guys deep fakes?
Whats with Trump being close personal friend with Epstein and having confirmed been to Epstein island multiple times and is on record for saying he is aware of Epstein's young women but your lot projects that onto Biden and anyone associated with him despite the fact they weren't associated with Epstein and didn't ever go to Epstein Island? Are you guys deep fakes?
No idea I just watch and trust videos but I have heard the deep fakes are getting good.
All the conspiracy stuff is a bit too confusing for me. If you have video of Trump doing inappropriate things I do appreciate links.
No idea haven't seen the videos of Trump only Biden. Can you please post?
I've never voted for either of them however I might bet on the election depending on the odds so starting to look into things a bit.
Made a nice chunk of change on Trump in 16'. Decided to not bet in 2020 although if I had I was leaning Biden but not confident enough to bet.
Thank you, that's definitely bizarre.
I got it all on film. It's very real.