AAK7 nut clubs dry Kh bomb pot in mp
Flops (140) :
Checks to me I bet? 100. Sb calls, bb says it’s time to go home and ships 275. I started the hand with 900. Call? Ship?
Not sure about both decision points.
13 Replies
I’d ship now.
Shouldn't matter I think. Kh is very important and they can't both have QQ.
ship all day, u can fold out a flush on the first board
SB stack? I like side pots, but it may be better in this case to just ship it and try to scare off any hands that we would be behind in the side (where a chop is very likely anyway). Obv we fear a Jack-high Flush that either has, or will hit 2-pr by the River on the Bottom.
I've not found that a naked flush card is that effective in a Bomb Pot .. any flush 9/T high is calling in my Player Pool even without a sniff on the other Board.
I'm fairly conservative in BP and putting in 900 to win 170 or less (most of the time) when we chop the Side (if there is one) just doesn't compute. You'd need some sims, but I think we get scooped more than we scoop the Main, which is really where our decisions need to be based on. Obv we have a better chance in the Main Pot HU, so if we think we can isolate by going all-in that would be the play.
Stacks really stink, but as I said I like side pots .. so a raise to 600 is in order for me a lot of the time if I really want to try and take down a big one. GL
Obviously it’s implied that sb has us covered.
You on the BTN? Even then I would bet less with the first bet.
We have a lot of visibility on turns, but we also benefit a lot from people folding bad flushes on B1. I'd guess it's close but lean shove.
To everyone saying shove, I actually don’t mind flatting with position to keep in a much wider range. I don’t think u can go wrong with this hand
You on the BTN? Even then I would bet less with the first bet.
We have a lot of visibility on turns, but we also benefit a lot from people folding bad flushes on B1. I'd guess it's close but lean shove.
We can still get naked non nut flushes to fold turn or river if we barrel and get added value from a lot of hands we’d be folding out IMO
i am fine with the flop bet. call or ship are both fine. if we were a bit deeper i would like a flat more as we can exert more pressure on turn / river. i think i might still like a flat, depending on reads on SB.
I just go ahead and pot it. I don't mind a flat sometimes, but there are many cards we don't want to see. It kind of depends on how SB plays and how SB sees you.
Result: Hero just calls, sb tank folds. Bab shows KJTcc and hero scoops. Sb had J2hh and would’ve scooped.
I guess we have enough on both sides to ship and maximize our chances of getting at least 50%.
So you flat and get 2nd flush and 2-pr to fold? Amazing result and really something to note for regular cash hands when against that Player. I don't thing you'll see that very often. GL