Just One Game Thread

Just One Game Thread

by Nicholasp27 k

In this thread we will play the hottest new social word game.

It’s a cooperative game but we can split it into teams to bring a little more competition to it.

To play the game, everyone but one person is given the secret word for that round. Then everyone submits a 1-word clue to that secret word. The mod removes any duplicate words and posts the unique clues and the one person then guesses the secret word.

If correct, we get a point; if wrong we lose a point; if isn’t sure of the word, they can

by eyebooger k

There were 10 items in your list. Here they are in random order:


Should we start a new thread?

New thread started. gogogo

06 June 2024 at 05:54 PM

381 Replies


Nottingham Forest, Petrified Forest, Fangorn Forest (LotR) are all forests

I duped with someone on Whitaker

Ah dang that probably woulda been enough for me! Or Gump

Forrest not forest for gump tho

Is that legal

Id imagine so, I still need to deduce just Forest from it but can act as confirmer

by insanity31 k

lol, c'mon


by eyebooger k

My confusion on the Byrne clue might have saved me from just YOLOing white in that spot, so it may have gotten us a point.

Would you have known McGowan if I clued it?

by Nicholasp27 k

Nottingham Forest, Petrified Forest, Fangorn Forest (LotR) are all forests

I duped with someone on Whitaker

me on Whitaker

by AmazingErvin k

1. Pretty easy bald
2. Took me a sec but then turnover makes perfect sense
3. random
4. Everything I know about this is conflicting, Nottingham makes me think of the Sheriff, there's Robin Hood and the castle and stuff. Petrified makes me think Frozen, or Medusa or something. Fangorn I only know from magic card Firstborn which costs GGGG. I could see this being Forest or Woods or something but have no way to tell which one so sadly Pass
5. Also took me a second but magazine really helped to get

Well done AE!!! Glad we got so many supporting clues through without duping.. I kind of thought when I saw the pool of clues that you'd get the first 4 and perhaps pass on issue.

Issue was tough to clue for and that was good piece of work tying those clues together to get it..

Nice work.

Both teams still tied, 12-12 going into round 4 where it's Nich and housenuts turn to guess

Will send PMs momentarily

Nails you need to delete some PMs to make space

Think .org rather than .org/lists would've been better accepted for random but i'm sure AE would've got it anyway lol

by D1iabol1cal k

Would you have known McGowan if I clued it?


Also Nylund, Jalen, and a surprising number of wrestlers (Adam, Buddy, Mandy, Nyla)

Just bad luck that you picked someone I have never heard of.

by eyebooger k


Also Nylund, Jalen, and a surprising number of wrestlers (Adam, Buddy, Mandy, Nyla)

Just bad luck that you picked someone I have never heard of.

Yeah, dammit.

Still pretty shocked you've never heard of her before, even without seeing any of her movies. I think she was even in Miss POG a couple of times!

by POGcrazy94 k

Think .org rather than .org/lists would've been better accepted for random but i'm sure AE would've got it anyway lol

No one in their right might would’ve clued .org

by POGcrazy94 k

Nails you need to delete some PMs to make space

Done. Sorry about that.

No worries, PM sent now 😀

Team B clues for housenuts:

1. Baconator, cheese, veggie, In-N-Out, patty
2. bowler, roller, Manchester, headwear, rivalry
3. Mini-Wheats, Trix, Crispix, Kellogg's, maize
4. Cabin, hay, Indiana, hot, temperature
5. peanut, soybean, chickpea, francais, bean

by POGcrazy94 k

No worries, PM sent now 😀

Team B clues for housenuts:

1. Baconator, cheese, veggie, In-N-Out, patty
2. bowler, roller, Manchester, headwear, rivalry
3. Mini-Wheats, Trix, Crispix, Kellogg's, maize
4. Cabin, hay, Indiana, hot, temperature
5. peanut, soybean, chickpea, francais, bean

I think these are great clues and makes my life easy.


Kentucky woulda made derby easier, but understandable fade. francais : - don't get that without that weird addition.

by housenuts k

I think these are great clues and makes my life easy.


Kentucky woulda made derby easier, but understandable fade. francais : - don't get that without that weird addition.

5/5 👍

i made up for my "Sea" clue!

Bean and soybean prolly should be dupes?

Didn’t matter here tho

by Nicholasp27 k

Bean and soybean prolly should be dupes?

Didn’t matter here tho

What about chickpeanut?

Oh yeah

Chickpea and peanut

I guess we need to have clarity on compound words going forward

Official rules are silent on it

Just say words from same family are dupes, so bean/soybean would dupe I think

Chickpea and peanut the first is pea root and the second is nut root so maybe they don’t dupe? Or maybe they do bc both have pea in them

In Codenames you can’t clue chickpea if peanut is on the board because you can’t clue any word that shares either part of a compound word that is still on the board

But just one is silent there so up to us I guess

Team A clues for Nich:

1. Non-proliferation
2. pork, tummy, dance, Jelly, beer
3. Owls, Commons, democracy, Funkadelic, Lords
4. HM, Amicalola, chasing
5. 2-7, HHH, axel


Bean/soybean dupes.

Chickpea/peanut not dupes.

by eyebooger k


Bean/soybean dupes.

Chickpea/peanut not dupes.

I'm kinda thinking this. Nut would eliminate peanut but pea wouldn't. Pea would eliminate chickpea and something like walnut would eliminate peanut? Or are those different enough

by eyebooger k


Bean/soybean dupes.

Chickpea/peanut not dupes.

That would be the “same base dupes” that seems more in line with Just One rules

While Codenames you can’t match any part of any word on the board, whether it’s first or second part of compound word
