Snow and Snow Catcher...

Snow and Snow Catcher...

Two hands from the $2500

2-7…Button opens, I 3! 8653, he calls.

1/2. I catch a 7 and bet he calls.

0/1. I bet and he raises. Is this a good enough candidate to call down? I have seen no 2s, so it might be a time where Villain has seen a few…

A-5. Small blind opens, I defend A366x.

2/2. I catch paint, and call a bet.

1/2. I catch another 6 and face a bet.

This last hand some ICM pressure on me, as I was pretty short to start the hand, about 6-7 Big bets to start the hand. (We were still very far from the $, but tournament life is a thing )

More generally, how many pairs/trips should I see before I snow? Is it better to see trips or 2 pair?

23 June 2024 at 04:11 AM

4 Replies

Hand 1: Call down
Hand 2: I prefer a 3! bvb with a D2 and a pair. As played folding is fine. I woudl snow having seen one more baby at some point

Hand 1. Am I calling down because I beat enough value, or because I have a good snow catcher (no 2s)?

Hand 2. I would normally 3! here as well, but I was a bit short, and didn't want to face a 4! and be pot committed (yet). I guess I need to see 3 pair/trips cards to snow?

by RolldUpTrips k

Hand 1: Call down
Hand 2: I prefer a 3! bvb with a D2 and a pair. As played folding is fine. I woudl snow having seen one more baby at some point

Hand 1 I would fold turn or river almost always. Hand 2 I would simply call and keep drawing.

by DeathDonkey k

Hand 1 I would fold turn or river almost always. Hand 2 I would simply call and keep drawing.

Drawing 2 on last draw?
