Julian Assange
How Swedish authorities invented the rape charge against Julian Assange
Thanks to the investigative work and perseverance of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer, the truth is gradually being revealed. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nils_Melze... )
One of the most successful false news stories of the last decade is the story of two women who filed a rape complaint against Julian Assange with the Swedish police in August 2010, and that the founder of Wikileaks escaped from the Swedish justice system by fleeing to England. The advantage of the Swiss Nils Melzer is that he speaks fluent Swedish, and was then able to consult the original documents. And then, to his amazement, it turned out that the course of events was quite different.
[URL="https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi9_pfCspP7AhUgQ_EDHTruA3EQFnoECBsQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fmedia%2F2019%2Fnov%2F19%2Fsweden-drops-julian-assange-investigation&usg=AOvVaw2HE_LGvY_W2Dv_5eQiZnjA"] Sweden drops Julian Assange rape investigation
19.11.2019 — Swedish authorities have discontinued an investigation into a rape allegation against the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, after a review ...
I gotta think theres a catch here. no one disrespects Hillary Clinton and gets away with it.
With the credit for the time served so far, he has done more than enough time in jail for his offenses, and he isn't coming to the US. Seems like a good enough deal for both sides to get this over with.
Hopefully it became clear to usa that there was no chance we would agree to the extradition
Stella Assange now talks about the legal process that saw Julian Assange leave the UK - remember, he had been in a British prison for more than five years, as he fought extradition to the US.
She says her "interpretation" is that a "breakthrough" came when the High Court in London began to consider his constitutional protections under the freedom of the press.
"That's when we saw a breakthrough in relation to an agreement between the parti
He has to go to usa teritory on his way to oz. Hopefully even the usa wont pull a fast one and suddenly discover a new excuse to arrest him.
With the credit for the time served so far, he has done more than enough time in jail for his offenses, and he isn't coming to the US. Seems like a good enough deal for both sides to get this over with.
Yeah. I don’t think anyone is looking at the stories of Assange and co and thinking, "if I become a wistle blower, I should be pretty safe."
Hopefully it became clear to usa that there was no chance we would agree to the extradition
He has to go to usa teritory on his way to oz. Hopefully even the usa wont pull a fast one and suddenly discover a new excuse to arrest him.
if the US wanted to make you guys agree to the extradition, you guys would agree. Just depends on how badly we wanted assange. Obama wanted him badly cause obama was a psycho/narc and assange ruined obamas peaceful liberal image
trump didnt care cause assange was working for russia/putin, so why would trump stop that
biden needs to get reelected, so lets free assange and say the white house had nothing to do with it (lol)
I hope they grab him and kill him if he comes here
wow. He has 'come here'. Currently in court on his plea deal
There is some concern that usa will do something batshit crazy but it seems unlikely.
Why do you want the us to kill him pw?
Judge wishes Assange an early happy birthday
The judge reiterates that the US government has agreed not to pursue any other prosecutions and then wraps up.
Assange smiles as she wishes him an early happy birthday (he turns 53 next week), saying she hopes he starts his new life with that positive note.
He worked for Russia. He only published stuff that was anti American and almost exclusively almost American military.
He tricked people into thinking Wikileaks was a just cause that exposed corruption around the world
In fact they just worked to help the kremlin and they caused many Americans lots of pain and fear. Not to mention jail sentences. He also turned a generation against the US govt and made them pro Putin
Maybe be mrre angry at those who undermined trust in the usa by behaving so badly.
Exposure is a key part of preventing those people undermining your country so much.
That would certianly show poeple. Undermining the usa further and bolstering putin/etc.
Seems like a terrible path to me but ymmv
pw what the hell you are being far too harsh and thats not what the global world should be thinking when this stuff happens. do you not think that Its not healthy viewpoint to have that line of thought
however the point you make that others need to take a look at is that 90% of his stuff was focused america which was absolute ****ing cringe since it was too narrow, it was the only country he went after. to say america is the only country to be worth having leaked is absolute cringe since its saying all other countries are "okay". afaik we didn't idk throw govt officials outside windows or silenced bilionaires etc etc, not saying others countries possibly have or havent ofc..
We owe it to all the people who spent time in jail or in Russia due to Assanges lies. He tricked a generation into believing he was for the people when he was really just for Putin
WikiLeaks deleted all DNC emails a few hours after Assange was released
No, wikileaks's website has apparently been falling apart for years and lots of right-wing sources made a silly assumption that getting server errors when trying to find the emails meant they had been deleted rather than it being a result of the increased traffic due to Assange being in the news. Believing the unfounded, sensationalist claims from dodgy right-wing sources is the sort of thing I'd expect from the Playbig's of the forum - a little surprised to see Luciom duped by something like this.