The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!)

The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!)

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) 5 Views 5
24 December 2022 at 08:57 AM

1940 Replies


by Bobo Fett k

I don't think someone who was born pre-D-Day really negates his statement. :p

Hmm. Fair point.

Definitely a Nazi.

by d2_e4 k

Hmm. Fair point.

Definitely a Nazi.

National Socialist German Workers' Party

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.


by d2_e4 k

So, I knew that Adidas was founded by a guy called Adi Dassler (although I didn't know that "Adi" was short for "Adolf"), but TIL that his brother Rudolf founded a competing company called "Ruda", which was soon re-branded to "Puma". I guess the whole family was pretty good at making shoes.

Interesting. And here I had always just assumed it was a one-olf situation. (ba dum tiss)

by Trap_Jumper k

Interesting. And here I had always just assumed it was a one-olf situation. (ba dum tiss)

Lol. Solid use of your one-in-fifty-day post.

by d2_e4 k

So, I knew that Adidas was founded by a guy called Adi Dassler (although I didn't know that "Adi" was short for "Adolf"), but TIL that his brother Rudolf founded a competing company called "Ruda", which was soon re-branded to "Puma". I guess the whole family was pretty good at making shoes.

Don't forget that both of them were Nazis and hated each other.

Adolph Coors

Wow, this was a good one.

White to move and win.

by d2_e4 k

Wow, this was a good one.

White to move and win.

To win on that single move? I don't see it.

by chillrob k

To win on that single move? I don't see it.

No, just to win. Chess puzzle conditions tell you whose move and the goal. The number of moves is specified in the conditions, e.g. "white to move and mate in 3"; if unspecified, you just have to achieve the goal in the fewest possible moves.

Which in this case, I believe is 8.

Edit: No, that's not right, either. I keep having to up it, LOL.

by Bobo Fett k

Which in this case, I believe is 5.

It is not.

No, I see that now. I had it at 8, but that's stalemate. Not as simple as it first appeared. 😊

by Bobo Fett k

No, I see that now. I had it at 8, but that's stalemate. Not as simple as it first appeared. 😊

It's a good one. I posted it elsewhere and someone responded to say that the engine thinks it's a draw. No cheap tricks, there is definitely a forced mate here.

Hint: once you figure out the theme, the exact number of moves is not hugely relevant here.

It's getting out of that loop without a stalemate I can't find in my head. I look forward to trying this on an actual board when I get back in a bit.

A winning position is easy to find; getting there is the tricky part. :p

by Bobo Fett k

It's getting out of that loop without a stalemate I can't find in my head. I look forward to trying this on an actual board when I get back in a bit.

I found it to be a very satisfying solution. That's why I posted it, I don't usually post these.

I found in three moves, black surrenders. Post?

edit.... er, maybe not

edit.... maybe I was correct. I think three moves until surrender

by King Spew k

I found in three moves, black surrenders. Post?

edit.... er, maybe not

It is more than 5 moves.

Is the theme


to rotate the N between c2 and a3, using the spare move to get the K into the action along the b file and deliver mate somehow?

But without a board I can't see it all.

by jalfrezi k

Is the theme


to rotate the N between c2 and a3, using the spare move to get the K into the action along the b file and deliver mate somehow?

But without a board I can't see it all.


You are kind of on the right track, but there is no "spare move" in your proposal (unless I am misunderstanding it). You need to find a way to generate some spare moves.


The obvious bit plus get the king in front of the bishop so black can move his knight as the king advnaces

by chezlaw k



Correct (assuming you elided over the detail of the discovered checks buying you the needed moves/tempi). Can you spoiler it for those who want to solve it themselves?

sorry i have now . You'll have to edit your reply

That's very clever.

This is how I solved it


I played around with it on chess dot com and without asking it to it showed me the solution

chezlaw confirmed super- genius level, probably why no one can ever understand anything he writes and why his spelling is so bad.

by jalfrezi k

That's very clever.

This is how I solved it


I played around with it on chess dot com and without asking it to it showed me the solution


Lol weird - I posted on UP and someone there said the engine thought it was a draw
