Phillipine Poker

Phillipine Poker

Making this thread to hopefully help stay motivated, vent at the craziness of live poker in the Philippines, and get some advice on hands.

So far I've played poker in Manila, Angeles City and Cebu. What kind of craziness may you ask? At one casino in Angeles they allow rabbit hunts, and I'm not particularly opposed to it if it's on rare occasion. However you will sometimes get tables with people consistently requesting rabbit hunts after they fold to a 3 bet PRE FLOP!

Insurance is another plague on the game here. Most card rooms/casinos offer insurance on all ins, of course they are taking a healthy cut. This leads to often 5+ minutes on all ins, insurance needs to be recalculated on the turn as well...confusion over outs. They often need to document it with photos. Gets even more fun when side pots are involved.

"English only" at the tables but never followed. This doesn't bother me that much as I've yet to see any situations where collusion looked likely. What does get annoying is the amount of yelling back and forth between typically Filipino players. I've seen them drive away foreign rec players on multiple occasions. Generally ignoring any requests for English only or perhaps taking it easy for 10-15 minutes before resuming.

House players, this one is the one that by far affects the game most negatively. At some casinos close to half the players are house players, probably getting a significant portion of their estimated rake in an hourly wage. This wouldn't amount to much in the USA, but here in the Philippines if you can just play nitty break even or slightly winning poker along with the rakeback you are making more money than 90-95% of the population. This of course leads to terrible games.

My goals are to make a bit of extra cash, play good poker without tilting, and try to have fun.

Starting bankroll of 500,000 pesos (56 pesos to 1 dollar). Daily stop loss of 10% of the bankroll.

Feel free to ask me any questions about the Philippines or offer your own insight.

I've been in Malaybalay for almost a month now so haven't played at all. Don't think there are any poker games here. Will be headed to Manila in a few days and then likely on to Angeles after a short stay in Manila.

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31 March 2024 at 09:15 AM

85 Replies


Making some very achievable daily fitness goals to help get back into shape. Will start off with 50 push-ups per day minimum and 15 minutes of walking. Once I get into the habit should at least double these numbers but want to start off slow to ensure I'll meet my initial goals.

When I was in Thailand from April of 23' to Oct 23' I lost 15-20 pounds. Got in a lot of beach walks, ate tons of seafood and basically had nothing negative in my diet besides mixed drinks (rum and coke, vodka Sprite etc)

Filipino food has been a real challenge for me. I'll eat chicken and fish but get bored of that and start resorting to less healthy options. Haven't been getting in the exercise either, I really enjoyed walking the beach but don't have anything similar here.

Gained back everything I lost in Thailand and maybe an additonal 5 pounds so pretty disappointed in that and want to reverse the trend.

Might add some poker goals soon too but not so sure about that yet. Don't want to force it if the games aren't really worth playing anyway. So will dip my toes in over the next few days and see what's up.

Anyone know a relatively easy way to get $50 or a $100 in crypto while in the Philippines? It's insane how many things I've tried and failed at. (Everything seems to be blocked since my IP address is coming from Philippines) Trying to get a few bucks for a GG deposit looks like they have solid promos and want to give the games a try.

If anyone is in Philippines and can receive Gcash I'll go to a 7/11 and send you cash that way if you can get me a little crypto, I'm desperate at this point.

I could prob do the gcash if u get desperate lol

by BigBananas k

I could prob do the gcash if u get desperate lol

Pm sent 🍻

by WPNdonk k

Anyone know a relatively easy way to get $50 or a $100 in crypto while in the Philippines? It's insane how many things I've tried and failed at. (Everything seems to be blocked since my IP address is coming from Philippines) Trying to get a few bucks for a GG deposit looks like they have solid promos and want to give the games a try.

If anyone is in Philippines and can receive Gcash I'll go to a 7/11 and send you cash that way if you can get me a little crypto, I'm desperate at this point.

Just use Google DNS, then nothing is blocked.

Online hands: Lost QQ vs KK vs K5 aipf (it was a splash spot which is why the K5 shoved)

Lost QQ vs AA aipf

Bvb I'm in bb with 97 flat the raise flop 975 all in on flop vs 86

Top set vs bottom + flush draw all in on flop in PLO and he hit flush

Dusted a hundo pretty quick. My poor internet connection makes it a struggle to play anyway.

Going to go back to live play and challenge myself to winning 100k pesos per month in live poker.

Just hope the games aren't garbage and I can start running a little better.

Lost my last 3 KK and something like 4 out of my last 5 with AA in live play.

Between that and the games being bad been a struggle to stay motivated to play

Where do you play? Are you still in Manila?

by Bananasplit k

Where do you play? Are you still in Manila?

Been in Angeles City the last two months, haven't played a lot but when I have its mostly been Wild Aces Poker room.

The korean run game there isn't anywhere near as good as it was during the winter months though. It was a 100/200 then with typically at least a couple action players, stacks from 40k-100k+

Now it's a 50/100, the two game runners often in the game to help keep it going (tight/passive) and usually a couple Filipino grinders. Before it was all tourists besides a Korean regular who plays LAG. So the action sucks compared to before.

Where would you say is the best place to play in the Philippines? Visiting towards the end of the year and not sure where to go. Ive heard that Cebus Nustar is a nice new casino. Newport world resorts in Manila seems to get good reviews as well. How about Royce casino in Clark?

Hi Love_the_game,
I often visit Manila so maybe I could help you.

I think it depends on your main reason to visit Philippines.

If playing poker, I recommend you to go Newport world resorts or Okada manila in Manila.
Because there are plenty of players.

by Love_the_game k

Where would you say is the best place to play in the Philippines? Visiting towards the end of the year and not sure where to go. Ive heard that Cebus Nustar is a nice new casino. Newport world resorts in Manila seems to get good reviews as well. How about Royce casino in Clark?

I played at Cebus Nustar seemed like a complete rake trap setup in my very limited experience there (2 sessions). Both times it was only a few 50/100 games running with lots of obvious house players bouncing around tables to keep the games going. Seemed extremely obvious they were doing their best to maximize rake, even by Filipino standards.

I've ran really bad at Royce Casino so haven't played there much lately. They have a lot of house players as well but they do have higher stakes games. Usually at least one table each of 50/100, 100-200, and 100-200-400.

Occasionally they'll have 500/1000 action as well, but generally private game. If you are a loose playing foreigner you may have a chance at getting in the game even if you aren't Korean or Chinese.

As far as Manila goes I can only speak to Okada, I'm guessing it has the most tables running of any room in philippines. Games don't start till 12-2 PM (games go till at least 5-6 AM) but once it gets a little later in afternoon there's a big selection of 25/50, 50/100, 100/200. I never had to wait long to get a table. Then there will almost always be at least one bigger game usually 300/600 but can be 200/400 or 500/1000.

Often times 100/200+ games here play way deeper than you might see in the states. Okada is 100k max buyin for 100/200 and some people actually do buyin for that and many 40k+. So you are talking about a $1.70/$3.40 game with a 1700 max buyin.

A lot of head phone wearing grinders but you can table change and there were a decent amount of awful players as well.

From what I've seen action has been pretty bad in the summer in Philippines but things were much better when I played in Nov and Dec.

Been partying and drinking way too much so one of my goals is to cut back on that and play more poker.

Played 50/100 last night but it played fairly big with a decent amount of straddles along with good stack depth.

There was some very good action, best example of this probably being when in a small limped pot about 35k (so 70-75k pot) went in on the turn on a 6622 board and they didn't both have a six.

My best hand of the night I raised early position with Ac Tc 1 caller most aggressive player 3 bets, we both call off to a flop of A67 with two diamonds. 3 better checks I bet 40% pot both call. Turn is ten of diamonds. I bet small 1 caller river is a complete brick 2 of clubs. I bet quite small again 5500 into a pot of maybe 22k and get called quickly. He said he had JJ with the Jack of diamonds.

Besides that hand I won solid pots with AK and QQ.

Finished up 33k in just under 4 hours of play.

Played same game today unfortunately a bunch of grinders and shortstacks.

Had 43 of spades flop K56 turn K river 5 I triple barreled and got a fold on the river. I've been telling myself to bluff less but then decided I had to go for it and overbet the river.

Had KK with a straddle on made it 1200, 4 ways to flop AT4 ofc. Folded flop to omc leading into 3 other players.

There were a couple omcs who turned out to be more action than I thought but whatever it's a tough spot to play if he barrels the turn anyway and I had 2 behind me as well on the flop so think it's a mandatory fold?

Only good starting hand I got all night. Lost 3k over 2 hours which isn't so bad being card dead.

There was a true dime piece working who I probably should of asked for her number because why not in the Philippines I have some chance but I didn't.

I seriously need to consider quitting drinking because I had a very bad night which I won't go into much detail about. ( don't remember most of it anyway)

Things could be worse I still have my phone and my debit card which I count on. So I'm trying to just be thankful that it really wasn't too bad and certainly all my own doing.

It's gotten to the point where I just need to admit I can't control it and probably best for me to quit entirely but that's gonna be tough.

Yeah its never going to happen , none the less you can just learn to have a bit better grip of your wallet

by WPNdonk k

I seriously need to consider quitting drinking because I had a very bad night which I won't go into much detail about. ( don't remember most of it anyway)

Things could be worse I still have my phone and my debit card which I count on. So I'm trying to just be thankful that it really wasn't too bad and certainly all my own doing.

It's gotten to the point where I just need to admit I can't control it and probably best for me to quit entirely but that's gonna be tough.

you probably wouldn't be having these thoughts if they weren't genuine

this thread has helped many

by rickroll k

you probably wouldn't be having these thoughts if they weren't genuine

this thread has helped many

Thank you! I'm giving the thread a read.

The last few weeks have been really bad. If I don't quit completely id like to go down to 2 days a week where it's allowed.

I think part of the problem now is my tolerance is getting so high I'm not feeling a buzz till I've already drank a ton. I used to start to feel it then I could usually reign myself in and slow down.

I did go a full 3 months without drinking a drop around the time covid hit. Initially I planned on just doing a month, about a month in was when the covid restrictions started going into effect and I decided to do 3 months which was made easier without being tempted to go to the bar. After the 3 months I was bored and more than ready to drink again, but I think it at least gave myself a good reset. Alcoholism also rampant in my family. Being extremely introverted it makes social settings a lot easier for me to handle as well but I think I often use this as a crutch/excuse to drink.

Poker goal for August is to play at least a 100 hours, preferably more but would rather set an attainable goal and go from there.

Depending on how it goes and how I assess my play I'm thinking about getting a coach for the first time ever.

Maybe a coach more focused on discipline/mental game.

Played a 4 hour session at 50/100. Game wasn't too horrible early on but was basically all Filipino grinders the last hour or 2.

Wasn't a lot of interesting spots I didn't do anything crazy which is good. Was card and flop dead besides one hand.

Ac Qd with straddle on I made it 800 two callers one has position on me. Flop Tc 6c 3h. Cbet 800 both call Turn As bet 3600 the guy who has position calls other folds river pretty much a complete blank or close to it can't remember what it is was. Kinda thinking about checking but this guy likes to call me. He had the JJ hand from two sessions ago. Bet 5k he calls I'm good.

Very boring session otherwise, flopped top two pair in a limped straddle pot, only lost 3k or so on the hand to a turned flush.

Glad I got in 4 hours and wasn't really worth continuing on anyway. Won 7.6k on the night.

May need to try the other game tomorrow and see how things are there.

August hours goal: 4/100

Fk me fk me fk me fk me fk me

KQdd I raise the button to 600 there's a straddle on. Straddle 3 bets me to 2200. I call flop K84 two diamonds.

I call all 3 streets (turn and river were low bricks I think 4 and 7 no flush for me) and lose to AK

55 cut off I limped (in hindsight wish if raised, which I considered) you'll see why. Also a straddled pot.

Flop K 5c 2c early position leads out 600, middle position calls I make it 2200 only early position calls.

Turn 9 no club. He checks I bet 4500 he calls.

River A no club he checks I shove 25k he snap calls and has 43.

Lost 40.5k total there

Left that casino was probably gonna quit for the night but ended up going to Wild Aces cause they said the game was action.

Bought in for 40k playing 7 handed I think it was. Utg raises 600, mid position calls. AK off I 3 bet to 3100. Early position makes it 9500, mid position calls ??? strange and was pretty sure he was action player who knows what he has.

I almost fold because the utg doesn't strike me as an action player but with the other guys money in there too I talk myself into calling and folding any flop I don't hit for sure

Almost fold flop but then again I'm like ya know I do have blockers and I'm going for a triple up rather than a double up.

We are all in in the flop. KQ gets there on the river......beautiful game.

145k pot since they both had a bit more than me and a side pot.

In case the pics are confusing I had AK (maybe should said I had AA and am the most unlucky fk in the world �� )

Lost 80.5k on the night

looks like a pretty good game when someone is calling a 4bet with KQs and stacking off with 2nd pair and a gutter

Hey WPNdonk !

I'm going to Manila next week to play cash game but I've read some pretty worrisome stuff...

Locals seems to be cheating and colluding with each other against foreigners, talking in Tagalou during a hand, sharing cards, informations and so on...

Have you experienced such issues there ?

Apparently, it's been going on for years wilst the casino staff and floors look the other way... It really concerns me.

Also, is there any way to make a deposit with CC at the casino ?

Because with all the ATMs capped at 30 000 php per day, how does people do to play 100/200 and 200/400 games without running out of cash ?

by ctrlfistal k

Hey WPNdonk !

I'm going to Manila next week to play cash game but I've read some pretty worrisome stuff...

Locals seems to be cheating and colluding with each other against foreigners, talking in Tagalou during a hand, sharing cards, informations and so on...

Have you experienced such issues there ?

Apparently, it's been going on for years wilst the casino staff and floors look the other way... It really concerns me.

Also, is there any way to make a deposit with CC at the casino ?

Because with all the

They speak a lot of tagalog, usually not when in the hand. I doubt they are so brazen to openly talk about what they folded while the hand is ongoing but it may happen from time to time. There tends to be less non sense the higher stakes you go as well.

I haven't seen any obvious or likely collusion as far as in hands played.
Would be more concerned when playing Omaha.

I'd bring US dollars (make sure the bills are crisp/clean they can be picky) if that option is available to you. At the airport there are multiple bank stands where you can convert and I lost a little less than 1%. Way better than the rip off ATMs. It can be hard to find an atm that allows you to do more than 10k for a transaction, so it's both annoying and costly to get big amounts from atms.

I assume you can wire money at the casino (maybe CC too but I'd imagine you might get smashed with fees that way?)

Use GRAB for transportation safer and probably cheaper.

If the game is mostly filipino its probably not worth playing anyway. They tend to at least be average players and a lot are nitty pros. (If they can make a few hundred pesos per hour that's a great wage in Philippines)

The poker room at Okada is run by PokerStars and seems to have less non sense than other rooms I've played at but you'll still find some people speaking non English at the tables (and it's not always Filipinos doing it, can be foreigners speaking Korean, Japanese, Chinese etc)

Just don't go there during a tourney series, game was pretty much at a standstill the dealing was so slow and it was multiple dealers. Normally decent dealing when they don't have so many tables going.

in china they wouldn't be saying stuff like "his range is capped here you should shove"

but it would be a lot of stuff like "f this stupid foreigner, please take his money"

but this is also why i wouldn't play home games if they were run by locals because if anyone was going to be the mark it was going to be me
