MTT multi-way showdown ruling

MTT multi-way showdown ruling

Live daily tourney at casino poker room.

EP opens
I flat CO
Btn calls
Sb calls
Bb all in
EP folds
I call (I cover BB)
Btn folds
Sb calls (also covers BB)

Sb and I check it down to river.
Bb turns up his hand first.
Sb turns up next revealing the winner.
I muck my hand face down.
Bb who is busted demands to see my hand.

Do I have to show given that it was multi-way with side action? Dealer made me show after BB said it. Felt wrong.

05 July 2024 at 12:31 AM

8 Replies

Per TDA rules, all hands must be shown in all in situations. So the dealer should have made you show even without BB saying anything.

It's always possible that room doesn't follow TDA, but this is a pretty basic longstanding tournament rule.

If it were a cash game, some rooms would let you muck, some wouldn't.

by ralphykid67 k

Do I have to show given that it was multi-way with side action?

Why do you care?

by Reducto k

Per TDA rules, all hands must be shown in all in situations. So the dealer should have made you show even without BB saying anything.

It's always possible that room doesn't follow TDA, but this is a pretty basic longstanding tournament rule.

If it were a cash game, some rooms would let you muck, some wouldn't.

IME, OP even has to show in most cash games. The most common rule I've seen is that any player who gets to showdown can ask to see the cards of any other player who also reached showdown.

by Rawlz517 k

IME, OP even has to show in most cash games. The most common rule I've seen is that any player who gets to showdown can ask to see the cards of any other player who also reached showdown.

Some places have changed that in cash games. Foxwoods has stopped it because it was causing a lot of dissension when it happened. I believe Mohegan Sun has also stopped it.

by Rawlz517 k

IME, OP even has to show in most cash games. The most common rule I've seen is that any player who gets to showdown can ask to see the cards of any other player who also reached showdown.

Actually here and many places it is or was any player dealt in could ask. But that rule is going out of vogue because it was getting abused.

But the TDA rule is a different rule. On any all in, as soon as no more action, all live hands are to be turned up. In this thread since there was potential side action, action was not complete until both checked the river. But then, regardless if BB says anything, or SB shows winner or even BB showing the nuts all 3 hands should be tabled face up.

So there are two different rules in cash it is the IWTSTH rule while for tournaments it is the rule all ins require all live hands to be tabled when no more action.

The dealer is or should be trained that in all in situations the dealer needs to protect the muck specifically to prevent player face down discard

Yes, where I play at an all in and showdown dealer usually announces everybody in the hand shows. If not directly announced, people seem to know anyway. Playing solely tournaments, don't know about cash.

by ralphykid67 k

Felt wrong.

Ah yes, vibes.

Tournament all-ins .. any holding that makes it to Showdown must be tabled even if there was a side pot between two covering Players. If a Player is bet out of the hand then they don't have to show/table .. it's all LIVE hands at Showdown. This prevent chip dumping. While chip dumping can work in both directions it's typically more to keep a Player alive than to pad a stack, so in this case it's unusual that a Player who will be eliminated ask to see a holding when they are already beat by another. But, IMO, it's typically in the Rules and should be in the Dealer Procedures as well.

Cash Game Rules are very Room dependent and are getting tighter and tighter. More so these days only Players with Live Hands can ask to see a holding and by doing so it still can be awarded the pot. Typically this only applies to OOP holdings that are trying to muck and a IP Player wants to see the hand. IMO it would be very rare for a OOP Player to be able to request an IP Player's holding be tabled in a cash game. GL
