Wrap On Monotone Flop

Wrap On Monotone Flop

1-2-5 plo, about 1700 eff

Hero on btn with A589ds no hearts

Pre: Hero opens 15 only sb calls

Flop (32) : 762hhh
Sb checks

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04 July 2024 at 12:39 PM

13 Replies

In 4-card I'd bluff every wrap. Not sure if you can do the same in 5-card with 0 flush cards.

I think underbet (1/5-1/4) here with almost all range is quite standard, very high FE board.
Without info i expect SB vs BTN range to be quite broadway heavy, so unless he has a flush which is really low chance, we usually get a fast fold.

I know we have a wrap, but im happy to get a fold. Considering his pre calling range i think only flush and on rare occason sets call the flop, so us having draw on mono loses relevance.
I might make loose assumptions about his pre calling range, but even if that wasnt the case, FE is still very high and im fine to end the hand on flop.

by OmahaDonk k

1-2-5 plo, about 1700 eff

Hero on btn with A589ds no hearts

Pre: Hero opens 15 only sb calls

Flop (32) : 762hhh
Sb checks

I'd bet about half pot ($15) which is what I'd do if I had a flush or the ace blocker. Obviously I'd fold to a check raise. If called I'd slow down on the turn unless I hit my straight.

Not so quick question: When you say 1-2-5 plo does that mean three blinds in front of the button?

OR pne blind on the button and two in front? (similar to northern California although sometimes the button blind is a dead drop)

OR blinds of $1 and $2 and you must bring in for at least $5 (similar to Encore Boston and New Hampshire games with two $2 blinds).

OR something else.

by middlebridge k

I'd bet about half pot ($15) which is what I'd do if I had a flush or the ace blocker.

I feel like half pot is a mistake here without info, fwiw gto with this particular hand is a 50/50 mix between check and 1/5.

Im generalizing in my example but what i think is standard exploit line with info:
Vs fish - bet all air 1/4-1/3, simply bc expect a lot folds, bet all nuts 1/2 flop, pot turn, pot river.
Vs reg - both value and blocker go 1/4, 3/4, pot.

Can use slightly different sizings (example fine to pot turn vs reg), my point is just that 1/2 is too big sizing to use with air/semi bluff here. Its simply not a good risk to reward ratio because i expect to get a lot folds cheaply, especially vs fish because we dont need to be balanced.

by middlebridge k

I'd bet about half pot ($15) which is what I'd do if I had a flush or the ace blocker. Obviously I'd fold to a check raise. If called I'd slow down on the turn unless I hit my straight.

Not so quick question: When you say 1-2-5 plo does that mean three blinds in front of the button?

OR pne blind on the button and two in front? (similar to northern California although sometimes the button blind is a dead drop)

OR blinds of $1 and $2 and you must bring in for at least $5 (similar to Encore Bos

Blinds are 1-2 and it’s a 5 bring in.

I'd typically underbet these flops

Like 20-30%,

let him fold his crap, fold on raise and with call see turn

I normally 50% or less on these boards. I try to keep it rather consistent the sizing as to when I do and don't have the flush.

He raises, we fold. He calls we reasses on turn.

by OmahaDonk k

Blinds are 1-2 and it’s a 5 bring in.

Thanks. Definitely similar to Encore in Boston (with 2-2 blinds) and many of the New Hampshire card rooms.

by Mixedgamelover k

I normally 50% or less on these boards. I try to keep it rather consistent the sizing as to when I do and don't have the flush.

He raises, we fold. He calls we reasses on turn.

Me too. It's a lockdown board with the nuts only changing if the board pairs. The more dynamic the board the more I'm likely to bet close to full pot or pot (if I bet).

by Mixedgamelover k

I try to keep it rather consistent the sizing as to when I do and don't have the flush.

You have to be consistent only against competent players, not vs recs.
The only time im using 1/2 sizing here is with nuts vs fish, any other time its best to bet small imo.
Its a very high FE board where i expect to get a fold like 80% of the time against most profiles, so its very easy and cheap to be balanced with small sizing.

25-33% all day.

There are zero PLO tables that I play at that are folding for less than Pot here .. it's PLO .. it's 6bb .. we have over 300bb!

Sure you can toss out a red bird and smile, but this is a peanut pot so we stab pot .. maybe 20 min. Does SB really have A/K/Q high hearts here (in this game)? that are going to call off a double barrel, especially if the Board connects on Turn?

If there's one think I found over the years .. Pros ARE NOT afraid of flushes anywhere near as much as Reg/Rec Players. Play like a Pro .. GL

Not sure if srs. Please direct me to said tables.
