2-3 With 55
2-3 NL. Hero has 55 in mp. Villain on btn seems spewy but not enough data to confirm. Have about 1100 eff.
V btn str 6, bb completes, hero limps, V makes it 31 only hero calls. I know fold pre but here we are.
Flop (70) : T95hh
Check check
Turn (70) : Khhh
Check, V 60, hero 200, V calls
River (470) : Jx
9 Replies
Preflop, I do not really know, and actually this is a very good example of why I think btn straddle is very bad for the game and should not be allowed.
Anyway, as played, I'd probably donk flop, and fairly big, like ~40: he's not folding TPs, overpairs, OESDs and FDs, which he has plenty in his range.
As played, I am not a fan of check-raising a (almost) psb on a turn which completes straights and flushes; just call and evaluate river.
As played, check river and hope he checks back.
Took me half a second to realize 55 is your hand and not your stack size.
I think a limp-call pre is basically ok when BTN straddles and BB completes.
Flop seems standard, though I think we can mix in some donk leads against a spewy V, hoping to induce light spaz raises.
The turn is why I like a flop donk on a wet board. Kh is kind of a problematic card. Think I'd probably donk turn after flop checks through.
As played, I'd probably just check call, not check raise at this point, and under-rep our hand. What worse hands are going to call a check-raise here?
River is a tough spot. I think our hand is too strong to turn into a bluff but not strong enough to bet for value. After we check raised turn, I think we probably should just check-evaluate, and hope he checks back.
If he bets $300 or less, I think we have to call. More than that is going to suck, and I think we have to fold, even knowing he'll have some worse showdown he could be turning into a bluff, the way this was played.
Then again, if V is spewy, does that mean he calls too light, bluffs too much, or value bets too thin? I wonder if we can continue to bet and expect him to call with AK or KJ, or if he'll bet those hands for value if we check.
Hard to say what to do if we're not certain our read is right. If I'm in V's spot with AK or KJ, or even KK, I'd probably check back a lot here, when both flush and straight draws come in. I wouldn't call a bet with worse than KJ, and maybe not worse than KK. I'd only raise with the Ah in my hand, and it seems like V could have a lot of AhXx here.
Your mistake is CRing the turn.
Call turn and check river is the line.
As played check is the only play.
As for check raising turn, doesn’t the Kh only complete draws that often bet flop? I mean are you really isoing AQhh and checking back this flop? Same for QJ. It seems like the K hits his AK and KQ a lot, or he will now bluff AJ or AQ.
Check raise gets lots of value from AK or single heart hands.
Pre was fine but I'd be leading out ott instead of c/r'ing when the 3rd heart comes out and we're that deep. Are you folding to a re-raise?
As played I would probably c/c or c/e if he bets big otr. If he checks it back I'd be fine with it instead of betting then possibly having to fold to a raise/jam.
As for check raising turn, doesn’t the Kh only complete draws that often bet flop? I mean are you really isoing AQhh and checking back this flop? Same for QJ. It seems like the K hits his AK and KQ a lot, or he will now bluff AJ or AQ.
Check raise gets lots of value from AK or single heart hands.
Whether or not V would bet his draws on the flop varies with the V, and perhaps V's reads on his opponents, and how likely he thinks they'd be to check-raise a flop c-bet.
Check-raise the river would get a tip of the hat from me, with three hearts and four to a straight on board.
Take my opinion with a grain of salt. I may approach river spots like this a bit too cautiously.
I don't like pre. _but_ I don't really like any of the other options much either. If straddle is going to raise a lot I guess we can just fold the first time. After we call the first time though I'm not sure I like folding more than calling.
BTN straddle sucks.
I'm fine with x/r turn, only time we are behind is if V is much better than we thought and has KK/QJ or maybe even AhQh/AhKh. I wouldn't be shocked to know robots never do it with our hand, but we aren't playing against robots.
If it was "985hh Kh T" ... I'd assume we have the best hand at least 75% of the time, unless V is good (or randomly played good).
But "T95hh Kh J" is very different. AKo/KQo/AhQx are all firmly in range and I'm not sure AKo does much other than check/fold. In game I probably check and try not to call too often/much, depending on how much we like our read we could bet like 250 as kind of a blocker bet and expect to get called by worse some (maybe even more if your read is correct) and only raised if we are beat.
I doubt we get straights to fold no matter what we do, but gg to you if you managed it ... move up 😉.
Flop checking through seems bad but I might be way off here this deep. I think I’m bombing it.
Hate turn c/r.
As played I guess it sure. Would be nice to know absolutely anything about V.