Who Shot dJRt
A friend of mine over here in the UK used to work in a theatre in Windsor (of castle fame) back in the mid 80s. He would go out regularly to the roof with a shotgun loaded with blanks and fire it to scare away the pigeons. So, one day while he was doing this, unbeknownst to him, a chopper with Reagan in it was flying overhead. The cops bundled him up straight away and he was interrogated for hours by British and US intelligence people/secret service. He was also a bit of a leftist, went to poll tax protests, that sort of thing, which didn't help his cause. Eventually they let him go, but in the meantime they'd executed a search warrant on his apartment and found a bunch of weed lol. I don't recall if he ever got charged for the weed. To this day his claim to fame is that he got arrested for attempting to assassinate Reagan.
Exactly my reaction when I read your post.
Oh wait I just got shot. Never mind it was staged. There is fake blood in my ear and fake dead bodies nearby.
Way to dodge my question btw. People were even saying Sandy Hook was staged.
going to be really interesting to see if this is a "come to jesus" moment that humanizes him a little and he takes a new lease on life or where he instead embraces the machismo of surviving the attempt and doubles down
also, looks like they got the shooter, otherwise this random dude taking an oddly timed nap on a roof during a real period of commotion
if that's the shooter, it's wild they were able to crawl out on such an exposed area
If it was faked then they would have wanted the shooter "dead" in plain sight for everyone to see so this fits.
What they wouldn't have wanted is some situation where it was like "yeah they were in a window but we shot him dead you'll have to trust us".
Can we got a poll in this thread? I think we need a poll. The people would benefit from one.
I wonder how many illegitimate children Trump has. A guy like him who's surely slept around a LOT over the years. I'm gonna set the o/u at 5.5.
The relatively lighthearted tone of this thread, the Trump thread, and the election thread is a bit mystifying to me.
This is a bad thing for the country if you support Trump, and an even worse thing for the country if you despise him.
The lighthearted tone is unacceptable whether your arguments against it are right or wrong.
it is unacceptable because the assassination attempt resulted in an innocent person dying.
Interesting am seeing reports Crooks was a registered Republican. No idea if true or not but if so I wonder if he was a moderate Never Trumper or a hardcore right wing 'Trump is actually too left wing' type
What I find unusual is how young the shooter was, 20 years old. Very few people that age in the US even follow politics that closely, much less have already developed such extreme, deep seated feelings that would lead to a political assassination attempt. He isn't even old enough to have voted in a presidential election yet.
I wouldnt be surprised if this turns out to be more of a case of someone who wanted to go out in a blaze of notoriety for some other reason than the typical left/right ideological clashes.
Hey browser, happy to see you still posting on 2p2!
Yeah that's some very interesting viewpoints you bring up. I imagine we'll find out some tangible answers within the next 48 hours.
Perhaps he was a self-hating Republican? Couldn't stand the shame of his own party.
Although as far as conspiracy theory bait goes, if that red head MAGA guy interview is accurate there will be a lot to talk about. We know now where the building shooter climbed on was in relation to the podium and yes there’s zero good reason anybody should had had a chance to get any shots off. And if he was there anywhere near as long as this guy was saying then wow. But even if not
You’ll have to see it but less than 200 meters away given the layout. That’s like nothing, a typical basic train
Is the Secret Service supposed to be that much better now than they were in 1968? RFK got killed indoors . Or were candidates not protected back then?
Reagan was already within five feet of the limo when the shots rang out. Trump was very far from any vehicle. The initial reaction was very similar in both cases - Secret Service pushing them down out of harms way. After that, Trump had a lot of time to think and react while on the way to the car.
rickroll makes the best threads.
He’s like the MVP of politics subforum.
If it was faked then they would have wanted the shooter "dead" in plain sight for everyone to see so this fits.
What they wouldn't have wanted is some situation where it was like "yeah they were in a window but we shot him dead you'll have to trust us".
So you think the shooter is still alive?