A question about microsoft excel

A question about microsoft excel

I need help from someone who is familiar with excel.
Here is the equation:

And here is the spreadsheet:

The bluff size is the unknown, so x.
How can I implement this equation?

15 July 2024 at 10:42 AM

5 Replies


bluff size is known

What is x? and what is pot size? Just use wolframalpha


F = fold %
P = pot size

x = F * (x + P)

x = F*x + F*P

-F*P = F*x - x

-F*P = (F-1)*x

(-F*P)/(F-1) = x

x = (-F*P)/(F-1)

link: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=x+%...

Following up on Brokenstar's response, here is a sample of the Excel application of his solution formula:

Instead of cell references like D3 you can use Excel's Name Manager to use the actual variable names, e.g. Pot

by Brokenstars k

What is x? and what is pot size? Just use wolframalpha


F = fold %
P = pot size

x = F * (x + P)

x = F*x + F*P

-F*P = F*x - x

-F*P = (F-1)*x

(-F*P)/(F-1) = x

x = (-F*P)/(F-1)

link: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=x+%...

Or equivalently if you don’t like negative signs (and it might make the formula easier to use without making typos)

X = (F*P)/(1-F). For Excel just type = followed by that formula with the F and P replaced by the appropriate cell reference.

by stremba70 k

Or equivalently if you don’t like negative signs (and it might make the formula easier to use without making typos)

X = (F*P)/(1-F). For Excel just type = followed by that formula with the F and P replaced by the appropriate cell reference.

Yes, this is better, thanks.
