Old timer back for more, what format to play?
Hey 2+2
I've been gone from poker, for quite a while now.
Been jumping on / off for over a decade, and have made it to medium stakes multiple times, in almost every format.
The thing is im right now hooked on poker again, but not really on a specific format, just hungry to study, and learn, while maintaining a degree of function in my private life.
Situation on the personal front:
I got 2-3 days a week to grind, about 5-6 hours, and the other days i have 30-90 min.
So what is my best option today?
I've mainly played cash, but it doesn't seem as attractive to me right now, not saying i wouldn't pick it if it was my best option, but yea, MTT's would be hard i believe. So would there be a good format, with good profits to be made, that fits into my schedule?
I have considered playing spin & go, but i live in Denmark, with minimal to no rakeback on stars, its a flat 15%, im unsure since it used to be heavily biased to being a RB enviorment.
Outside of that, i've been back and forth, if i should just dive into cash again, or if i should venture into new areas, basicly my hunger right now is just to learn, and work on the traits needed to crush poker again.
So what formats is the most profitable right now? If we consider rake, player pool, and consider my life factors?
Any thoughts are welcome, and would help me make a more direct search for where to focus my energy.
2 Replies
Of course you are trying to make money but I assume you have a job so just play whatever form of poker you find the most interesting right now. But having said that...
...play PLO cash. 😀