For my 100,000th post!
Some of you may remember my road trip from LA to Panama in 2018. Well after 4 years of shutin grinding, the book is fina
Btw Amazon is pure evil. Never ever use KDP (their self-publishing wing). I'm pretty sure their AI-powered fraud detection system banned my Kindle book and terminated my account (which means I can never use KDP again for the rest of my life) based on the fact that it resembles my paperback (duh it's the same book).
Now I'm in automated review hell. All the reasons have been ridiculously vague, and I have doubts a human has ever looked at my case. Customer service of the future is gonna be fun.
I'm done trying to fight them (still sent a Hail Mary email to [email][/email] just in case). In the next few days I'll publish the Kindle version through a different source and pray Amazon doesn't somehow ban that.
Very impressive! Congrats on the book!
Btw Amazon is pure evil. Never ever use KDP (their self-publishing wing). I'm pretty sure their AI-powered fraud detection system banned my Kindle book and terminated my account (which means I can never use KDP again for the rest of my life) based on the fact that it resembles my paperback (duh it's the same book).
Now I'm in automated review hell. All the reasons have been ridiculously vague, and I have doubts a human has ever looked at my case. Customer service of the future is gonna be fun.
Congrats on the book!
I would advise to find a 2+2'er or a friend of a friend who works for Amazon and can start a case internally. Same approach worked wonders when Facebook shut down my group with around 20,000 members and was ignoring all requests to reinstate it.
Congrats on the book!
I would advise to find a 2+2'er or a friend of a friend who works for Amazon and can start a case internally. Same approach worked wonders when Facebook shut down my group with around 20,000 members and was ignoring all requests to reinstate it.
agree with AA legend
years back when i worked for an app developer, we decided to upload our app to the amazon app store
lo and behold, when we attempt to upload it, we're told that we're pirates because the app is already on the app store
i check and sure enough it's there, the uploader is some random company with a name like ahdfsia;fdjlshfald and they also uploaded tons of other big titles like fifa etc etc
so it's pretty cut and dry, i'm emailing from the company email, the other company that uploaded our app is obviously a scammer (they probably embedded their own ad software inside the app or possibly some stuff that would data mine or even do nefarious stuff)
but amazon rejects me, i write them time and time again and each time get a standard message that the true developer already uploaded it - they clearly weren't even checking the information i was giving them and just doing a standard boiler plate rejection letter because they probably get a lot and don't even read them
finally, i find someone i vaguely know on linkedin who works for amazon, i dm them and explain the issue, they are mortified and it gets fixed (after about a two week wait)
so definitely cosign on AA legend's suggestion - they are likely not even reading your appeals because they probably get thousands each day
Actually after doing some more research I think I got off easy only having 3 Kindle sales (one of them me) before they terminated my account. A ton of these people had the same thing happen. Some lost $1000s in royalties, which Amazon just keeps.
KDP seriously sounds like a scam. Maybe the people who run it are somehow getting kickbacks from all the royalties they steal. Either that or they have some incentive to crush indie writers, maybe coming from the big publishing houses.
I'm going to publish the eBook with Ingram Spark and say good riddance to KDP. The eBook/Kindle version should still be for sale on Amazon, unless KDP manages to escape their little fiefdom and ruin my life across all of Amazon.
100k! huge congrats

Awesome. I hope you enjoy!
My unsigned copy arrived today. This better not actually be a book about the Chiefs.
Hah! I actually had a line about watching the Chiefs lose in the playoffs (again) when I watched them lose to the Titans in the infamous Jeff Triplette game.
But I took it out because by now no one will have any sympathy.
I hope you enjoy the book!
Here we go! Thanks suzzer!

Also, ****ing FANTASTIC trippy, artistic cover.
It reminds me of the scene in “Beavis and Butthead Do America” where they lose their minds and hallucinate through the desert.
Which, I’m sure you know, can only mean it’s the highest compliment I can pay.
I couldn’t help myself.
…I’m sure this is what you were going for.
Got back in town yesterday. Off to the PO to get mail, and there it was in the pile.
Thanks, suzzer! Looking forward to getting to it.
Also, ****ing FANTASTIC trippy, artistic cover.
It reminds me of the scene in “Beavis and Butthead Do America” where they lose their minds and hallucinate through the desert.
Which, I’m sure you know, can only mean it’s the highest compliment I can pay.
Nice. You're not far off. The cover look and feel is loosely based on the Simpsons episode where Homer eats the insanity pepper and goes on a vision quest. Johnny Cash shows up as a space coyote.
Zomg my copy landed here in the Ozarks today, it's gorgeous. Even has a photo of the author on the back. Thanks, Suzzer!
Got mine, too. Just started reading. Thanks again...
hey, I thought I already read your book...did you send me a digital copy of a first draft, or something?
Either way, congrats!
And let's get together next time you're in Vegas. It's been too long.
Got mine the other day.
Now just need to get the wife and kids to quit annoying me so I can read it.
Coder, FJ owner, over lander, poker player, close in age, you're like my long lost twin.
Thanks Suzzer!
In for epic thread.
Big accomplishment my friend. Congratulations!
Thanks a ton guys! The eBook has appeared on Barnes and Noble, but nowhere else yet. Hopefully it shows up on Amazon soon.
congrats on the book, commiserations on 100k posts
if not Amazon, where can I buy/order in the land of the kangaroo?