Who Shot dJRt

Who Shot dJRt

13 July 2024 at 10:40 PM

1393 Replies


It makes sense. The secret service sniper was clearly staring at the kid. He likely thought it was one of the local law enforcement so he didn't shoot and wanted to confirm before he did. What I don't get is why didn't they get Trump off of the stage.

by Luckbox Inc k

It's getting better and better

Now get out there and be somebody tommyboy.

I think it was a terrible spot to pick but sometimes the most obvious place is the least obvious(if he even knew that was the cop spot) place thing works.

by Luckbox Inc k

It's getting better and better

What's your opinion here?

An alibi to not shoot the guy for stated reasons that he may be law enforcement allowing the shot?

apparently a cop did approach his ladder and got a gun pointed at him and peaced the **** out

by formula72 k

What's your opinion here?

An alibi to not shoot the guy for stated reasons that he may be law enforcement allowing the shot?

I don't really have one and pretty much all the footage I've seen has been what's been posted in this thread. But maximum skepticism mode is definitely engaged.

by Tom Ames k

A teenager bragging that he has a big dick!
Stop the presses!!!

I think it's pretty obvious that he was joking. Obviously, everybody there or who would likely see the video, knew he was not attending Stanford. He was stringing together ridiculous boasts as a joke.

by MoViN.tArGeT k

well for one he never actually voted. I dont know the process of become a "registered republican" but it cant be that important to your future political positions if they let 17 year olds do it. is it something where you have to pay a monthly fee? if not its meaningless to me. you can sign a piece of paper when your 17 and still vote joe biden. What kind of 17 year old does that anyway. there was definitely outside forces maybe he got a 2 for 1 deal at the redneck gun range. If he was paying a m


by MoViN.tArGeT k

I dont know the process of become a "registered republican" but it cant be that important to your future political positions if they let 17 year olds do it. is it something where you have to pay a monthly fee? if not its meaningless to me. you can sign a piece of paper when your 17 and still vote joe biden. What kind of 17 year old does that anyway. there was definitely outside forces maybe he got a 2 for 1 deal at the redneck gun range. If he was paying a monthly fee to be "registered" then ya

When you register to vote (or pre-register, if you're 16 or 17 years old), there's a section of the registration form that asks if you want to choose a political party preference. This preference is not binding in any way; it merely allows you to vote in primary elections for the party of your choice.

There's no fee to register to vote, and there's no fee (monthly or otherwise) to choose a political party preference when you do register.

by MoViN.tArGeT k

well for one he never actually voted. I dont know the process of become a "registered republican" but it cant be that important to your future political positions if they let 17 year olds do it. is it something where you have to pay a monthly fee? if not its meaningless to me. you can sign a piece of paper when your 17 and still vote joe biden. What kind of 17 year old does that anyway. there was definitely outside forces maybe he got a 2 for 1 deal at the redneck gun range. If he was paying a m

The question was "why is it insane to call someone who is a registered republican a republican?" Given that you've now failed to answer (or even address) it in 2 attempts, I'm going to go ahead and assume it's not "insane", unless you think "insane" means "could possibly be inaccurate, too early to tell".

Broken YouTube Link

RIP, that's the most important.

Looks Trump pointed out the killer for a minute, nobody cared. Or?

by plaaynde k

RIP, that's the most important.

Looks Trump pointed out the killer for a minute, nobody cared. Or?

"Look, there's another one of my loyal supporters, he loves me so bigly he climbed all the way up on the roof to wave that large gun"

by Luckbox Inc k

But maximum skepticism mode is definitely engaged.

I would have said that you approach all world events with the same unique blend of skepticism and credulity.

There is what we think happened and what really happened. The facts are not black and white and only a thorough investigation will tell most of the story but even then the accounts can be manipulated, as they usually are.

If a cop did see the shooter on the roof why didn't they call on the radio a warning to the security team? This is a colossal failure of the whole security process . The video of the lady SS agent who can't get her gun in the holster is hilarious.

by jcorb k

The video of the lady SS agent who can't get her gun in the holster is hilarious.

That's crazy, considering how highly trained they are supposed to be. The big issue is having people a foot shorter than Trump who are supposed to be shielding him.

But let's not forget the time a nutter made his way into the White House and overpowered a SS agent:

by jcorb k

There is what we think happened and what really happened. The facts are not black and white and only a thorough investigation will tell most of the story but even then the accounts can be manipulated, as they usually are.

If a cop did see the shooter on the roof why didn't they call on the radio a warning to the security team? This is a colossal failure of the whole security process . The video of the lady SS agent who can't get her gun in the holster is hilarious.

Really if a stressful situation like that she misses her holster while trying to shield the President

Another report has a officer encountering the shooter 30 minutes earlier using a range finder directed at the stage

Director of the SS needs to be fired and whoever led that security team on that day needs to lose his/her/them/they/ze job

by jcorb k

The video of the lady SS agent who can't get her gun in the holster is hilarious.

It's ok. She's protecting herself from any additional shots

To be fair, if the choice is between losing your job and taking a bullet for Trump, it's a bit of a no brainer.

by Luckbox Inc k

I don't really have one and pretty much all the footage I've seen has been what's been posted in this thread. But maximum skepticism mode is definitely engaged.

This is your time to shine. I'm out here looking for guidance on how to proceed

by d2_e4 k

To be fair, if the choice is between losing your job and taking a bullet for Trump, it's a bit of a no brainer.

Why are you against Trump if you support self-serving actions rather than properly doing your job. Sounds like you should be his biggest fan.

by housenuts k

Why are you against Trump if you support self-serving actions rather than properly doing your job. Sounds like you should be his biggest fan.

I don't hate Trump for "self serving actions", I hate him for a bunch of other stuff I've explained to you a thousand times already.
