2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***
The 2024 WSOP will take place at Horseshoe Las Vegas and Paris Las Vegas from May 28 to July 17, 2024, with the Main Event running from July 3 to July 17. The Main Event – poker’s undisputed freezeout world championship – will have four starting days, beginning on Wednesday, July 3. Players may also register directly on Day 2.
Think I remember a guy Floes on Pokerstars, is that Joe Serock?

Seems like serock has to win
Only the online nerds think Lena is going to win. The reality will be much different, I suspect he'll blow up against Kim 5 handed. Book it.
Only the online nerds think Lena is going to win. The reality will be much different, I suspect he'll blow up against Kim 5 handed. Book it.
Lena will likely put on an ICM masterclass.
Since Lena is likely most financially secure and ICM aware, he is the least likely to blow up at the table.
Serock with a decent seat imo, position on the 2 crushers, and idk if Griff's that dude to leverage and get ool, we'll see.
Kim worst seat imo, and if Latinois gets chips, he's in a tough spot also.
oh god just go away jack and this lady and just deal
I’ll never understand why people don’t snap fold pre when they have trash. It’s so stupid
Free to get in and there must be 30 people there max, 10 of them railing one player.
Serock high in interview?
Good god Serock, do some more drugs.
How high was Serock in that interview?
wow she really butchered that intro shuffle up and deal.
Slow start so far
So what's to stop someone from creating some investment account, giving my name, SS# account # and routing #, and draining my bank account into their account?
Honestly asking. I feel like there has to be some other verification step in there right?
First, it isn’t your routing number. It is the bank routing number. That number is publically available. If call the bank, they will gladly give it to you. It is also widely available on the we. There are dozens of free online resources specifically there to allow looking up these routing numbers.
Second, the brokerage will do more to verify your identity than just accept your name and ssn (your checking account number would have nothing to do with opening brokerage account). They know that information is too available. They are also bound by KYC regs part of which is verifying id.
Third, even if they managed to create brokerage account, your checking account bank is not going to complete an account linking solely based on brokerage request. They are going to verify with you that you requested the link.
Fourth, the link will be verified at least on the first transfer. Some institutions can limit every transfer both in size and by requiring specific authorization. Additionally, banks will flag and delay/seek confirmation on unusually large transactions.
Fifth, even if all of those safeguards fail and your account was drained, when you found out and protested, after investigation, assuming no fault on your part, you would be refunded the full amount. It would be scary maybe painful and certainly angering, but you would get you money back.
Consider this, how many checks get written everyday. If ‘leaking’ your account number was so risky and millions of checks leak it every day, you would think that it would be huge news and some solutions would have been necessitated years ago.
Short stacks winning all the pots so far
This guy and his scarves, no one else doing that nonsense
Good start for Gonzalez
Some shaky hands out there
yeah, lots of preflop rags so far. I think we saw jacks once and ace/king once.
Damn id much much rather watch the 25k horse.
Gonzalez the winner in the first hour. Serock the loser, didnt't drag a pot and lost a decent chunk of his stack.
Bringing in Ali and Nick this early was a very smart decision. I bet whoever made it would’ve folded QQ there too….