2-3 with AJss
Utg limp hero in utg1 raise 15 AJss. HJ co btn utg call
Flop (80) : Jx3s2s
Check hero 40 just HJ calls
Turn (160) : Kx
We have about 400 behind.
15 Replies
Bet again. Most likely holdings are a Jack or a flush draw. HJ shouldn't have a King very often apart from KJ or KXss, both of which you're not in great shape against but have some equity. If you get called and river is a blank then you'll probably need to check.
Check-jam could be an alternative?
$125 and stuffing most rivers. You don’t have to improve to win here necessarily.
Am I seeing this right…..flop was 5 ways?
If so, check or bet small again. You’re holding spades, so less chance of flush draw. You’re also holding a J.
50/50 if he folds his Jx hands to larger bet which we definitely want to keep in. Flush draws are calling no matter what probably, but again, we are blocking. And not many people at these stakes are going to fold a flush when it completes. So we don’t need to inflate pot here on turn.
I prefer a check here and calling any bet size. We will have JJ and KJ here that we can bet large with. And AsJs when there is no K or Q turn that we can bet larger with. 2nd Pair + FD doesn’t really need to do much here. And we aren’t folding out better hands ever on this board. So no reason to go large when we do bet.
Checking also gives him a chance to bluff or if he thinks he’s value betting QJ/JT or other Jx. And we cooler them at times when they floated with A3 and A2 on Ace rivers when they check behind on turn.
I would never bet large and then jam non A or spade rivers. Thats a sure way to run into sets and KJ once you start out 5 handed and start betting larger.
I think theory says we should barrel here, for at least 2/3 pot. If the K adds another flush draw, I'm definitely betting for value and protection.
If we have any reads on HJ, that might sway me to check. Like, if we think he's flatting AKo or KQs pre, or if he tends to over-play thin value.
I don't hate a check though. V could have KJ, or might take a stab with a worse flush draw, or 54s / A5s. He might bet worse Jx occasionally.
If we check, the question is what's our plan for the river, if we make the flush, or if we don't? If we check and make our flush, it'll be hard to get paid. If we bet turn, we can size up if we make our flush or check-evaluate when we don't.
Ch call ott and evaluate river. You have a medium strength hand equity wise that really does not want to be raised.
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I think theory says we should barrel here, for at least 2/3 pot. If the K adds another flush draw, I'm definitely betting for value and protection.
If we have any reads on HJ, that might sway me to check. Like, if we think he's flatting AKo or KQs pre, or if he tends to over-play thin value.
I don't hate a check though. V could have KJ, or might take a stab with a worse flush draw, or 54s / A5s. He might bet worse Jx occasionally.
If we check, the question is what's our plan for the river, if we m
Multiway theory is far different than heads up pots. You almost never size up multiway. So it’s an exploit when you do. You’ve already gotten the one guy out of four that’s interested in this pot. Sizing up will only further push him higher into his range that is already going to be stronger than normal by default since he’s the guy that’s left after a 5 handed flop.
The only way you’re getting paid with your flush regardless (unless whale calling with single pairs, in which case, it doesn’t matter anyway) is if they have 2p+. And most are going to have trouble folding 2p+ at low stakes. Dude likely isn’t going to stack off over three streets here with QJ or JT.
When deciding to bet, I would put “getting paid off for flush” at the very bottom of the list of reasons to actually bet turn. It would be high up on reasons not to bet turn. As we need them to have a better than single pair hand. Which the river can only help with.
At this point, V either already has a set or 2p……or he needs to improve to 2p+ to pay us if we hit our flush. Neither of those two things require us to bet this turn.
flop too big
turn is a check after this big flop sizing. you block all worse hands that call and you really hate getting raised. if you bet the this turn you are essentially trying to bluff Kx.
My theory is that if im beat, he will bet the turn. So if i had AJ no flush draw id probably b/f it about $110. With AsJs id have to bet/call, so id rather check/call turn with this combo.
I'm still gonna bet to get value from his FD's that we might not get if it bricks out. If he had a weaker jack odds are we won't be getting much more (if any) anyway so I don't mind if he folds.
Hero check calls 100
River 7x we check he shoves 300 we fold and get shows T8ss
My late coach Mr. ANL used to tell me way back in the day "when you hand him the keys to the car, he's gonna drive it away" or somthing like that.
You went into a c/c mode and checked the river and he actaully made a pretty good bet since you're hand is narrowed down to very weak.
Bet the turn then bet small/call the river (you'd be committed so don't worry about thinking of folding at that point).
My late coach Mr. ANL used to tell me way back in the day "when you hand him the keys to the car, he's gonna drive it away" or somthing like that.
You went into a c/c mode and checked the river and he actaully made a pretty good bet since you're hand is narrowed down to very weak.
Bet the turn then bet small/call the river (you'd be committed so don't worry about thinking of folding at that point).
you do realize that if hero called he would have won the max, right?
maybe im being results oriented, but i think i call the river shove. what hand could he have? slowplaying a set on a FD board? he doesnt have KK or JJ. only hand you really lose to is KJ and you block that.
The hero gave up and the hand was taken away from him so yes that's right. I wasn't saying to fold I was saying I would of bet the turn, then perhaps he wouldn't think hero's so weak and maybe he woulnd't attempt to bluff.
Some hands you call 1 bet and not 2. Sometimes opponents double barrel. You dont win every hand, and overplaying 2nd pair is gonna just lose you money in other ways. I think check call and check fold a blank is solid. Vs arent jamming their stack in with air even close to enough otr.