Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT)

Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT)

Would like to hear from Mohegan Sun players and employees.

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13 March 2009 at 05:18 AM

164 Replies


by Perrone66 k

Going to Mohegan on Wednesday. Can anyone answer the following poker questions.

1. Will the 8/16 OE game be going?
2. Did they raise the 1/2 BI to 400?
3. Foxwoods is having their 3x Poker rewards points on the same day - will it impact Mohegan?

On Bravo, it says that the poker room is opening at 5 p.m. Wednesday because of maintenance.

by aaronk56 k

On Bravo, it says that the poker room is opening at 5 p.m. Wednesday because of maintenance.

They sent out this in an e-mail. I don't have any info beyond the e-mail which was from almost two weeks ago though, so maybe something has changed.

edit: their website says the same. Nothing about Wednesday

by Dan GK k

They sent out this in an e-mail. I don't have any info beyond the e-mail which was from almost two weeks ago though, so maybe something has changed.

edit: their website says the same. Nothing about Wednesday

😊 Oops. Can't expect an old retired man to know what day of the week the 9th is.

lol those tourney chips are like 15 years old in that pic.

by MoHawgs k

lol those tourney chips are like 15 years old in that pic.

Yeah, I've been going there for 14 years now and have never seen those red-ish colored ones. What denomination are they supposed to be??

by JVinegar k

Yeah, I've been going there for 14 years now and have never seen those red-ish colored ones. What denomination are they supposed to be??

I seem to recall brownish 100s from 20 years ago.

by MoHawgs k

lol those tourney chips are like 15 years old in that pic.

Maybe they are closing the room to clean the chips! Kappa

by JVinegar k

Yeah, I've been going there for 14 years now and have never seen those red-ish colored ones. What denomination are they supposed to be??

I think those are the MTT $5 chips used for antes in the 9am $60 Stud tourneys I played in over 20 years in the original Earth poker room. No Kappa this time

Yup $5 chips

Hi. Coming in tomorrow for the Thursay Triple status point. Does it make a difference playing 1+2 or 2-5 in terms of status points or comp dollar, or casino offers? I think Bortgata give 2 Points/Comp dollar per hour for 2-5, but $1.50 for 1-3. Thanks again.

$1-2 NL = 2pts. per hr., $2-5 NL = 3pts. per hr.

Will it be dead tomorrow due to it being the 13th? (Not really joking). Going to play the $350. Looks like rain all day so I’m hoping the turnout is good

Any locals/regulars able to share the rake breakdowns for Mohegan and Foxwoods?
I played a bit maybe 6 months ago at both, cant remember what MS was but I know I was shocked at FW with the $2 on the flop at 1/2 and what I think was $7 total, not counting any extra for promos/HHJ's
Basically just looking for what the buyins, rake, and general feel is on current 1/2 and 2/5 NL at both and if Limit Holdem is ever spread (was told no at FW by the players that day but still cant believe the staple 2/4 and 4/8 games are truly 100% gone until I hear it from people who know for sure)

Rake for 1/2 and 2/5 is $6 + $1 for the BBJ. $1 at flop, $10, $30, $40, $50, $60 and the $1 for the BBJ comes out at $20 I think.

For buy-ins, 1/2 is $60-$400 and 2/5 is $200-$1000.

Games are hit or miss. I think the room has a reputation for having a lot of nitty older regulars but what room doesn’t?

I see 2/4 limit running occasionally but definitely not all the time. Maybe someone else knows the schedule.

Mohegan 2/5 is probably the nittiest in the country. Not even sure it's intentional, people are just legit scared to put $ in without the nuts there.

Someone once said to me having QQ is like having 44 at MS 2/5. It tracks.

$4-8 Limit Holdem runs a few days a week at Foxwoods (Bravo is your friend in this regard). As previously stated the $2-5 NL game at Mohegan can be hit-or-miss in the daytime hours but the $2-5 game at Foxwoods is horrifically tight to the point where it is a complete waste of time to sit in it.

by prizminferno k

Mohegan 2/5 is probably the nittiest in the country. Not even sure it's intentional, people are just legit scared to put $ in without the nuts there.

Someone once said to me having QQ is like having 44 at MS 2/5. It tracks.

Full of backpack and headphone wearing try hards that seat change and table change all night to get position on fish. Puke.

by prizminferno k

Mohegan 2/5 is probably the nittiest in the country. Not even sure it's intentional, people are just legit scared to put $ in without the nuts there.

Someone once said to me having QQ is like having 44 at MS 2/5. It tracks.

lol I want to say this is an exaggeration but you almost certainly have more hours at MS 2/5 than I do and I did get flatted by QQ pre-flop just last night.

I found the Mohegan 2/5 comprised of more than a few players who love talking strategy and letting everyone know how “plus ev” they are. Also it’s never a good look when the entire table (including the dealer) discussing how “bad” the main game is.

by MuchoGood k

I found the Mohegan 2/5 comprised of more than a few players who love talking strategy and letting everyone know how “plus ev” they are. Also it’s never a good look when the entire table (including the dealer) discussing how “bad” the main game is.

The irony of this is they're likely not even winning. There's 5-6 good players max at MS and they almost all play 5/10 over 2/5, and none would talk like that at the table. Those people are just **** regs and are really, really bad for the game. They're necessary for the room to exist, however, as they keep showing up and paying rake. Smile and wave.

by prizminferno k

The irony of this is they're likely not even winning. There's 5-6 good players max at MS and they almost all play 5/10 over 2/5, and none would talk like that at the table. Those people are just **** regs and are really, really bad for the game. They're necessary for the room to exist, however, as they keep showing up and paying rake. Smile and wave.

Yup I would agree overall. I generally saw younger 20 somethings being loud and my (old man) opinion is they are just happy to be “good” at something and enjoy the “ego boost” it gives them talking about poker terms. I see that at lots of places but the best places and table have little poker talk outside the very basic stuff so while they might not be the crushers they take away from the overall EV any game can have.

Do choice credits roll over each month? I just got ignite and only got 41 choice credits applied to my account, I thought it was supposed to be 50? As far as I know, 41 credits won't even let you exchange into mohegan dollars. Maybe it's prorated if you get it mid month?

Also, it says 2 complimentary greens fees each month. That's in addition to the choice credits? Or do I need to use choice credits to pay for the rounds?

by HungDaddy69 k

Do choice credits roll over each month? I just got ignite and only got 41 choice credits applied to my account, I thought it was supposed to be 50? As far as I know, 41 credits won't even let you exchange into mohegan dollars. Maybe it's prorated if you get it mid month?

Also, it says 2 complimentary greens fees each month. That's in addition to the choice credits? Or do I need to use choice credits to pay for the rounds?

No they don’t roll over and yes it was prorated because you got ignite mid month. Same thing happened to me. There are a variety of things (mostly food) that you can spend 15 or 25 choice credits on.

I believe the greens fees are in addition to the choice credits but I’m not sure. Not a golfer.

by HungDaddy69 k

Do choice credits roll over each month? I just got ignite and only got 41 choice credits applied to my account, I thought it was supposed to be 50? As far as I know, 41 credits won't even let you exchange into mohegan dollars. Maybe it's prorated if you get it mid month?

Also, it says 2 complimentary greens fees each month. That's in addition to the choice credits? Or do I need to use choice credits to pay for the rounds?

Two green fees a month are free ( 4 for Leap and 8 for Ascend). You have to pay for the cart if you’re below Ascend. You can use choice credits to pay for the cart, it use to be 20 choice credits, not sure of current cost.

This Sunday is our regular first Sunday of the month 8:16 horse game. We start by 11:00 a.m. at the latest. we have switched from Tuesday and Wednesday to Wednesday and Thursday for our 8-16 OE games each week. Every Thursday until Labor Day is triple status day. So for each Thursday you will receive six status points per hour. If you like high low poker this is the place to be.

This Sunday August 11th, we are going to have a special 8-16 HORSE game. Starting sometime before 11:00 a.m.. apparently many of the poker players are getting a free $75 gift card on that day. So since the players will be at the casino anyway we thought we'd have a special game. All are welcome. Of course, our regular Wednesday and Thursday games remain intact. We're approaching 3 years now.
