The Eyeballing Test

The Eyeballing Test

19 July 2024 at 09:23 PM

13 Replies

Pretty hard on mobile

Finger covers the dot so can’t see where you are placing it

thought i was doing ok but second time around i guess i didn't take such care.

My best so far. My first was, 4.1x, then 6.9x, and 3.5x


by filthyvermin k


From Politics thread...

by filthyvermin k

in most ways I really can't tell Biden and trump apart

by Mark_K k

You may want to invest in a pair of glasses.


but the others took at least 10x longer than I did


I bet Mr Magoo could do it faster too.


Time taken does seem to be a determining factor with this.

Whatever this means

by Nicholasp27 k

Pretty hard on mobile

Finger covers the dot so can’t see where you are placing it

Do it again. You don’t have to be on the line to move it, just in the box. So you can see what’s happening


New personal best.

12.35, just above average. That was fun!
